
Jun 11, 2005 08:57

I am dating a new person who I am happy with and we are always together, but we start having problems when we start getting chased by this man who is able to make himself invisibile when he so chooses. He chases me all around the place while invisible and I try to escape him by car and running....whatever means I can find really. But he's always there and I can sense his presence. When I get home to my house in GA a lot of my friends are there. We are having some sort of celebration. The guy I'm dating drops me off and I start freaking out and trying to lock everything before he can get in. Only one or two people believe the story I am telling so no body will help me lock the windows and doors. The problem is that there are SO MANY DAMN WINDOWS! They line the side of the house really and they go so far down that you can't even see the end of the room. I start locking the ones that I can crying and asking for help, and one or two friends help me, but everyone else is just like...what is your problem? There is no such thing as invisible men, and blah blah blah. I get 4 or 5 locked when he lifts one I haven't gotten to yet and comes in. He terorizes me and won't leave me alone....always talking to me. Everyone runs out and leaves...and he and I are alone. He asks why I'm afraid and I tell him because of the stuff he's doing. Then he starts telling me about how much he loved me and still does and all this other craziness. Finally he leaves. I talk to the guy I'm dating and we end up ok.

In the next dream the same thing happens. People still don't believe or help lock the windows. I am a little better prepared this time and close one of the windows he tries to open and come through, but I'm no suscessful because he eventually just comes in one I can't get to....since no one will help me. He gets in and people stay in one room while we go talk in the living room...right near the hallway and front door. He tells me how much he loves me again...same things from the other dream. He wants to hold me...and I let me. For whatever reason we're naked and I am sitting in front (facing away) of him with his legs and arms wrapped around me. We're still talking and sitting like that when someone comes to the door. My mother comes down to answer the ringing bell and sees us sitting there. She looks at the door and then back to us...shaking her head in a way that let's me know who ever is on the other side of the door will not be pleased by this site. I am petrified because...well..I'm naked and I am almost positive it's my dad. The door opens, and just as I had wagered, it was my father. He comes in, looks briefly at the two of us just sitting there, and then goes on to do other things without saying a word. The door closes and as my mother starts to walk away, there is another doorbell ring. This time....it's the guy I'm with. He sees, but doesn't say anything and goes upstairs to my room. When we're done talking I go up after him and talk to him about the fact that I finally was free of the invisible guy. He told me he loved me, but we had said goodbye. The guy I was dating's response was that he loved me. I told him I was glad he saw what happened because I didn't want to have to explain it, but I wanted him to know. No secrets...you know. We keep talking, my dad comes to see what's going on, and ...I wake up.

Dream interpretation....I got nothing, but here are some that I found at www.dreemmoods.com

To dream that you are invisible, signifies feelings of not being noticed or recognized for what is important to you. Alternatively, you may be trying to withdraw from the realities of life.

To see windows in your dream, signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight.

To dream that you are looking out the window, signifies your outlook on life, your consciousness, point of view, awareness, and intuition. You may be reflecting on a decision and seeking guidance. If you are looking in the window, then it indicates that you are doing some soul searching and looking within yourself.

To see shut windows in your dream, signifies desertion and abandonment.

To dream that you are being stalked, indicates difficulties and problems which you are not confronting. Your avoidance of these problems is not making them go away. If you are being stalked in real life, then this fear may be carried over into your dream state.

To dream that you are a stalker, represents your shadow and the negative part of your Self. It is symbolic of a bad habit which you have unsuccessfully tried to break.

To dream that you are being chases, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity. In particular, to dream that you are chased by an animal, represents your own unexpressed and unacknowledged anger which is being projected onto that animal. Alternatively, you may be running away from a primal urge or fear.

To dream that you are chasing someone, signifies that you are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task. You may also be expressing some aggressive feelings toward others.

To dream that you are running away from someone, indicates an issue that you are trying to avoid. You are not taking or accepting responsibility for your actions. In particular, if you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears.

To dream that you are trying to run but cannot make your feet move as fast as you want them to, signifies lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. It may also reflect your actual state of REM paralysis while in the dream state.

To dream that you are running alone, signifies that you will advance to a higher position and surpass your friends in the race for wealth. Alternatively, you may be running from some situation or from temptation

To dream that you are running with others, signifies festive and prosperous times.

To dream that you escape from jail or some place of confinement, signifies your need to escape from a restrictive situation or attitude. On the other hand, it may mean that you are taking an escapist attitude and are refusing to face up to problems that are not going away.

