(no subject)

Jun 11, 2005 22:56


26. He cared enough to not smoke for me

27. He wasn't any different infront of his friends with me then when he's not with them

28. He listened to my stupid ass stories about getting hurt by doors and shit when everyone else tuned out

29. He wasn't an ass like some people about my sunburn

30. He asks my opinion before doing something or going somewhere and doesn't assume I agree with him unless I say so

31. He looks sexy in my glasses

Yeah that's all I got right now I have to think more and I have a headache so I don't feel like doing that right now. my shoulders hurt like a fucking son of a bitch, everyone was putting cold stuff on my back and it made me jump because well it was too cold. Mario's hands felt nice though like it didn't hurt but they weren't really cold either lol. It still made me jump though because Nick kept slapping my back this morning or whenever I got up and I kept freaking out that someone was going to slap my back. Mario didn't wear his glasses...but he wore mine for a minute and they looked incredibly sexy on him lol. But yeah NO FUCKING DRAMA. Holy shit I was fucking amazed how the whole time we were there everything went smoothly except for one tiny incident where we (meaning:Ashley, Gina, and me) "ran" to the bathroom when Justin, Robert, and Mario bought weed. Ugh...we didn't run, and it wasn't supposed to seem dramatic or anything. We just needed a quick friend meeting or whatever the hell you wish to call it. Like the only reason I took offense to it was because like everyone in my whole family does drugs and smokes and all my old friends did and the friends I have now are the only people I have to escape all the pressure from my brother...yeah of course I've smoked weed and I've done a few other things before but I regret them and I always wish I never did and I just hate seeing people I love or are my friends do stupid shit like that. It can really fuck you up. I know it can fuck you up really bad. And I don't want that shit happening to people I know because like Gina and people know that when something bad happens to people I know and I'm friends with or whatever I feel really bad and I feel like it's my fault. ....Like Marcus. Just please don't do stupid shit or I could never live with myself. Even if it wasn't my fault...I'm sorry if I fucked anything up but that kind of stuff brings back a lot of bad memories. So yeah I just felt like I needed to explain myself.


LUV urs truly,
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