Seducing Tegoshi

Jan 18, 2006 20:58

Title: Seducing Tegoshi
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo x Tegoshi Yuya
Rating: NC-17
Summary: PWP.
Disclaimer: I don't own Ryo er, I don't own either of them.
Notes: I actually wrote the intro to this in July or something, and then didn't write the rest until November. ^^; My first attempt at writing smut.

Yes, Nishikido Ryo did in fact kiss boys. Yes, he looked at some of them "that way". (Only some, mind, because many of them were stupid idiots who shouldn't even be allowed in his presence. And ugly ones, no less. Nishikido Ryo does not like ugly people.)

It was nothing he was ashamed of. Of course, he liked girls too, meaning he had twice as many chances of a date. What could be better?

Though, admittedly, it was true that he hadn't noticed Tegoshi Yuya until a very long time. Though they were in NEWS together, Ryo was always too occupied running back and forth between groups to acknowledge the little fifteen year old boy who seemed as if he had come straight from the Johnny's audition.

He still had the baby fat on his cheeks; some of his teeth were crooked, which made him look at if he had recently had a visit from the tooth fairy. That, plus a fluffy/curly combo of a hairstyle, made him look like he was five years old.

Tegoshi never spoke much either, and stuck to hanging around in the back with Masuda and Moriuchi.

Needless to say, the only thought that Ryo had concerning this little boy was how on Earth they were in the same group.

But that was going to change.

Zoom ahead one year and give a little. Tegoshi Yuya was no longer just "that eighth member" of NEWS. The teeth were fixed (oh the joys of dentistry), and hair calmed down, the baby fat… was still there, more or less, but no matter. And, it seemed that after so long, Tegoshi had been given the OK for his personality to show a bit more.

And Ryo found his gaze linger on him, absorbing everything, noticing things he had overlooked for a long time. Tegoshi was incredibly cute, in looks and in manner. He would ask the most innocent questions that even made Ryo think "so… so cute…"

Usually, Ryo did not go for cute. But Tegoshi just seemed so innocent, so sweet, that it made Ryo want to take him into his arms and see if that innocence would hold. As he watched him being chased around the studio by Kusano, laughing happily, something within him said, "Go for it."


He stared for a full five minutes on Thursday. Ryo shook his head and let his breath out. Why had he been holding it in the first place? He felt rather disgusted with himself. Nishikido Ryo, Sparkling Heart-Throb Idol by day and Dashing Sex God by night: reduced to acting like a schoolgirl in love over a little seventeen year old boy.

… Surely, he could do better than that.

Getting up, he walked straight towards the table where Tegoshi sat. He didn't really care that he was cutting straight across the path of Shige, who had to veer off to the side abruptly to avoid a collision.

Ryo stood next to Tegoshi until the other boy noticed him. This took awhile because Tegoshi was signing a little pink ball that would later be thrown into the audience and undoubtedly cause a cat fight between the fans. He appeared to be really concentrating hard on the extra happy smiley faces he was drawing on the plastic balls.

Ryo cleared his throat. Tegoshi only reached for another ball, his tongue poking out from the corner of his mouth as he drew. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Children's virtue. Shut up. "AHEM." The tip of the marker slid down the round surface of the ball, making the unfortunate face Tegoshi was drawing look bloated.

He looked at it sadly before finally turning to look at Ryo. "Whaaaat…?"

"Come with me." He grabbed Tegoshi's wrist and the bloated ball slipped from Tegoshi's fingers. As Ryo pulled him off the chair and out of the room, it rolled underneath the table and was sadly forgotten.

"Hey! Where are we going?" Tegoshi protested half-heartedly, letting Ryo drag him into an empty room anyway. Ryo closed the door behind them; they were in an unused practice room. "What, Ryo-chan-"

"Ryo-tan." He corrected.


"Don't call me Ryo-chan. Isn't Ryo-tan better?"

"Ah…" The questioning look still did not leave Tegoshi's eyes. "Ryo-tan."


Tegoshi laughed, flustered, cute, tegoshi. "Really, what is it? Is something wrong?"

Damnit. So cute. "Aishiteru." Tegoshi's jaw went slack; Ryo grabbed his arms and looked him square in the face.

A blush crept over Tegoshi's face. "Ryo-ch…Ryo-tan…"

Ryo bent down quickly and pressed their lips together, pulling Tegoshi against his chest. He could feel the smaller boy's heart thumping against his; he wrapped his arms around Tegoshi's waist as he gently coaxed the other's mouth open with his tongue.

Tegoshi yielded, whimpering softly into the kiss, his left arm wrapped around Ryo's neck as their mouths moved against each other's and their tongues met and mingled. Well, that was much easier than expected.

"Nishikido-kun! Tegorin!" The sound of Koyama's voice outside the door broke their kiss. They had been missed. "Where are you? It's time for the encore!" Ryo muttered under his breath. Dumb encore should just keep itself in its pants. Oops, that wasn't very nice.

