(Final Fantasy) Ice Skating

Nov 20, 2012 16:09

Title: Ice Skating (Part of the Buttercream Frosting verse)

Rating: PG

Characters/Parring: Cloud Strife, Angeal Hewley

Timeline: AU Buttercream Frosting

Warnings: None

Summary: Cloud decides to go ice skating while everything is decorated for the holidays and encounters a hard collision.

Disclaimer: Square Enix

Author Says: I was struck with this suddenly and harbored an urgent need to write it.

Hark the herald angels sing,

“Glory to the newborn king!

Peace on earth and mercy mild

God and sinners reconciled”

Christmas was, by far, Cloud’s favorite holiday. For no other holiday would people try going bankrupt in order to have the best decorated yard in the neighborhood or would they spend hours untangling lights that should have been packed correctly the previous year. There was a mild peace and warmth in the year that could not be found at any other time through the year. This, of course, was null if you were in the midst of a holiday sale. Holiday sales brought out the Grinch in some until they walked out the door with their hard fought for purchases and then, and only then, were they all smiles again.

So it wasn’t always ‘goodwill toward men’, but Cloud ignored the frustrating bits and focused on the good. Such as ice skating amidst twinkling lights in the shadow of an elegantly decorated Christmas tree. Cloud adjusted his blue scarf in order to help stave off the winter chill as he skated around the circle, watching families and couples as they passed by.

This made him realize it would be the second Christmas he spent without his mother. He’d moved from the country to the city in order to work in a bakery alongside a great pastry chef. Sometimes he regretted moving so far, but she had encouraged him to chase after his dreams. She wouldn’t have him staying only for her benefit. He smiled to himself. And besides, he wasn’t completely alone. He’d made friends in the city and Tifa had come up about a year after he did.

Speaking of…

Cloud’s cell phone jingled a jaunty Christmas tune. He skated over to the edge and dug it out of his coat pocket. Sure enough, it was Tifa.

“Hey Tifa, what’s going on?” He asked as he pressed himself further against the side to avoid other people.

“I was just calling to make sure you were coming on Sunday.”

“Sunday?” He asked carefully, wracking his brain for what could possibly be going on.

Tifa sighed, “The Christmas party? You are still coming, right?”

“Oh, right! Yes, I am. I’ll also be bringing the dessert.”

Tifa’s tone brightened up, “Fantastic! So, are you bringing a date?”

“No.” Cloud chuckled when he heard Tifa sigh again. “I’ve been busy with work and I haven’t really met anyone…date worthy.”

“You are always busy with work,” Tifa accused lightly. “Don’t forget to take time out for yourself.”

“That is my ‘me time’. Baking is relaxing for me.” As if he hadn’t explained this a hundred times before.

“Well, at least you are on your way to your dream job. I was just calling to confirm, I’ll call you later tonight so we can catch up, okay?”

“Sure thing. If you need any help with the set-up, let me know.”

“I will. Talk to you later.”

“Bye.” Cloud slipped his phone back into his pocket. Tifa’s Christmas party had given him something to look forward to in the holiday season. He was also considering taking an entrée. His passion may be baking, but he knew how to cook too. Cloud had just started to slip back into the steady stream of skaters when, bam! He found himself on the hard ice tangled with another body. His tailbone ached, his palms hurt from where they’d connected with the unforgiving ice and his ankle was working up a good throb. He groaned.

“I am very sorry,” someone started apologizing. “I was not watching where I was going.”

“It’s okay,” Cloud assured. “It’s partially my fault too.” The man who’d run into him was standing now and holding out a gloved hand to assist Cloud. Cloud took it and let himself be pulled to his feet. When he put pressure on his right leg, however, pain stabbed through his ankle.

“Are you alright?” The man asked, noticing Cloud’s grimace.

“Yeah, I’m alright.” He tested the leg again and winced. It didn’t feel broken, but it was probably sprained.

“Let’s get you off the ice.” Strong arms helped support Cloud’s weak side and together they made it off the ice and onto an unoccupied bench. He gingerly removed the skate, wincing when he pulled too hard. The skin was red and slightly inflamed, there may even be bruising later. “How is it?” The man asked.

“Not broken, thankfully.”

“This is my fault, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, really.” Cloud assured. “I wasn’t looking where I was skating.” He looked up and finally got a good look at the stranger who’d helped him. He was very attractive, for one. He had black shoulder length hair and kind blue eyes. He was broad, toned and made Cloud feel smaller than he was. “I’ll be fine.”

The stranger nodded and then left. Cloud watched him go until the crowd hid him from view. Cloud shook his head with a wry grin. He took off his other skate and put his street shoes on. Well, that put an end to his skating. A few days with an ace bandage wrapped around his foot should take care of things; a hot bath would also help. Cloud sat on the bench watching the other people while trying to conjure up the will to move. He texted Tifa, asking if she could come pick him up. He couldn’t fathom trying to make his way to the subway.

A few minutes later a shadow fell over him. He looked up, surprised to see that the stranger had returned, but this time with two cups in hand. Cloud stared, uncertain of what to make of this. The stranger sat down next to him and offered one of the cups.

“It’s hot chocolate.” He explained.

Cloud took it, smiling gratefully. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to.”

“Well it is my fault that you sprained your ankle.” A few moments of silence passed between them as they drank the warm beverages. “I’m Angeal.” The stranger suddenly offered.

“Cloud.” For some reason he could feel his cheeks starting to heat. At least he could blame the weather for it; his nose was undoubtedly a lovely shade of red too. But men as attractive and as kind as Angeal were usually straight or married, so there was no point in hoping. He couldn’t see if he had a ring because of his gloves and he wasn’t about to ask.

“Do you have a way home?” Angeal questioned.

“Yes, a friend of mine is coming to get me.” Cloud answered.

“Then do you mind if I keep you company until they come?”

Cloud stammered, “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you’d rather be skating.”

Angeal just smiled, “But wouldn’t it be lonely sitting by yourself?”

Cloud looked at his cup then said, “If you want to, I wouldn’t mind.”

So they sat drinking and people watching. It was oddly nice for sitting with someone he’d just, literally, ran into.

“My friend is here,” Cloud announced when he caught sight of Tifa coming up the sidewalk. “Thank you for keeping me company.”

“It was my pleasure.” Angeal said as he helped Cloud stand up. “Perhaps we’ll run into each other again.”

“Figuratively, I hope.” Cloud chuckled. He waved and hobbled over towards Tifa, keeping weight off of his bum ankle.

“Hey,” Tifa greeted. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Just a sprained ankle. Thanks Tifa.”

“It’s no problem.” Tifa wrapped an arm around Cloud’s shoulders and helped him into her car. “So,” she started slyly. “Who was that man you were talking to?”

“Just someone I ran into.” Cloud explained quickly.


“Really!” He defended.

Tifa laughed as she pulled out onto the road. “Must have been cold out, huh?”

Cloud was confused until he looked into the window, his cheeks were pink. He hid his face, mortified. “I just met him.”

“Doesn’t mean you can’t think he’s cute.”

“Tifa,” Cloud groaned. But she did have a point. He could think whatever he wanted and it didn’t matter because he probably wouldn’t see him again. Cloud looked out the window as Tifa put on some Christmas music; he could just catch sight of the raven haired man heading back out onto the rink as they left.  But he could always hope.

pairing: angeal hewley/cloud strife, buttercream frosting, series: final fantasy: au

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