(no subject)

Oct 24, 2010 21:42

Title: Asterisk Bottle
Rating:PG-13 (mostly for later chapters)
Summary: It was a job Aizen-sama gave him to do, Ulquiorra just didn't know that this woman would become the bane of his extistance or that genies were real. AU
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: myahle<333 ♥
Chapters: 5/?
Notes: Enjoy and please review!

Also please review! And here is a link to the fic on FFnet: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6352133/5/

It seemed Ulquiorra was keeping his word. He was still cold, but Orihime had concluded that it was because that was just his personality. Though he wasn’t very open up about himself, he wouldn’t answer her questions (well, only some that were very basic and really gave no additional information about himself), but Orihime reasoned it was better than nothing at all.

Ulquiorra would even ask her questions about her previous owners and why she was a genie. She in return wasn’t very open, not because she didn’t want to be, but well...she also had her own secrets to hide.

Orihime felt like a hypocrite, but Ulquiorra never pushed, seeming to understand. Which in return made Orihime respect him a little more.

The job situation bothered her on a certain level, but after decades of being passed around she wasn’t as ditzy as she acted to him. Even though Ulquiorra never talked about what he did there, all she could figure out was that he killed for a living or something like that.

If it was that, she understood him not wanting to talk about it. Everyone had their secrets. There were things Orihime could never tell him (unless he of course, wished it…) and he seemed to respect that much of her knowing not to.

Everyone had their secrets.

Orihime twirled a piece of her hair on her finger as she thought about this. Even though things had gotten “peaceful” between them, he still was too frugal with his wishes, almost as if he was waiting for something, and she had the feeling more and more he was not the one who had found her bottle.

It really didn’t matter at all though in the scheme of things, but it was bothersome. She sighed as she pushed her knees under her chin.

Maybe one of those human dramas was on currently for her to watch. She could distract her from these thoughts.

Aizen still was not back and it seemed his “jobs” were getting more and more frequent. Ulquiorra did not care that he was a debt collector. It was a less messy work and he didn’t usually deal with those that needed to be killed. That was usually Grimmjow and Nnoitra’s job.

But that seemed to have changed.

Now, though he was getting more of their jobs than before, he honestly didn’t care, but it was strange since they were usually always capable to do the job themselves. They weren’t hard jobs at all. Ulquiorra didn’t have trouble performing them even on a moral level. He did what he had to do, even if it meant killing people who couldn’t pay their debts off. Trash should know what they were getting themselves into in the long run.

The only time Ulquiorra remembered feeling that…guilt...that was mentioned when he took this job on was when that Genie showed her fear. It shouldn’t have bothered him, but it did. Ulquiorra ignored it though, for there was much more important things to do.

He questioned why he had her in the first place. There was a reason why Aizen-sama gave her to him and Ulquiorra wanted to know why. He did not like playing the fool or being another man’s pawn.

Ulquiorra started to walk towards his boss’ office when he was stopped by a hand grabbing his shoulder. He turned slightly to see Grimmjow, smiling big at him.
“Yo! Ulquiorra,” he said as Ulquiorra turned and looked at him, “so did you have trouble with last night’s job?” Ulquiorra assumed he had talked to Neliel, who had helped bandage him up. His job that night was with a stubborn person who had had actually tried to defend himself, catching Ulquiorra off of his guard. He ended up being stabbed in the shoulder.

A mistake he was sure wouldn’t happen again.

“It was fine.” he looked down. Grimmjow’s fingers were still bandaged from the previous night. “And you?” He looked back up at his blue haired companion who gave him a feral grin.

“Just fine, asshole,” he spat, “can’t take any jobs right now being injured. My pay until I’m healed has been cut.” he said bitterly. “But that’s okay.”

Ulquiorra turned then. “I see. Then I’m going,” before being stopped again by being grabbed. Why do these people insist on touching him?

“So whose the chick?”

“No one?”

“Oh really? First time you ever have a woman in your house and she’s “no one”? Too good to admit to a one night stand or fuck buddy.” Ulquiorra sighed, annoyed at this obsession about the Genie. She was no one and defiantly not his type, thinking back to her scanty outfit she wore when she first appeared.

Defiantly not.

Ulquiorra turned his head slightly to Grimmjow, his green eyes narrowed. “She’s no one, but Aizen-sama’s property.” he said quickly, hoping by mentioning the boss it would stop with the interrogation.

Grimmjow grunted, lifting his hand off of his shoulder. “Ah I see. So that bastard had ya kidnap someone?”

“Classified.” And he wondered why didn’t he just say this before? Being distracted by that woman had done something to him. He walked away thinking this, not caring or noticing the look on Grimmjow’s face that showed he wasn’t believed at all.


When Ulquiorra returned home he saw her, once again, if front of the TV watching some horror movie that had been advertised. He stood in the doorway, still as she huddled herself, shaking and then making hard gasps.

