
Oct 29, 2010 18:07

Title: Just by Touch
Rating: R porn
Summary: Orihime is determined to show Ulquiorra that as much as she is suspectable to his touch, that he as is with hers.
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: none
Chapters: 1
Notes: This was written for my friend frotu's birthday. <3 Much love and hugs to her.

Orihime’s hands gripped his shoulders letting out a low moan as Ulquiorra lips sucked at the area between her neck and shoulder. His hand was over her breast, squeezing it slightly as she let out another loud moan. Forgetting everything that was happening around her, that hazy warm achy feeling running through her body as he pushed her against the wall more. His head lifting up and kissing her, his tongue pushing her mouth open, she let out another moan, her fingers digging into his shirt as the kissed.

Orihime pushed herself against him more and then he pulled away, his face was still near as Orihime regained her breath, her cheeks flushed as her hands moved and touched the sides of his neck, “Why did you stop?” she whispered, still trying to gain some of control.

Ulquiorra just looked at her, Orihime was amazed how soft his eyes would get during these moments. Like he would really let his walls down, her smirked then. “Does it really please you that much?” he said, his hand coming up and playing with her hair. Orihime’s eyes widen and her face flushed more, burning red.

“W-what are you talking about?” she knew what he was talking about, he was a prideful person sometimes, but this was a strange thing to take pride in.

“You get excited easily, woman.” he said bluntly, his finger tracing the front of her throat, making her shiver, “but we cannot finish right now. Don’t you have your ‘school’ to go too?” he smirked again his eyes heavy and Orihime felt herself trapped for a moment. Then she moved pushing anyway from him fixing her blouse.

“That’s not true!” she said as she picked up her bag, “Don’t get carried away with yourself Ulquiorra!” she glared at him, ignoring the blush on her cheeks and the ache in her hips as she walked out the door.

Or the fact Ulquiorra looked very, very pleased with himself.


She stared at the chalkboard, not really listening to her Math Teacher’s talking as she thought about what happened that morning with Ulquiorra. In how an innocent kiss goodbye had turned into that…..

Was she really that weak against him as he implied?

There were many times that his touch made…her lose control in ways that it shouldn’t have. It was so hard not too, he seemed to know what to do and where to do it even though he said he was never with anyone before her.

Some insecurity ran through her at that. How Ulquiorra could make her moan and scream until her throat was raw but she could never get the same reaction, he would moan but he usually kept quiet, his only motion of enjoyment was when he would squeeze her hips or how his fingers dug in her hair, and the small moments when she touched his neck.

Orihime sighed as she put her chin on her hand, she had to prove even though it was true ,that he didn’t affect her as much as he actually did. Since it seemed it was getting to Ulquiorra’s head…or maybe she can prove that yes he does, but she does the same to him also.

It would be nice to prove that, to herself and him that she can make Ulquiorra scream (she knew that was a little out there, screaming.) her name like she did his.

Orihime smiled widely as she started to write down her math notes as she formed the planned inside her head of what she was going to say to him.


Ulquiorra was making dinner when Orihime arrived home, he did a lot of the house work. Which amazed and amused Orihime at most since he didn’t know how in the beginning, or very well. He worked for Urahara, by helping take out hollows and did work fpr the older man that Ulquiorra wouldn’t tell Orihime, but it helped pay the bills.

Orihime trusted it wasn’t anything dangerous or stupid.

“I’m home!” she called out, taking her shoes off and putting her bag near the umbrella cage. “Ulquiorra?” she walked up behind him as he stirred soup in the kitchen. He turned his head and looked at her, smirked.

“Welcome home, woman.” and then went back to what he was doing, Orihime smiled with her hands behind her back as she moved to stand right behind him, her forehead against his back.

“How was your day?” she asked her arms coming around and hugging him, her fingers playing with his shirt buttons, Ulquiorra made no movement. One hand stirring and the other in his pocket.

“It was fine, you?”


It was quiet between them, Orihime wasn’t sure how to bring up what had happened or if she even wanted too, she just stayed there at first taking in his warm scent. Wondering how, only about two years before he was the enemy and she loved another man.

But now….

“is something wrong?” his deep voice suddenly cut through her thoughts. Orihime blinked letting go and stepping away as he moved back and took the pot off of the stove.

“No.” she smiled walking over to the table kneeling in her place. “The soup smells yummy! Is it miso?”

Ulquiorra really liked miso soup.

“YES.” he finished making two bowls and walked over to her and gave her bowl, before getting up again and getting bread and bean paste also, something eh also enjoyed. As he kneeled down also they both ate, Orihime told him about school and how Kurosaki-kun was ignoring Kuchiki-san for some reason and how she left back to Soul Society early. Ulquiorra only commented on how he was a fool.

Then a peaceful silence fell between them, after she finished her soup Orihime nibbled on her bread before looking at Ulquiorra who was reading the paper.

Could she really make him…?

