(no subject)

Oct 10, 2010 03:35

Title: Storms
Summary: Insecurities run abound as Orihime followes Ulquiorra to Hueco Mundo and they get caught in a storm. Just where is their relationship going?
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: none
Chapters: none
Notes: This was written for frotu on teh request meme. the Prompt is "storm." pleae review. :3

FFnet link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6387065/1/

Ulquiorra went back to Hueco Mundo every other week, something Orihime really didn’t mind at first since he said he had to do some things and “special” jobs that Urahara-san gave him that only he could do. She realized that it was part of the work for him to be able to stay in the human world.

But now she didn’t like it very much, things among them had gotten different the last few months, touches that stayed too long, lingering stares and finally just a few weeks ago they had started to kiss. Everything was still new and from that Orihime started to feel insecure.

It was stupid, Orihime knew she didn’t have to feel insecure with him, but he had been leaving longer and coming back later. And at one time he smelled of perfume that wasn’t hers which made her really nervous.

Maybe he had gotten bored of her already?

Orihime sighed as she sat on the couch watching as he got ready, her lips were in a pout as she repeated again. “Do you have to go?”


“Can’t you wait a few days…?” she was sounding whiny she knew that but…..Ulquiorra turned and looked at her, she could see annoyance in his eyes and his lips were tight.

“Yes, I do. I shall back in a few days.” he walked over to her and patted her head and Orihime sighed as she reached up and grabbed his arm. Ulquiorra sighed again (something he seemed to do a lot since he came to the human world) and leaned down giving her a small kiss.

“Promise you will come back, okay?”

“I will.” and then he moved and walked out the door. Orihime sat there watching as she played with her hair.

It wasn’t that she didn’t TRUST Ulquiorra because she did…he just never told her what he did, she stood up and ran to her room. She was just curious.

Yes curious.

She ran out the door tracing his reistu.

Urahara-san would understand that and open and gargunta for her.

It wasn’t jealousy but curiosity.

Of course.


Ulquiorra didn’t care to be in Hueco Mundo again, honestly he rather not be here but he had to be if he wanted to stay with the Woman in that world. Killing a some rebels and meeting with Grimmjow wasn’t so bad, and killing hollows that shinigami could never do wasn’t so bad.

Except now that the woman was following him.

He ignored her, Ulquiorra didn’t care why she was following him of all times now but if she wanted to do that he wouldn’t stop her.

It was annoying how she had been acting but to him as long as she didn’t do anything foolish he didn’t care. He stopped slightly right before he entered the throne room of the five towers and looked back slightly she was there somewhere and then turned and walked into to talk to Grimmjow.

Maybe if she saw what he actually did she would get over her petty insecurities or whatever was making her act this way.


Orihime nodded off slightly as she waited in a corner of the hall way, he was taking forever and she was starting to think that maybe she was being too hard on him in the first place.

Then he started to leave, she jerked awake, standing up though he legs were wobbly, he was walking faster then he did before, she ran after him though tried to keep out of sight as she did so. A lot of the buildings were still destroyed form the time her Nakama had come to save her, Ulquiorra had told her that Grimmjow didn’t care how it looked. All that mattered was the position of power, but it was hard to follow someone with inhuman speed while climbing rubble.

She stopped to catch her breath. What exactly was she doing?

Was this necessary to do this? Ulquiorra had never done anything since he returned to warrant her to mistrust him, but she couldn’t shake the feeling from the pit of her stomach, she sighed as she sat down on a rock and looked up at the fake sky.

It actually looked cloudy for some reason, must be part of it’s program she guessed.

“You smell good, human.” a low voice suddenly said behind her. Orihime’s body stiffened and her heart hammered against her chest. Fear running through her veins as she turned slightly to see a arrancar standing behind her. She didn’t recognize him from her brief time in Las Nochas. “Watcha doing here?”

His body was tall and lean and his mask covered half his face and the other side was completely bald he kinda reminded her of Ikkaku-san.

“Huh?” was the only thing she could think of to say as he came closer to her.

“I asked.” he repeated as he came closer, a feral grin on his face, “Watcha doing here.” and before Orihime even think of a reply he was suddenly pushed into the tower and Ulquiorra stood in front of her calmly. Hands in pockets but she couldn’t see his face and his reistu was running widely and dangerous.

“Ulquiorra!” she yelled surprised that she stood up and then fell back onto the ground, it was then she noticed a strange wind started to pick up around her. She coughed feeling sand in her mouth.

What was this?

Ulquiorra turned and looked at her, Orihime’s eyes widen seeing the angry look on his face. “What were you thinking you stupid Woman?” her mouth dropped open then as she struggled to stand up.

“Stupid?!” she yelled and coughed again, it was getting more and more windy, Ulquiorra grabbed her arm then holding her against his chest as he sonido’d to a cave that they were near. He dropped her onto the floor when they were far enough into the cave to be away from the wind. She sat there as he walked around, there wasn’t any stick to make fire but it wasn’t too dark.