He walked forward then. “I’m back-” and she screamed then, throwing a pillow in his face. Ulquiorra blinked, staring at her as he turned the light switch on that was beside him. Orihime’s mouth dropped opened as his eyes widened.

“Oh no!” she gasped her small hands covering her mouth. Ulquiorra’s eyes closed for a moment before opening them and walking over to her.

“It seems that horror movies are not for you.” His mouth turned up in a smirk as he sat beside her sighing, not caring of the horrified screams of bad actors running through his head at that moment. “Why are you wearing that, Genie?” he asked, not even looking at her.

“Wearing what exactly?” she replied turning the television off and turning to look at him. It was something that had started in the last week after they made “peace”. Small talks about how their day went.

Ulquiorar had concluded she was addicted to the TV.

Orihime concluded that he was boring.

His head turned and opened his eyes to look at her. Orihime swallowed seeing his green eyes, a color she never had with her owners before. “That outfit again,” he said, “your..uniform of genies?” he said slowly, like it was an effort to make conversation, “it looks different.” This time she was wearing harem pants that were pink, a silky see-through material were over them. Her shirt was short, like a bra, and the “sleeves”, if he could call them that, were small and round, halfway down her arms. On her elbows, down where the rest of her “sleeves” were, though it didn’t connect, it had the same silky material from the pants. Her hair was down this time, though she looked like she was in a costume, if anything.

Orihime blinked and smiled. “Well, I have different versions and felt like wearing one to remind you I was a genie! You haven’t made a wish in over a week.” She pouted, moving closer to him. “I know you don’t want me here, but it’s weird how you’re conserving your wishes like this!” she puffed her cheeks out and then blew, sighing sitting back.

Ulquiorra said nothing. “My boss gave you to me.” He stated. Orihime turned and looked at him, her eyes wide. “And I do not know why. Until I find out, you’re going to stay until I learn of why he wants you here with me.” Orihime blinked.

“I guess that makes sense…but if so, why did you act so weird and made me prove what I am?”

“Because I did not know he gave me a genie.” He moved forward, pushing himself off of the couch and standing up. “It doesn’t matter. Until then, you will live with me. I’ll cook something.” He started to walk away and then Orihime, in a fit of confusion, jumped up and grabbed his arm.

His eyes widened and he turned and looked at her. Orihime’s face was soft as she held onto his arm. “Um, show me…I’m tired of just sitting around doing nothing.” Her heart hammered against her chest as she asked this, her cheeks flushing and her confusion gathered. Of all times, she was feeling something strange, her chest tight. “I feel like I’m stuck in my bottle, except I have a TV now.” She laughed looking up at him. Ulquiorra swallowed, stepping ayway slightly. Her expression was off putting to him, and he looked away.


Orihime let go shouting “yay” and running to the kitchen. Ulquiorra stood there, realizing for the first time since that woman had jumped from her bottle, pushing him into his wall, that he didn’t feel any annoyance towards her.

When did that change?

Ulquiorra shook his head, his fingers coming up and rubbing his eyes. He didn’t need to think these thoughts right now as he walked towards the kitchen, watching her from the doorway as she gathered things. “You should wait until I announce what I am making before doing that.” Her body stiffened and she turned and smiled.

“Oh yeah,” she giggled as she moved sitting on the chair he had there, “Teach me.” He nodded and walked in, feeling something he hadn’t in a long time.



“I’m sorry! So, so, so sorry!” Orihime begged on her knees, tears in her eyes. “Please don’t be mad, Master….please!”

Ulquiorra sat there, holding his hand in a rag as it bled, his eyes closed as he pressed it into the cut on his finger. His head throbbed from everything that had happened.

“Be quiet.”

Orihime sat up then, her face red as she hovered over him. “I can heal you…” she whispered, whipping her eyes. Ulquiorra looked at her, his expression neutral, harder then it usually was, but curious.

“Heal me…how?” his voice was low, irritated, but also a hint of curiosity was held as he watched her. Her hands raised in the same motion as she did in granting wishes. Ulquiorra’s frowned deepened. “Is this a way to trick me into making a wish?” He sounded offended then.

“No.” And in a moment, two small fairies popped out of her pins, turning into a yellow shield over his hand. He removed the rag and watched the long cut on his finger (very deep, for it almost went through) healed in a moment like nothing had happened. His eyes widened then, amazed. The fairies disappeared back into her pins and she smiled though it was slightly sad. “I’m still very sorry it happened.” Ulquiorra stood up, his hand reached up and patted her on the head.

“It’s fine, woman.” Orihime blinked, her face flushed and her hands twisted together as she started to open her mouth, but stopped when Ulquiorra spoke before her, “I wish we had a traditional Japanese dinner.” He looked at her as he removed his hand, his eyes soft as Orihime’s were wide. “I’m going to clean up.” and then he walked away.

Orihime’s body felt heavy, her stomach hurting as she granted the wish.

For the first time, in a long time, it seemed like the number of wishes had become too little.

writing: fan fiction, fic story: asterisk bottle, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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