(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 18:25

I was in a car accident....10 minutes ago. No one was hurt but I still feel really bad my mom's van is totally fucked and me and my brother are completely traumitzed. It wasn't even that big of a deal but my brother could have been hurt and like if he was I would kill myself. I love my brother a lot even if we don't show it. I really love him I could never live with myself if he died and the last thing I told him was I hated him which was what I told him before the truck hit us...we were fighting over the vents for air conditioning and he kept turning them all to him and I yelled at him and he hit me and I yelled that I hated him. I feel really bad I hate myself for that. I vow to never tell anyone that I hate them ever again. I will never be mean to another person in my life. This sounds really dumb to all of you but I get effected by this kind of shit really easily. That sounds dumb too....Well 15 minutes later...I hate every fucking person that ever fucking lived on this god-for-fucking-saken planet. I don't give a fuck who the fuck you are I hate you. I don't give a fuck if I just broke that fucking vow I honestly don't give a fuck. I hate my mom. I hate my brother. I hate Jeremy. I hate Heather. I hate Gina. I hate Ashley. I hate Nathan. I hate Mario. I hate every person that was ever born or was to be born but their poor poor mothers decided "what the hell why not kill a baby that doesn't have a chance to see this place we call earth that is god-forsaken and we mine as well call hell" well thank you for killing those "things" you did them the favor I wish someone or myself could or would do right now!!! Call me bi-polar call me whatever the fucking fuck you want to call me I don't give a fuck. But I am by far pissed off if you can call it that at all... I don't care. Why am I being the biggest bitch in the fucking world you ask?! Well let's start with I can barely wear clothes....I haven't been able to get a hold of any fucking person to talk to except Heather....made me feel A LOT better. She didn't help much. You may say this will be better by tomorrow right!? WRONG. I do not get over this shit fast, easy, or whatever the fuck you want to say. I will refuse to get into a car that is going to move into any sort of road where another vehicle can come into any kind of contact at all for as long as I live until I say other wise. SO FUCK YOU. Call me do whatever the fuck you want, I don't care I may talk to you for 2 seconds or I may hang the fuck up on you. Get over it don't take it personally..or hell take it personally for all the fuck I care. You have now read me in my worst moods that I keep hidden from people. Now can you just IMAGINE what I would be like if you were in the same room as me??!? Haha yeah I could it would be a fucking field day now wouldn't it!!!! You know the number whatever if yuo don't fuck you find someone!
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