Aug 12, 2005 22:22
so, i am a fiance. with one 'e'. and i have a fiancee. with two e's. it's great, and it puts a new perspective on a lot of things. It brings a new depth and direction to mine and ann lowrey's relationship. AAANNYYWAY, the ring is good stuff, white gold with a sapphire. It looks great on ann lowrey's finger, which she can't help but wiggle to see the sparkle it generates. we're both looking forward to the coming months. i believe ann lowrey i looking forward to planning more than the palestinians are looking forward to the gaza strip pullout. i feel a stage of life coming to a close and another opening. the college days are coming to a close, and the more adult days are coming closer. it is time to embark on the less frivolous, but more fulfilling times in our lives.
ada is growing like a weed and we are having our first power struggles with her. she has decided that green beans and carrots are the devil's food and she is only going to eat turkey and peanut butter. but she needs the good stuff for her body. so i called my mom, and ann lowrey called hers. turns out we did the same thing as children. my mother's advice? don't give her any more food until she eats her veggies. even if it means her waking up every night. *sigh* we must do what we must do.
ada's new word. shoes. pronounced "sues". ada now has a repetoire of "uh oh", "shoes", "mama", "ball" (pronounced bah) and we think "dada". we're thinking of getting her to record an album.
so, it's back to hattiesburg for a few days, then back to oxford to help with the honors retreat. then it's another semester of work, play, alcohol, ann lowrey, and ada. i'm really looking forward to it, though i have 4 300 level classes. philosophy and political science. all of my 18 hours.
oh, and i made a 1390 on the graduate record exam. i'm pretty excited. that's all for now. hopefully, not for too long, though.