Tegoshi's lips were slightly swollen. Pulling away from Tegoshi, Ryo looked straight into his eyes again. "Will you wait for me after the concert today?" He asked, his voice more gentle than he had ever used with any of the NEWS members.

Tegoshi straightened his shirt and nodded shyly. "Un."

After the concert, Ryo hung behind, standing on the side of the flow of people exiting. He smirked as he watched Tegoshi bid farewell to Masuda and Kusano. Suckers. When everyone was cleared out, he escorted Tegoshi out of the arena.

"Concerts are always so much fun!" Tegoshi jabbered as they stood at the train station together. "But I think I hit a wrong note during the 'FURE FURE' part of Kibou~Yell~. Did you notice?"

Ryo shook his head and gave Tegoshi a pat on the head. "That's impossible." He slipped his hands in his pockets. "Are you hungry? Want to get something to eat?"

Tegoshi thought about it for a while before he answered. "Hmmmmmm… okay! I want to go eat ramen!"

Ryo laughed affectionately. "Sure. We'll go eat ramen." But he was cursing in his head. He had expected Tegoshi to say no. Must be patient. Must be patient. Must be patient. One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life. Chinese proverb.

So they rode on the train and Ryo treated Tegoshi to ramen. He only ordered a soft drink for himself, and he allowed his eyes to glue to Tegoshi's face the entire time. He was relieved when finally Tegoshi's bowl was empty and his chopsticks were set down. Ryo hated for people to make him wait, but for Tegoshi he had tried his best not to hurry.

"You're done? You don't want ice cream or anything else now, right?"

Tegoshi face lit up at the mention of ice cream. Shit. Shouldn't have said that. Fortunately, Tegoshi tilted his head and said, "Naaaah. I'm too full for ice cream now."

Ryo got up and carelessly threw some yen down on the table as a tip. Then he motioned for Tegoshi to follow him out of the small ramen place.

"Where are we going?" Tegoshi asked, skipping to catch up with Ryo. "Are we near your house?"

"No, I live a little farther away." He wrapped his arm around Tegoshi's waist and led him off the main sidewalk and towards a building.

"Huh?" Tegoshi looked at the place they were walking towards. The sign was brightly lit and had the name "Shirakawa" on it… the entrance was discreet and not in a place where someone would have seen them going in. It took him a while to register in his mind.

A love hotel. Ryo was taking him to a love hotel.

He could feel his knees weaken and shake, but he said nothing.

They went through the tinted door. The lobby was completely empty, as love hotels were. Ryo inserted money into a computer and punched a couple buttons. Tegoshi watched in amazement as it give him a key to a room. It was really as easy at that: if you can you pay, you can play.

Ryo turned around and smiled at Tegoshi kindly to calm the smaller boy's nerves, taking his hand gently and leading him into the elevator, down the hall, and finally inside of a room. Room 617.

"OOH! Look! There's karaoke! Karaoke!! YAYAYAY!" Tegoshi ran towards a karaoke machine that was positioned right in his line of vision and examined it. Ryo laid a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm going to take a shower," He gently. "You can look around the room."

"Okay!" Tegoshi smiled and nodded once, trying to look casual. He watched as Ryo disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door. Then he let out his breath and straightened up to look around the room.

For a start, the bed was shaped like a heart and was rather large. The sheets were black and satin. In the center of the room, there was a small round swimming pool with rose petals floating atop the water. The room was designed to look very modern, with curved architecture and neutral calming colors. He blushed when his eyes fell upon a complimentary condom on the pillow and diverted his attention back to the karaoke. His heart was somersaulting, but Tegoshi had to admit… the room was really cool. Not to mention fancy looking.

Ryo did not take long to come out of the bathroom, dressed in a deep red and plush looking robe. He tossed a dry towel to Tegoshi. "Your turn."

The bathroom was another pleasant surprise. It was the same size as the main room itself; there was a shower and a Jacuzzi, along with the normal sink and a table with tons of different shampoos and other beauty products. The room was lighted dimly in a blue light, where it warped on the walls to make it look like it was underwater. There were dolphins painted on the wall above the counters, and the mirror was shaped like a shell. Tegoshi could have stared forever, but he quickly chose some bottles of scented soap and shampoo and stepped into the shower.

He stepped out about ten minutes later. The shower had really calmed his nerves. He liked Ryo too, and he trusted him. He was willing to do whatever Ryo asked of him. Wrapping a white robe around himself, he came out into the main room and looked around. Where did Ryo-tan go?

Strong arms wrapped around him from behind. "Did you want to try the karaoke?" Ryo asked softly. Tegoshi shook his head, and it surprised him. "I know you're lying," he whispered into Tegoshi's ear. "We can do the karaoke later. I paid for all night." And with that, Ryo scooped Tegoshi up into his arms and deposited him onto the mattress. He untied the waist of Tegoshi's robe and pushed it off his small body, before nudging it off the bed and shrugging his own robe off, letting it fall next to Tegoshi's on the floor.

