news from all sides of the heart (etc.)

Jun 28, 2007 00:53

Apparently, the point in my letter to Dan was lost in miscommunication. There was another, larger, section of the letter which had to do with his crucifix tattoo on his back on my reaction to it. (A definite turn off because crucifixes make me think of scary guilt-filled born-agains who put Jesus' death before his deeds and generally view people like me as sinful. Totally unsexy.) He took this along with my "what are you?" confusion to mean that I felt he had changed into a fundamentalist and could no longer connect with him. Prison does bad things to your trust in other people. He was very upset in the letter I got. Fastest reply I've ever gotten from him. So I drafted a four page response. I'll summarize:

Dear Dan, this is a clarification. A) Please read again. I was using the tattoo, which scares me, as a metaphor for all the things going on in your life that I don't know about. B) Don't you dare use that tone with me. C) Give me a little more credit than that! I don't break off the most important relationships in my life over a tattoo. D) Did we just have a fight? E) I still love you, so shut up.

That would be our first fight in 9 years of friendship. Weird. I never get in fights with my friends. I don't know, it just doesn't happen.

I haven't received a response yet. I hope my letter said what I meant it to say.

In other news, I got to make out with a cute dorky guy last week. Jazz can be a very dangerous thing. Saw him again tonight. No one mentioned it. Which may be perfect. Of course, as usual, god smote me with all the germs in his body. At least I didn't get mono this time. He must not have been that cute.

And for those of you who've been following my current escapades on the other side of the fence, there has been little to no developments with the one we'll just call "That Cute Girl" so that none of our mutual friends can identify her. Still waiting patiently for things to balance so I can ask her out. Well, I've never been that patient. What can I say? Still, just spending time hanging out is cool, too. I'd like to do that more often.

-engaged to be engaged to Alan Shore, because it's hard to find people who understand that a girl has her flamingos.
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