Orihime looked away when he suddenly looked up and their eyes connected, she blushed embarrassed (and a little ashamed?) of the thoughts that were running through her head. “I have homework to do.” she stood up, “I’ll be in my room.” she smiled as she left, even though they were together in many ways they never really officially shared a bed, even though he would stay afterwards.

Orihime wondered if that should change..?

She shook that thought out of her head, there were other things she wanted to do first. Like knock Ulquiorra’s arrogance out of him and show just because just simple touches of his does make her excited, she can and does the same to him.

Se sat in front or her small table, staring blankly at her Japanese history book, too busy sketching on her paper and planning that she didn’t hear the door open suddenly, it was when he touched her that she jumped but stopped as he sat behind her.

“Ulquiorra?” she said softly, his hand was warm as it went under her shirt. Orihime’s skin tingled and her breath hitched as his finger moved up and down on her spine. He said nothing though, and Orihime tried to block the touches out, to show him on some level he didn’t have that control over her as he claimed and clearly enjoyed.

But it didn’t work as his other hand turned her head and kissed her, then him pushing her on her back and her arms wrapped around his neck as he deepened the kiss, his hand unbuttoning her shirt and she lost control.


Orihime tried to catch her breath as she laid the crook of Ulquiorra’s arm, she was slightly cold even though only her top was unbutton and bra brought down, he seemed to be in too much of hurry.

Orihime moved on her side, laying her head on his shoulder looking at him. His eyes were closed but she knew he wasn’t asleep and his breathing had slowed. Orihime’s hand reached up, touching his face and tracing his tear mark, with that movement Ulquiorra opened his eyes and looked at her. She smiled and mouth ‘hi’ and his eyes, and only she could tell, softened and his own hand came up and touched her cheek.

He then grabbed her chin and kissed her and let go. Orihime didn’t say anything as she let moved her arms around him at first, but the thoughts and actions of the day started to build up in her mind.

“Hey Ulquiorra…” she started her hand over his where his heart was, “do I really…” she stopped not sure how to phrase it without sounding strange, was it truly necessary to bring up now? So what if he was proud of his skill, shouldn’t it? Shouldn’t she be also?

“You do.” he said, his eyes closed again. Orihime blinked her mouth open as she sat up, looking down at him, not carrying for any modesty of her exposed chest, Ulquiorra opened his eyes then but just stared at hers.

“How did you know what I was going to say?” her voice high pitched from surprise, “I mean…what are you talking about…?” she tilted her head.

“You’re easy to read that’s why.” he put his hand behind his head, “and how you acted this morning, and I knew it would come up again.” Orihime laughed at this, embarrassed but happy he could figure it out without her having to say anything.

“I wonder if I would be with that to anyone else?” she smiled seeing his eyes widen and his frown deepen. “Must just be how my body is and such, any man…” Ulquiorra sat up then, grabbing the back of her head and pushing her face towards his.

“You, Orihime, are only sensitive to my touch.” he said, his voice deep, she could feel his fingers deep in her hair pulling it slightly, Orihime closed her eyes and sigh and then smiled at him.

“Is that so?” Ulquiorra gave a short, sharp nod. “Then would that mean you’re only sensitive to my touch?” her hand came up and played with the piece of hair that stuck between his eyes.

“Hmm…” he said nothing, seeming to enjoy getting that out of the way since his hand that held her hair and was now moving up and down on her back but didn’t say anything, Oirhime’s eyes narrowed and she frowned, her stomach dropping slightly.

“Right?” she said, hating the little edge of desperation on her voice, her hands moved and touched his neck as she bent and kiss the base of his throat and Ulquiorra did nothing. She pushed back, staring, “You’re kinda cold now…”

“I’m not,” he looked at her, “it’s not that you don’t. My resolve is too strong for you to break, woman.” he moved to stand up, “now I have to leave to work for that man. I’ll be back in the morning.” Orihime hated when he had night jobs.

“I’ll break your resolve!” she said as he walked out the door, she stood up and walked to where he stood, she started to button her shirt, “I will.” he looked down at her, she could see he was amused and that he didn’t really believe her.

“I see.” she leaned up then and kissed him but he broke it before she could try anything else. “I’ll be back.” and left, Orihime sighed as she stood there, but determined as she picked up a plastic wrap and threw it away.

She would get him to scream her name.


Orihime looked down at him as and Ulquiorra just stared back up at her, she sighed as she bent her head down kissing his chest again, sucking on his skin as she pressed herself against him. It was hard doing this, she hadn’t gotten any response but his normal and she had tried many things, switching how she kissed and touched him. He seemed to like those, but it never came close to what she wanted.

“You don’t seem to be enjoying yourself at all.” Orihime blinked as he said that, “I know what you’re trying to do but thinking too much takes out of you action, or at least that what you have told me.” Orihime looked and sighed smiling.

“Yeah…” and she stopped, moving up and kissing him and it changed then, his hands came up, grabbing her hair and holding it as she moved her tongue inside his mouth, pushing and moving against his tongue, heat building between then as her hands moved down to his pants, not even opening them as she pushed her hand against him, his breath hitched but nothing changed but Orihime could fill her own heat pulled him but she tried to gain control even though she let out a small moan as his hands moved down and grabbed her butt squeezing as she pushed herself against him.