"Aishiteru," he kissed Tegoshi, their mouths moving against each other in unison. They came away and Ryo gently brushed a lock of hair from Tegoshi's cheek, whispering into his ear. "Aishiteru." Again. Sweet nothings? No, believe it or not, he really did mean it. Sweet somethings.

"Do you really?"

He did.

"Even though I'm a boy?"

Nishikido Ryo doesn't discriminate. Unless the person is ugly.

"For how long?"

He had waited for a month thinking that the feeling would go away, but it only grew more persistent.

One question still hung in Tegoshi's mind. "…Why me?" He asked as Ryo's fingers ran down his cheek lightly.

"That's just the way it is."

No more questions asked; they pulled each other close, their bare bodies pressed together, flesh against flesh. Ryo's hand wandered down Tegoshi's side and stroked his thigh. He could hear Tegoshi's breathing quicken as he moaned softly. Once a Sex God, always a Sex God.

Ryo lay kisses down Tegoshi's neck and chest and felt the other's hands dragging up and down his back. The room was beginning to feel very warm, very fast. He let his hand wander to grope Tegoshi's butt as he bit down on the soft neck. The smell of soap still lingered on his skin. "Mmm. I want you." These are words that are whispered huskily, accompanied by kisses pressed against the lovebite that was slowly appearing. Territory: marked.

He moved his hand to stroke between Tegoshi's legs, at the same time pressing himself against the boy underneath him. Shivers ran down Tegoshi's body, and he shuddered with pleasure. "Ahhnn... Please, more..."

Ryo moved down on the bed and replaced his hand with his mouth, licking and sucking on Tegoshi's member. Tegoshi's reaction was instant: his back arched from the satin sheets and his hands buried themselves in Ryo's hair as he let out a strangled scream. He instinctively rocked his hips, and Ryo had to hold him still in order to remain in control. With one last lick, he moved away from the younger boy (insert gasp from Tegoshi here) and, licking his lips, moved back up to kiss him on the mouth forcefully.

They moved their hips against one another, moans mingling into their kisses until the friction between them became too much to bear and they broke away, panting heavily.

"Are you ready?"

Tegoshi's back was still arching underneath him with more urgency, and his moans had became increasingly louder. "R… Ryo-tan," he breathed. "Please… please, take me right now."

With pleasure. Quite literally.

So he did. Turning Tegoshi around, Ryo embraced him from behind as he entered him. With a sharp intake of breath, he tried with all his might to keep himself in control; he must go slowly. Slooooooooowlyyy…

Tegoshi whimpered loudly. "Take me now," he said desperately, shifting his hips to try to get more contact.

"Does it hurt?"

"Nnngh…" Ryo couldn't tell if that was a yes or not, but he went ahead and assumed that it was. Laying kisses down Tegoshi's back, he began to move inside of him, thrusting steadily. Tegoshi tried to stifle his gasps and moans, burying his face into a pillow and grasping the sheets in his fists. Ryo was gradually beginning to thrust faster, his hands roaming everywhere on the smooth body that, at least for the moment, belonged only to him. Tegoshi was pleading now, and he almost seemed like he didn't know what to do with himself.

Ryo decided to help him; once again he wrapped his fingers around Tegoshi's most sensitive spot, stroking it in time with his thrusts. Tegoshi cried out. "Faster, please…"

He pushed himself in further, gasping at the friction and how good it felt. He wanted Tegoshi to enjoy it too. He wanted it to be the best thing Tegoshi had ever experienced. Bracing himself to drive in even further, he struck a sensitive spot inside Tegoshi that immediately sent the boy's head reeling.

For an instant he saw only white; it was as if Tegoshi was momentarily blinded, while all his other senses were heightened past the extreme. He screamed out Ryo's name in ecstasy, and after what seemed like an eternity that wasn't quite long enough, the moment passed. Somehow in his hazy state, his mind told him that Ryo had climaxed with him. Tegoshi could feel his warmth.

He was collapsed on Tegoshi. They both lay there for a while before he slowly picked himself up and pulled out of the smaller boy. He could hear Tegoshi's breathing slowly going back to normal and he once again collapsed on the bed, pulling him against his chest.

"How was it...?"

"... Amazing."

Ryo kissed his forehead tenderly. "Aishiteru." He didn't care that he was saying it for the umpteenth time that day. What did it matter? He could tell the whole world. He didn't care what they thought.

Nishikido Ryo kissed boys.

He looked at some of them "that way".

He had finally noticed Tegoshi Yuya.

And he had fallen, hard.

… Truth is, he didn't know how it happened either.


one-shot: seducing tegoshi, rating: nc-17, pairing: ryo/tegoshi

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