To dream that you escape from injury, from an animal, or from any situation, signifies your good health and prosperity. You will experience a favorable turn of events.

Ex Boyfriend
To see an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in your dream, refers to a freer, less encumbered relationship. The dream servers to bring you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) didn't interfere with the spontaneity of romance. You need to recapture the excitement, freedom, and vitality of youth that is lacking in your present relationship.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend is giving you advice about your current relationship, suggests that you unconscious is telling you not to repeat the same mistakes that you had made with this ex-boyfriend.

To dream that you are being massaged by your ex-boyfriend, suggests that you need to let go of some of that defensiveness that you have been putting forth. You may have been putting up a wall or armor around you. You need to learn to trust people again.

To dream that you ex-boyfriend gives you a stuffed animal, suggests that you are seeking for reassuring and nurturing aspects of a relationship. This is not to imply that you want you ex-boyfriend back. Alternatively, the dream could represent some immature relationship which may (or may not) describe the relationship you had with your ex.

To see your boyfriend in your dream, represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him.

To dream that your boyfriend is dead, indicates that something in your own Self that is no longer functional and is "dead". You are not being allowed to fully express yourself. It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of this relationship.

To see your home in your dream, signifies security, basic needs, and values. You may feel at home at your new job or you finally feel settled and comfortable in a new environment.

To see your childhood home in particular, suggests your own desires for building a family. It also reflects aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed during the time you lived in that home. You may experience some feelings or unfinished expression of emotions that are now being triggered by a waking situation.

To dream that you cannot find your way home, indicates that you have lost faith and belief in yourself. It may also signify a major transition in your life.

To dream that you attack someone, indicates that your ill-mood and temper may cause harm to another. You are releasing some pent-up frustration and anger. You feel that you have been wronged. Such feelings may be easier and safer for you to express in your dream.

To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changed in your waking life.

To dream that you are being attacked by an animal, is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice on who you know in your waking like that shares and exhibits the same qualities of the animal that attacked you in your dream.

To dream that you kill an attacking animal, signifies that your life will be saved by a stranger.

To see a barrier in your dream , represents an obstacle to emotional growth. You may feel hindered in fully expressing yourself. The dream may also indicate your resistance to change.

To dream that you are helping someone, indicates your willingness to compromise your beliefs toward a greater accomplishment. It also represents your efforts to combine your talents or energies to achieve a mutual goal. In particular, if you are helping an enemy or someone you do not like, then it suggests that you need to come to an understanding or some sort of middle ground in order to move forward and on with your life.

To dream that you are calling or signaling for help, suggests that you are feeling lost, overwhelmed, and/or inadequate.

To dream that you are or feel helpless, suggests that you are experiencing difficulties in confronting a situation or relationship. You feel that you are unable to take charge of yourself.

To dream that you are abandoned, suggests that it is time to leave behind past feelings and characteristics that are hindering your own growth. Let go of your old attitudes. A more direct and literal interpretation of this dream is that you have a fear of being deserted, abandoned, or even betrayed. Do you feel that people are neglecting your feelings?

Dreaming that you are abandoned, may stem from a recent loss or a fear of losing a loved one. The fear of abandonment may manifest itself into your dream and is part of the healing process of dealing with losing a loved one. It may also stem from unresolved feelings or problems from childhood.

To abandon others in your dream, suggests that you are overwhelmed by the problems and decisions in your life.

To dream that you are naked, denotes the fear of being found out and exposed about your activities and misjudgment.

To dream that you suddenly discover your nudity and are trying to cover up, signifies your vulnerability to a situation.

To see a naked person in your dream and you are disgusted by it, signifies some anxiety about discovering the naked truth about that person or situation. It may also foretell of an illicit love affairs, loss of prestige and scandalous activities. On the other hand, if you do not have any problem with another's nudity, then it implies that you see through people and accept them for who and what they are.

*For an in depth analysis, click on Common Dreams: Naked.

To see a lock in your dream, signifies your inability to get what you want or being kept out. Perhaps an aspect of yourself is locked up inside and needs to be expressed.

To dream that you are sitting, indicates your indecision and not knowing what you want to do with yourself in the near future. It may also suggest that you are just being idle and doing nothing.

To dream that you are hugging someone, symbolizes your loving and caring nature. You are holding someone or something close to your heart. Alternatively, it may indicate your need to be more affectionate.