She pushed back then, but was grabbed back into a kiss by Ulquiorra as he switched the positions and was on top of her, Orihime sighed as he started to kiss her neck, moving her lower body up as he undid his pants. But hearing the sigh Ulquiorra looked at her, “Is something wrong?” he asked looking concerned.

Orihime smiled and shook her head, “I guess I failed for tonight, hmm?” and kissed him before he could say anything back.

Orihime sat and stared at him she had put her clothes (shirt and panties) back on as he laid in the bed, his eyes closed. It was annoying, how impassive he was sometimes about things or somehow turning it and making her the one with the sore muscles in the morning or the raw throat. She crawled up the bed and sat next to him and then laid next to him her head on his shoulder.

She wanted to think about something else now.

“It’s really gone…” she said out loud, not even realizing she did until he suddenly spoke and asked her what she was talking about. “Oh she smiled up at him, “I was thinking about the hollow hole, I mean hmmm…” she head moved up as her finger traced the outline of where it was then and if she wasn’t paying attention…she heard him gasp, something that he never really did. Her eyes widen then as she sat up and looked at him. Her fingers redoing the movements, he looked away and shifted and then let out a moan that she could feel vibrate in his chest. “Ulquiorra…” she then moved and straddled his waist.

“Woman…” he sounded irritate and a little breathless as he moved, Orihime smiled bending down and licking that area and Ulquiorra let out an even louder moan and his hand flew up and grabbed her head. There were times in the past she did touch this area and he would make sounds, but it must have been the first time it really registered in her that it was this. She didn’t respond to him as he repeated his ‘woman’ and even said her name, she licked and sucked at that area, her hands moving down his chest in unison to her small quick kisses and licks.

He gave out another moan when she pushed herself against him through the sheets, her groan pressing against his and moving in short thrusts as her fingers traced again as her head moved up and kissed him, her hands cupping his face and then moving up and down his neck, everything felt hot and she could feel the desperation in his hips meeting hers, in how his returned the kisses and. Orihime broke the kiss and enjoying how he looked at it as she moved her mouth down, kissing his throat, sucking on it as she moved down to the area where his hole once was, liking the tracing she had memorized with her fingers and mind.

“Hmmm….Woman…” he moaned, Orihime’s heart raced as she heard how deep his voice was, it was hard to breath then as she moved against him, enjoying how hard he felt against her, her own body ached but she didn’t want to give in yet, not yet…her pushed against her hips again harder making her yell out, her underwear wetter.

Orihime laughed as she stopped, staring down at him, “I guess this is how you feel at times….hmmm..?” Ulquiorra didn’t say anything, Orihime enjoying the sight of him, his face flushed and him sweating and eyes unfocused as he caught his breath. It was powerful feeling, to have a man so much stronger for her under her begging for release and having her the ability to control if he did or not. She bent down again, lifting her hips up as she moved the sheet away looking down at him. “What are you going to do?” his voice was horse as Orihime kissed his chest again, making his give a soft moan, down his stomach and then he stopped right over his member.

Orihime then moved her mouth over his cock, slowly moving down, taking it all in as he fingers rested at the base. Ulquiorra’s head immediate grabbed her hair, pulling it hard, by that she could tell he was already very close, but she continued to move her mouth up and down. Her fingers pushing against his balls, massaging them in motion with her mouth.

And just then he released into her mouth, it was warm and a salty taste as she swallowed. Her hands still rubbing the sides of his cock as she took her mouth off, she smiled up at him wiping her mouth. Enjoying the sight of his flushed, sweaty, hard breathing body. Making hips ache.

Ulquiorra grabbed her arm then, Orihime squealed slightly then as he pushed his mouth against hers hard as he grabbed her butt again, holding it in place as he moved under her. Orihime’s hands grabbed the sheets as she moved into a kneeling position, her head down watching (though her breasts skewed the show) as Ulquiorra moved up, putting his mouth over her. Orihime yelled out as she felt his mouth on her, his hard sucking and tongue pushing inside her and licking around, pushing against her clit. Orihime’s mind was fuzzy, all of her nerves and senses on what his tongue was doing, his fingers digging into her skin.

It seemed to go on forever, Orihime really forgetting the reason she started this as the pit in her stomach, the heat building up to a pressure she couldn’t control anymore, her body stiffen and then shook as she had her orgasm, Ulquiorra didn’t move as she road it off, but he moved as she moved to sit down, her body shaky and her skin hot and cool from the sweat as she wiped her mouth again, looking over to Ulquiorra who stared at her.

Orihime smiled moving closer to him as he laid down, her head on his shoulder, “So, you really like it that much Ulquiorra?” her voice was deep and teasing. Ulquiorra looked at her a smirk on his lips.

“As you seemingly do.” and all Orihime could do was laugh as she laid back down, enjoying that feeling of pride after what has happened. And understanding him a little more now.

writing: fanfiction, series: bleach, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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