(Final Fantasy) Caramel Latte

Sep 21, 2012 11:56

Title: Caramel Latte (Part of the Buttercream Frosting verse)

Rating: PG

Characters/Parring: Genesis Rhapsodos

Timeline: AU

Warnings: None

Summary: Twenty-five year old Genesis Rhapsodos expected an ordinary day, but since when were holidays ordinary?

Disclaimer: Square Enix

Author Says: I know you have been waiting for Shards to update, but I have been throwing myself headfirst into my novel. So, until I can properly delve into re-working the plot, I decided to opt for a more flexible series. A string of related one-shots. This will focus around Zack/Genesis and Angeal/Cloud.

Drumming his fingers on the table top did nothing in coaxing the words to the forefront of his mind. The bar on screen flashed irritatingly against a white page until he finally gave in and shut the laptop, saving his sanity from the frustration of it all. Genesis knew what he needed. A drink. It was time to offer tribute, once more, for the free wifi the coffee shop provided. Sure he could work at home in silence without having to pay for food or drink when he wanted it, but there was just something about getting out of the house and working in a setting not his own for a change. It helped to free his mind. Usually. Then there were times that, no matter where he went, he was fated to stare at a blank page until his brain rotted.

It was a slow day by all accounts. He could count the number of patrons sitting around on one hand and the door wasn’t swinging open as often as it would during early mornings. But this morning was different than most. Instead of singles sitting around, working or relaxing between shifts, the shop was infected with couples. Yes they came in on a day to day basis too, but on this particular day young couples roamed around with hearts in their eyes. It was the fated day of the year to be painfully aware of ones relationship status. The day that could turn the nicest person into a Febuary Scrooge. Valentines day.

The coffee shop was decorated accordingly. Crepe paper draped from the ceiling and red hearts were put up all over the walls. There was even a festive coffee for the occasion. He didn't always mind being single, but he was twenty-five now. The last time he dated was over four years ago. It was time for a stable relationship that he didn't dump because of disinterest.

The barista was more than happy to see Genesis come up. She usually worked the morning shift he tended to come in at and they’d had a casual conversation more than once. She was quite intelligent for a high school student and hoped to get into law school the following year.

“Good morning Genesis,” She greeted brightly. “The usual I assume?”

He quirked an eyebrow. “Have I become that predictable?”

“I like to say dependable.”

“Well then, yes. That would be fine.” Genesis reached for his wallet, but she shook her head.

“It’s already taken care of.” She said.

Genesis’ brows furrowed in confusion. “How so?” Had he acquired some sort of frequent visitors points which earned him a free coffee?

“Someone has already paid for it.” She clarified without being clear.

Genesis’ eyes roved over the few occupants in the shop. Aside from the twitterpated couples, there was a pretty brunette using the internet connection on her iPhone and a young man seated by the window engrossed in a book with earbuds to help block out the world.

Genesis turned back to the barista. “I don’t suppose you’d tell me who?” Her silence was telling enough. He slid a five in the tip jar when she wasn’t looking and slunk back over to his table to wait. He opened his laptop, but didn’t move to try and write again. Instead he leaned back in his seat and crossed one leg over the other. It wasn’t unusual for women to take notice of him and pay for the occasional drink in hopes of being noticed and offered a date, but outside of high school such instances had about vanished. It was just as well, he wasn't interested in women.

Genesis retrieved his Caramel Latte when it was ready. He stared at it a moment and refused to admit to the warmth he felt that someone had done something for him. Again he scanned the shop, but no one even glanced in his direction. The barista pretended not to notice the smile on his face. Genesis returned to his table feeling lighter than when he first arrived. He had a secret admirer.

Home consisted solely of Genesis and his cat, Loki. Quite often it would also consist of his childhood friend, Angeal Hewley. They were both single, unattached men. In one word: lonely. They’d drowned this fact with companionable nights spent in front of Genesis’ flat screen, eating take-out and a couple of cold ones. Genesis preferred wine, but he could be talked into beer when the mood suited him. He mostly kept it in the fridge for Angeal’s sake though.

Genesis considered calling Angeal up in order to come over, but remembered he would be at work and settled instead for texting him.

