Jul 23, 2008 00:57
alot of things happen.
and i haven been smiling/laughing whole heartedly.
alot of people to thanks.
and one fer the sorry.
i tried and tried.
to stay happy.
and not to eat so much and cry at the same time.
my mummy stared at me.
wondered what got into me and at the same time fearing of me choking on my food by the way i ate.
and i told mummy.
i just told someone i like him and he didnt like me.
mummy came over and hugged me.
and i had all my fav food fer dinner fer 2 days.
and daddy bought back durians.
i wonder if i will go blind if i cry too much.
or i will stop having tears.
despite the amt of food i ate this 2 days.
i still feel hungry.
and i'm starting to worry for eating disorder.
he said he wouldnt avoid me.
yet i am the one who is doing all the avoiding.
thanks ronald & qi en.
i spent my crying moments talking to them on msn.
and it helps.
thanks yanling & cons.
the msges from you girls really make me feel i'm not alone.
nothing i can do now.
all i wanna do is hide under my blankets.
binge on my sweet corns.
and cry.
and cry.
and cry.
bye world.
i know you hate me.
cos you dont let me be happy.
and i secretly think i deserve all this.
and maybe i should die and rot in hell.