Chapter 4

Oct 10, 2010 20:21

Title: Asterisk Bottle
Rating:PG-13 (mostly for later chapters)
Summary: It was a job Aizen-sama gave him to do, Ulquiorra just didn't know that this woman would become the bane of his extistance or that genies were real. AU
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: myahle<333 ♥
Chapters: 4/?
Notes: Enjoy and please review!

Also please review! And here is a link to the fic on FFnet:

The next morning was awkward, at least it was for Orihime, as she sat at the table beside Ulquiorra. She was in her “genie outfit” this time, since she always felt more confident in it then in regular human clothes.

Ulquiorra said nothing to her as he read the paper and drank his coffee. He was a quiet person, or at least Orihime thought so as she played with her food. Apparently it was his day off today, though she wasn’t really sure what he did. She had a strange sense that he wasn’t the one that found her lamp either.

“I’m going.” His voice made her jump slightly and she watched him as he stood up. Orihime licked her lips before she jumped up as well.

“Let me come too!” He was very different than her previous masters, but she wanted to make up for that. Orihime didn’t like the feeling of being uncomfortable around him at all. Ulquiorra turned and stared at her, a familiar chill going down her spine.

“Fine, but wear clothes. I refuse to be around someone dressed like that.” Orihime nodded and after a few minutes, she was dressed in a long sleeved brown shirt and jeans. Her hair was also down. She smiled and Ulquiorra walked out the door, making her run to catch up.


It was boring. He only went to boring places, except that old bookstore, but he didn’t stay long there at all. Now it was just walking around and sitting at random café places. He didn’t talk at all and Orihime was reminded of how she had to act with a Shogun that was her master at one point.

She sighed as she moved to walk beside him and looked at him. He was so strange and cold. She never knew what to say to him, and usually by this time, all of her pins were gone. Either that, or she was stuck in her bottle, or was even forced to do…things she didn’t want to do.

Ulquiorra though, didn’t care at all what she did, as long as she didn’t look stupid or wear her clothes. She sighed as she played with the rings on her fingers. Why exactly did she ask to come along again?

It seemed kinda useless to want to get to know him.

She looked to the side, staring at a festival that was happening across the street. Ulquiorra stopped when he noticed she wasn’t beside him anymore and turned and looked at her. “What are you doing?”

She turned and looked at him, her cheeks were flushed and her brown eyes were wide with excitement, “What’s going on over there?”

“It’s a festival,” he stated turning back and walking forwards, “Come now.”
She grabbed his arm then. “Can we go?” she asked softly. Ulquiorra sighed. He rather not to do this. He hated places like that, but looking at her, it was either many people making noise and bumping into him, or this person who could perform magic bothering him for the rest of the night.

“No,” he stated again, “I have work tonight. I’m not going to be chasing you around that also.” Orihime’s eyes lowered and she turned and followed him. Silence filled them as neither said nothing. Reaching his apartment, he opened the door and let her go first, then followed, locking it. Orihime stood in the middle of the living room, her finger tracing her bottle.

“What kind of work do you do?” she asked finally. He couldn’t see her in the dark, but he stood and watched her. “I mean, you always leave late at night or early in the morning…or at random times…I was just curious…” her voice soft. She hated how her voice sounded around him, like she was his prisoner.

“That,” his voice was heavy, “is none of your businesses, woman.”

He left.

It was the first time she wished her master would just waste all twelve wishes in a span of an hour.


Ulquiorra was gone when she woke up. She just sat on the couch eating something she had conjured up when he returned home late that night. He didn’t say anything when she greeted him and jumped up to help take his shoes and coat off.

That’s when she noticed blood on his shirt.

“Are you okay!?” she yelled searching for wounds. Ulquiorra said nothing as he walked into the kitchen warming some food up.

“I’m fine.”

“The-The blood!” she stammered pointing. He just stirred his matcha tea and said nothing at first. Dread went over Orihime, and for the first time, she really didn’t want to know what he did at his job. He just looked over at her and said something in a very cool voice, his eyes cool as well, making her hands shake.

“I wish the shirt was clean.” He then took it off. She stood there at first, then went through the motions of granting the wish, holding it clean in her hands. Two wishes down and ten more to go.

Ten too long.

The genie had started to ignore him, not that Ulquiorra really cared, but it was slightly uncomfortable to have her glare at him. She had gone back to wearing that ridiculous outfit and having just smoke as her lower body, not to mention she now called him master.

It really didn’t bother him. It made things easier when he turned her over to Aizen-sama, who still was not back, even though it had already been a week.

“Woman, I’m leaving.” He stood by the door watching her bottle, waiting for her to yell back, but she didn’t this time. She came out wearing normal clothes. “Ah, so you’re going to speak with me now?” His hands were in his pockets as he watched her.

“Master,” she said staring right back at him without any fear or reservations, “this isn’t working out, how you’re treating me, I mean. Ignoring me, being cruel and such…it isn’t going to get rid of me faster.” She folder her arms under her chest, “We don’t have to be friends, but I rather something than this.”

“And what would that be?”

Orihime swallowed and walked closer. “Well, first of all, you stop being so mean and actually talk to me. I know I’m just a genie, but well..” she still held his gaze refusing to look or back down. “I rather my time here be peaceful.”


She nodded.

He turned his back on her. “I see. I’m going now.” Orihime’s eyes widened as she ran after him and grabbed the back of his shirt.

“Is that all?” He turned and looked at her, his green eyes hard.

“What else do you want me to say? Now, I’m leaving.” and he opened the door and left. Orihime just stood there in a daze, watching the door, her heart pounding excitedly against her chest.

She did it.

Orihime ran her fingers through her hair and let out a small laugh, for the first time in what seemed like a decade she actually stood up to one of her owners and it felt nice. But she wondered if he would keep his word at all.

series: bleach, fic story: asterisk bottle, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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