I'm doing such a bad job with this whole journal thing. I keep saying I'm going to do better, and then I don't. I give up on that. I'm just gonna post whenever I do, and I hurt my brain trying to remember what happened when. Eventually, it should bother me enough to be some great encouragement to actually to better. Until such time, I'm gonna just do this.
On Wednesday morning, I saw that I was on the SMU website. Finally, the campaign has been kicked off. I'm on the flashing banner across the top of the page with three other students. The shirt they chose to use for me is "I want to get into foreign policy... Bono Style". That was my favourite one. I guess that's why they asked me for my favourite. It's half my face, vertically. Anyway, linkage:
http://www.smu.ca/ On Thursday, Jayme from the JANS office informed me that I was in the newspaper. Joe and I went downtown to pick up a few copies. I'll have to send them home for the parentals and people who care to see. I also found it online. It is half my face, horizontal. The bottom half. From the tip of my nose to my waist (to show the shirt). I can't believe Jayme recognized me from the tip of my nose and my lips. We've known each for like two months, and I'd seen her 4 times maximum up to that time. Linkage:
http://www.thechronicleherald.ca/epaper/To see it, the date has to be changed to Th 15/02/2007 and it's in the Living Section, page F3.
Oh! So I told Jill about home Jayme recognized me, and I couldn't believe it. She said, "Well, you do have a lot more cream to your coffee than most (black/mixed people) and your nose is straight 'til it crooked." HAHAHA! What an idiot! Hahahaha!
Wednesday was Singles' Awareness Day, a.k.a Bitter Singles Day, a.k.a Valentine's Day. I like to call it Wednesday. Anyway, Joe and I decided to go for dinner. We'd planned to go all out, and dress up, and order every course possible. Hahaha. We invited Jaymee and Elie, but only Elie made it. I think Jaymee's heart was set on eel. Anyway, by the time we finished two frozen drinks each, spinach dip, and the main course, we were full. No one ordered dessert. Elie just had some coffee. It was a good time, sitting around eating, talking aimlessly about nothing in particular. It helped that we had a great server. When we were done, a bus was coming in about 2 minutes, so and Joe and I took that bus. Elie needed something from Lawton's and said he would take Husky. I think Elie loves Husky. Hahaha.
Thursday, I don't remember anything worth remembering. On Friday, I did the last of four sessions with my 6th grade class at Admiral Westphal, in Dartmouth. No more 45 minute bus rides to and from. That literally took 3 hours out of my Friday for four weeks. Anyway, I love the program, and the students are always great. The last class is always super sad. Oh well. New group next year. Hopefully I'll remember to register early so that I can get a Halifax school. Maybe I'll even do two classes. Anyway, that is all to be seen. I'm not sure of what my schedule will be like next year. I know that I want to do six courses in at least one of the semesters, and I want to get a job to help out a bit with my little expenses. Six courses + Job. That will definitely cut down on the hours that I am available for volunteering. I'm definitely still going to do two program with JA though. The Company Program, and at least one OBW (with the 6th graders). On Friday evening, Jaymee and I spontaneously decided to go to Sushi Shige for dinner. I tried eel for the first time. It wasn't so bad. I wouldn't say that it's the best thing I've ever eaten, but it definitely wasn't all that bad. It was a good time. We talked alot and had LOTS of jokes. Then, we went to Shopper's where we inspected the products, aisle by aisle. We finished up in there, and walked to the bus stop. The bus came in about 5 minutes.
Saturday, I went to Park Lane Mall for 12:30pm to sit at a JA Info Booth to relieve the co-op student who works for JANS. She got back in about an hour, and we shut it down at about 2:30pm. I called Jaymee and she was on her way home from school. We met up, and went to Utility together. I wanted to find out about belly button piercings. The size of those things is kind of larger. Much larger than I thought. I don't think I want a hole that big in my body. I know that the time will come when I no longer want jewelry dangling from my navel. Chances are that this time will come well before the time that I no longer want to bare my belly. I don't think I, or other people, will find an empty hole and/or it's resulting mark particularly attractive. It's so cute - the jewelry and the effect. I just don't know if it's worth it. I mean, it's only $57, but I don't mean in a monetary sense. I mean completely. I don't think I'm going to do it. I've wanted the piercing from 9th grade, and I've come this far without it. What's the rest of my life?! Hahaha. I'll be fine. In the next year or two, someone will come up with a wasy to give the illusion that one has a belly button piercing, much like magnetic earrings. I'll wait for that. Hahaha. Anyway, after Utility, we went to Paperchase for lunch. It was another good time of food and conversation. From there, I headed back to campus. I was SO sleepy.
Later on in the evening, Erica called me. We both yelled at each other for being horrible friends, and people in general. Hahaha. We have a tendency to do that sometimes. Neither of us bothered to call the other for at least a week. The funny thing is that she'd just crossed my mind the night before, but it was much too late to call her. Anyway, she said he Mexican roommate asked her to join her at some Latin night at The Argyle. She missed her music and wanted to go dancing. Erica asked me to go with her, and said she'd already asked Dania, and she said she would go. I said I would. We left campus around 10:45pm. Liz, Erica, and I took a cab to Argyle, and went downstairs to the Latin thing. It was FUN! at first it was kind of dead, and Liz said, "I guess this is the warm up," so we sat down. About 3 songs later, she was ready to dance, and of course, she wanted us to come with her. She taught us a few simple steps, so we did them, and had a great time on the dance floor. As time went on she started doing other things, and Erica and I followed as best we could. It was FUN! Then, Cristina and Carina Lopez arrived. The five of us were together, in a circle, doing our little steps. Those Mexican chicas are some good, wholesome company! We all danced together. They drank water. By 1:15am, they were ready to leave and get dinner. Erica and I were fine with this since our legs were really feeling the dance moves. Hahaha. We went to Sicilian, had pizza, and chatted for a bit. By 2am, we were done, and Erica called a cab for us. We got dropped at Loyola Gorsebrook entrance, said the necessary goodnights as Erica, Liz and Carina live in Loyola, and Cristina and I live in Vanier. I walked with Cristina to D House, and then back to A House. I ended up calling Erica, and we talked about random things until about 4:20am when we realized what time it was. Today, I woke up a few times, but didn't allow myself to get up until about 3:30pm. I took a shower, and then got breakfast. I'm still full from breakfast. This is NOT good since the cafe closes in less than an hour. I'm going to have to get a wrap and put it in the window until I'm ready for it. LOL. The life that I live...
This week, though some people regard it as a break, will be a busy one. I intend to go through ALL of the material that has been covered in the past few weeks. From January 3 to February 15th. I'm going over all of what has been covered, and I'm going to make sure that I understand it all. I've already split it up into days. By Thursday, I want to be finished. I'm leaving early on Friday morning for New Brunswick. I won't be back until Sunday evening, and I should be tired by then. I'll probably go straight to bed, and wake up for Desperate Housewives, my guilty pleasure. Then back to bed. Yes, this week will be busy. Starting now. I'm going to start my reading now.