'Good afternoon, how is work?'

'Going well. You're in a good mood today.'

Angeal was right, he was. Usually he would have started off with 'Happy Singles Awareness Day', but he just couldn't bring himself to feel sardonic. Genesis clicked his tongue, drawing the attention of Loki who crawled out from beneath the table stretching his long body as he went.

'I am. My day has been pleasent so far. Dinner is at six, don't be late.' Genesis scarcely ever asked for Angeal’s availability anymore. He just assumed the man would be free and, of course, he always was. It was one of the things that made his world turn and would be constant. Loki always wanted dinner at four, the sun rose in the sky every morning and Angeal would always come for dinner. He didn't expect what came next.

'I'm sorry Gen, but I can't tonight.'

Genesis rose his eyebrows and stared at the screen confused. This wasn't how the conversation was supposed to go. Angeal's next message should have read: of course. 'Why not?' He almost didn't want the reply.

'I have plans. I'm sorry Gen.'

Sure he was. If Angeal truly was sorry, he wouldn't be bailing. Instead of saying what he truly wanted to, Genesis wrote, 'It's quite alright, I'll just hold you to it tomorrow.'

'Wouldn't miss it.'

Genesis put his phone aside feeling very put-out. What could Angeal possibly be doing that was more important than wasting the rest of Valentines day together? He looked at Loki forlornly. "Looks like it's just you and me tonight." He sighed.

Genesis was in a decidedly sulky mood the next morning. He tried not to let Angeal's curious behavior bother him. But there were some things in the world Genesis thought should be predictable and Angeal was most certainly one of them. Having his friend cancel on him bothered him more than Genesis cared to admit aloud. He was very self sufficent, but even he liked having someone around. A human someone, as much as he loved his cat.  He'd tried to coax Angeal into talking this morning, but the other man had been vague. He'd said something about not wanting to 'jinx' anything, but Genesis had stopped listening at that point. He picked his usual corner, ordered a drink and just focused on his work. The outside world vanished from mind, becoming nothing more than mere static in the background.

So when a shadow fell over his table, he was startled. Genesis looked up, not in the mood to humor anyone, but stopped short. A caramel latte was held out for him to take. He blinked at it a moment, unable to register what it was doing in his face. His eyes travled up the arm to the offerer's face. It was a man at least a few years his junior and he was obviously nervous, but offered a wide smile anyway. His hair was fashioned in the oddest way, short raven spikes sticking out in back with bangs framing his handsome face. He remembered seeing him yesterday. The one reading with ear-buds playing music. How had he looked him over so easily? 
Genesis flashed a smile, taking the proffered drink. Who was he to turn down a free latte? He motioned to the empty chair opposite him. The young man sat down, running a hand through his spikes.

"You paid for my coffee yesterday." Genesis said. "I never got the chance to thank you."

The young man's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink, but he slipped into a more confident demeanor now that Genesis hadn't immediately shot him down. "You looked like you needed a little cheering up."

"Oh?" Genesis quirked an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

"Well, so maybe there was an ulterior motive." The young man admitted. "I see you around here a lot, writing. I've wanted to talk to you for a while, but I didn't know how to break the ice. I figured this was a good a way as any." He motioned to the coffee.

That was different. How had he not noticed this boy coming in often? Had he really been that wrapped up in his writing? "It seems a little random, wanting to converse with a stranger you see having coffee." Genesis sounded amused. The young man gave him a little smile, charming. Genesis got a strange feeling like he'd seen him before, but he couldn't quite pinpoint it.

"Yeah. I guess it's strange, but stranger things happen in the world. I made this akward huh?" He hung his head with a sigh. But then he perked up, blue eyes shinning like beacons. "So allow me to get to know you better in a less akward setting. One date."

Genesis almost laughed. This only ever happened in the books he wrote. This wasn't real life material, was it? But the young man was so full of life, so confident as he spoke those words holding up his index finger for emphasis. He probably said that to a lot of girls. But Genesis said, "Very well. One date."

pairing: zack fair/genesis rhapsodos, buttercream frosting, series: final fantasy: au

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