Mar 29, 2005 18:43
Some entries as done the weekend I left my cousin and was on the train back to Toronto.
It has been a weekend of revelations staying with Gillian. I have had mine eyes opened to the new ‘Blessed Bob’ s opposed to the current one Yatzee.
Bob is in short a legend. Why? Simply because he is Bob. I found out to day that he is currently putting the final touches to his second book (on topology or to be more precise knot theory) and apparently the only thing stopping him finishing it is coming up with a catchy name to his book. To be fair though he does have something to live up to. His first book on Applied Algebra was called ‘A Plaid Algebra’ (let’s put this into context - Bob is a Maths Professor - All his shirts are plaid and all his socks are Argyll, yes I believe he does have a pair of sandals as well).
This alone would not give me enough evidence to bestow such a legendary status on Bob.
There is of course Contra dancing, which as I found out last night is kind of the American version of that sort of stuff Leonardo and Kate were doing in Titanic. Bob also does bell ringing (both hand and steeple), but what really makes Bob so bob is his collection of urban arrowheads. This is where Bob comes into his own.
Whilst going on a quick tour of Detroit via their People mover system (It’s not a monorail!!! As my cousin indignantly pointed out - a Woman very much worth keeping on the right side of) Bob picked up a couple of thin rusted strips, which at one end had worn away leaving a blade-like edge. We played the ‘Can you guess what it is yet game’, with clues from Gillian like ‘When people find out what it is they recoil in shock’.
It turns out that Bob has these from all round the world, over 40 cities. As a further clue Bob told me how he came to collect these. Apparently Theroux had a collection of arrowheads and when asked ‘Where do you get all these arrowheads from?’ he said that when out walking he would just find them under leaves, they were everywhere - you just had to keep an eye out for them.
Inspired by this, Bob looked into what would be the urban equivalent of arrowheads.
So that’s how he came to collecting what he did.
Another clue I was given was where he had found them. By the curbside. That was a big clue….. still I was at a loss.
The urban arrowheads were in fact the bristles from those road sweeping machines that had broken off.
The thing with Bob that I really took to is that he’s happy just being Bob. He is what can be seen as truly ‘geek-ish’, but it’s more than that - it isn’t that superficial - Bob’s not a novelty act. Bob is happy with who he is and what he does, not only that Bob is one of the nicest people I have ever met - he is genuinely one of ‘The nice guys’ and what has inspired me the most about Bob is just to see that being one of the nice guys has come through for him. He got Gillian, in her words - He’s kind, he’s sweet and he adores me.
When I asked Gillian how long they had been going out with each other, she said it had been 1 Year, 1 month and although they had been sharing bed for a year, they had been only having sex for a month. In world that seems to be about people who do nothing than bounce from one night stand to one night stand and your Sexual prowess is in direct correlation to social standing, for me was refreshing to hear that kindness, tenderness and intimacy were valued because to be honest disillusionment and despair was beginning to set in. However thanks to The Blessed Bob,
my faith in love is still Devout.