Sunday, 14th March 2021

Mar 14, 2021 13:12

The Friday Five for 12 March 2021: Books

1) Have you read more books, or fewer books, this past year than usual?  About the same really.

2) What book are you reading now (or what book did you read most recently)?  i'm re-reading Sue Grafton's 'X' book of her Alphabet series, as my read-in-bed book, but dipping into Monty Don's latest [too heavy to carry].  i'm about to start on Michelle Obama's 'Becoming' and then a couple by Barack.  They look interesting and will give an insight of what it's like to be inside the White House and their thoughts.

3) What is the best book you read in the past few years? 'Few YEARS'? Are you kidding me?? No serious book reader could weed out just one.  i couldn't even tell you how many i read in one year!  Too many to catalogue for sure.

4) Do you read more than one book at a time, or just one? i read up to three books at a time, as i usually have one bedside, one 'dipper' in the lounge and one in the bathroom [for when i'm contemplating my navel!]

5) How big is your to-be-read pile (or list)? Not that huge at the moment, about six i think.  i had a blitz and had to catch up some as the pile was fit to topple over!  i try to balance reading and catching up with TV that i've saved to watch [a bit too much and needs reducing].

i've been very lazy going online recently for anything other than emails and ordering what i need.  i've neglected Facebook other than the odd comment and i've been woefully absent here.  i feel guilty when i read how faithful some are and i usually resolve not to be so lazy in the future; this is not an uncommon occurrence!

i must confess this lockdown makes me more lazy, not less, sad to say.  It's just taken me 2 days to clean the floors and tidy up some of what needs doing.  i have taken myself out to the bird feeder this AM as although it's still fairly windy, it's not too bad today.  i put out some more seeds and a new half coconut of fatty goodness!  Checked over the peanuts (enough) and the fat-seeds slab (also good) but filled the water container with fresh.  The birds get quite spoiled *g*

Did i tell you we got our walking area sorted?  We asked for stepping stones for a garden walk but the Council decided in it's muddled wisdom that a path would be better?  i don't agree but hey, at least we got somewhere to stroll, even if it was more expensive than what we asked for.  We also got two smaller garden seats [they took the old broken one away], one for each end of the garden [nice] and two new down-lights [which we did not ask for, as we are floodlit enough], luckily the lights are not intrusive and my neighbour who was most concerned, actually likes them.  That's a relief.  Pictures below

Seat at right and light beyond

We were dodging the bad weather to have the path in but they managed.  i must take some of the finished efforts. It does look nice now it's all settled down.

Right, off to do some cooking; veg soup coming up and maybe tomato too.  i'll have to see how i feel.  Hope you all have a good week and stay safe.  *waves*

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