To see your legs in your dream, indicate that you have regained confidence to stand up and take control again. It also implies progress and your ability to navigate through life. If your legs are weak, then you may be feeling emotionally vulnerable. If you see someone else's legs, then it represents your admiration for that person. You need to adopt some of the ways that this person does things.

To dream that you legs are wounded or crippled, signifies a lack of balance, autonomy, or independence in your life. You may be unable or unwilling to stand up for yourself. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand. If your dream that one of your leg is shorter than the other, then it suggests that there is some imbalance in some aspect of your life. You are placing more emphasis and weight on one thing, while ignoring other important aspects that need attention as well.

To dream that you have three or more legs, denotes that you are undertaking too many projects than you can handle. Unfortunately, you will find these projects to be unfruitful and a waste of time.

To dream that you feel fear, signifies that you achievements will not be as successful as you had anticipated. You are having anxieties in certain circumstances of your life.

Nervous Breakdown
To dream that you are nervous about something, indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of insecurity.

To dream of peace and tranquility, indicates an end or a resolution to an emotional issue or inner conflict. It may signal and end of a cycle and the pause before the beginning of a new endeavor. It also suggest that you have reached a new level of stability and calmness. Alternatively, the maddening quietness may refer to the calm before the storm.

To dream about acceptance, indicates issues of self-esteem and measuring up to the expectations of others. There is a waking situation where you are seeking acceptance and wanting to be a part of.

To see your mother in your dream, represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection. Some people may have problems freeing themselves from their mothers and are thus seeking their own individuality and development.

To dream that you are having a conversation with your mother, denotes a matter that has preoccupied your mind and you are not sure how to deal with it in your waking life. It indicates unresolved problems that still need to be worked out with your mother.

To hear your mother call you in our dream, signifies that you have been negligent in your duties and responsibilities. You are pursuing down the wrong path.

To hear your mother cry in your dream, denotes some illness or affliction.

To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father.

To dream that your father is dead, forewarns that you need to proceed with caution in conducting your business.

To dream that you hear or ring a door bell, indicates that you are open to new experiences.

To see a hallway in your dream, symbolizes the beginning of a path that you are taking in life or a journey into the unknown and self exploration. It represents spiritual, emotional, physical, or mental passages in your life. It is indicative of a transitional phase in your life.

To dream that you are entering through a door, signifies new opportunities that will be presented before you. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. In particular, a door that opens to the outside, signifies your need to be more accessible to others, whereas a door that opens into the inside, denotes your desire for inner exploration and self-discovery.

To see opened doors in your dream, symbolizes your receptiveness and willingness to accept new ideas/concepts. In particular, to see a light behind it suggests that you are moving toward greater enlightenment/spirituality.

To dream that the doors are locked, signifies opportunities that are denied and not available to you or that you have missed out on. In particular, if you are outside the locked door, then it suggests that you are having some anti-social tendencies. If you are inside the locked door, then it represents harsh lessons that need to be learned.

To dream that you are locking doors, suggests that you are closing yourself off from others. You are hesitant in letting others in and revealing your feelings. It is indicative of some fear and low self-worth.

To dream that you are watching something, represents you lack of initiative to take any action. It may also symbolize your neutrality in some situation.

To dream of love of being in love, suggests intense feelings carried over from a waking relationship. It implies happiness and contentment with what you have and where you are in life. On the other hand, you may not be getting enough love in your daily life. We naturally long for the sense to belong and to be accepted.

To see a couple in love or expressing love to each other, indicates much success ahead for you.

To dream that your friend is in love with you, may be one of wish fulfillment. Perhaps you have developed have developed feelings for your best friend and are wondering how he or she feels. You are so preoccupied with these thoughts that it is evitable that it find its way into your dreaming mind. On the other hand, the dream may also suggests that you have accepted certain qualities of your best best friend and incorporated into your own character.

To dream that you are making love in public or in different places, relates to some overt sexual issue or need. Your dream may be telling you that you need to express yourself more openly. Alternatively, it represents your perceptions about your own sexuality in the context of politic and social norms. You may be questioning your feelings about sex, marriage, love, and gender roles.

To see a lover in your dream, symbolizes acceptance, self-worth, and acknowledgement of your true inner value. It may also indicate integration of masculine and feminine traits into yourself. You are feeling complete or whole.

To dream of an old lover, signifies unfinished/unresolved issues related to that specific relationship. Your current relationship may be awakening some of those same issues.

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