Apr 27, 2010 03:32
Things you may or may not know about me:
1. My ears stuck out when I was a little kid.. so I had surgery to fix them. I had to wear a full head cast for a week, and then the rest of the summer whenever I went to the neighborhood pool (and anywhere else for that matter, but the pool was most embarrassing) I'd have to wear a 2-3 inch thick headband that kept my ears pinned against my head.
2. I cry easily. Probably because I like to empathize with others, and always try to put myself in their mind to feel how they might feel.
3. I like fun facts. I could literally spend all day reading random facts. We could all be a little knowledgeable. Today, I learned that Ramen Noodles are the #1 currency in prison, traded even more frequently than cigarettes. Also, if you brush your teeth with your opposite hand, that helps to stimulate your brain.
4. I am just as happy having a quiet night in by myself, with wine and a movie, as I am going out for the night with friends.
5. My allergies are the worst. My nose stuffed up 95% of the year.
6. While I'm driving to work, I make myself smile the whole way. Even if I wasn't that happy to begin with, it puts me in a much better mood and makes for a happier workday. Try it sometime.
7. I don't like to lose. EVER.
8. I am going to write a book someday.
I came to write a journal entry and somehow it had saved this from months and months ago.. So I thought I'd just post it anyhow.. haha