“What were you thinking?” he said as he turned and looked at her but wouldn’t walk near her at all. “Why were you following me in the first place?” his voice was tight and Orihime huddled against her self, not used to seeing this kind of Ulquiorra.

“I…just wanted to see what you did here.” she glared up at him not liking this at all.

“You know what I do here.”

“Y…yes…but” she bite her lip and licked them, “I was just…I thought you were seeing another woman.” she looked down embarrassed and realized how silly it kinda sounded.

“Another woman?”

She nodded looking up and seeing his confused face. “What,” she started “would make you think I would want another woman besides you? You are the whole reason I’m still here.” Orihime’s face redden and looked away as he came closer to her and sat down. “I don’t understand your insecurities.”

“But you came home smelling like perfume once!” she looked at him desperately, “how can that not make me insecure? I know what…we have just started and all but…” she stopped.

“That must have been when I stayed with Neliel.” Orihime’s eyes widen as he said this in a nonchalant way and stared at her like it was a normal to do.


“Yes, there was a storm and I was near her dwelling and she let me stay in her bed.” he blinked when she just sucked all her breath in and turned around her back facing him. Everything was silent after that.

She bite her lip and her fingers were pressed together. Why was he saying all that stuff so calmly?! Did he not care how this was making her feel? Didn’t he understand in a relationship that you didn’t have sex or…stay with other women that you weren’t dating?!

“You’re acting so childish, this isn’t like you.”

Orihime turned around and pushed him then, “Childish?!” she yelled, “No I’m not acting childish at all not my fault that you’re so HEARTLESS.”

Her eyes widen then as her hand reached up and slammed on her mouth. Ulquiorra’s eyes were wide as he stared at her, she could see the hurt creeping into his eyes as he looked away. “So that’s what you think?”

“Ahh….Ulquiorra..” she said as he stood up, “I’m…” she stopped when he looked at her again.

“You’re making a fuss about nothing. It seems to you when you sleep in a bed of another woman it means I slept with her?” he walked closer to her, Orihime tried to keep eye contact with him and nodded her head, feeling like an idiot. “You need to stop imagining those kind of things, I didn’t sleep with her.”

Orihime squeezed her eyes closed tears pouring out, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it like that, it came out without me thinking.” Ulquiorra closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose thinking and listening to her sobs.

“This has to stop.”

“I know.”

“I want no one but you.”

Orihime didn’t respond at first as he walked closer to her, his fingers tracing her chin. “I’ll…try.” she responded looking down, “I’m sorry, I’ve been acting stupid lately about all of this…but.” she sighed.

“But what?”

“It shocked me hearing it was Nel-san….she’s just so much better and…” she stopped not wanting to look at those feelings at all.

“You shouldn’t think those things,” he walked closed putting his arm around her head an pushing her to his chest. Orihime stared in shock as he did that. He was never one to do public affection at all, she was usually the one that did it if anything at all. After a moment she wrapped her arms around him, squeezing tightly.

After a few moments he pulled away, turning around. “I’ll check if the storm has stopped.” Orihime stood there, her hands rubbing together for a moment before she grabbed the back of his shirt. He turned slightly, “What is it?”

“Don’t….” he turned and faced her and it was then she lifted up on her tip toes, her arms around his neck as she pulled him down and kissed him.

It was rougher than what they had previously experimented with, her arms came up and held her close as she licked his lips forcing her tongue through. If Ulquiorra was surprised at all by her actions he didn’t show it at all as he returned the kiss, his tongue pushing and rubbing against hers before slipping out and licking her bottom lip sucking on it slightly as the moved and he pushed her against the rocky wall. Orihime gasped but didn’t break the kiss at all when Ulquiorra’s hands moved down, pushing her shirt up slightly but moving any more.

“Ah..” she gasped when the kiss broke, his lips moving and started to kiss and suck on her neck. Her body felt hot, it was going too fast, way too fast but it felt good and he didn’t try anything else as he kissed her. Orihime, on impulse, grabbed his hand and put it on her breast, that’s when he stopped.

“Are you sure?” his voice was low and husky and Orihime felt everything warming up in her body, her mind foggy.

“N-no.” she looked down removing her hand and he removed his, “I’m sorry.” she knew what she was trying was wrong, he did nothing for any other woman but she was trying to make herself “up them” or something. Her jealousy and insecurity running it more than her…feelings and desire.

“I see.” he stood and waited for her to talk but she didn’t say anything, her hands moving up and hiding her face. She felt a pressure on her head when he patted. “You don’t have to try such things if you’re not ready.”

“I know….” she looked up at him and jumped over and hugged her again, her face burying into his chest.

Ulquiorra didn’t say anything as he moved his hand and wrapped it around her with the other hand in his pocket. “You’re very foolish.”

She laughed in his chest. As Ulquiorra pulled away and she swore she saw some color on his pale cheeks but shrugged it off as the lightening. “I don’t hear the wind anymore.” she said happily.

“It must have stopped.”

She ran up and grabbed his hand, “So you’re done for the day?”


“Lets go home.” she smiled feeling right for the first time in weeks.

writing: fan fiction, series: bleach, request, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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