Put the credit where it belongs, religious people...

Dec 11, 2008 03:40

The following is fairly common behavior with some contestants on The Biggest Loser ( I work in casting on the show):

Whenever they succeed, whenever they push themselves to the limits of endurance and drop double-digits or do something they should be proud of THEMSELVES for doing...we no doubt start hearing about the miracle that God worked in their lives to get them to lose that weight or to work that hard. They always talk about how it was God that allowed them to succeed. Not after giving themselves credit, but immediately and with a rehearsed quality that disturbs me a little. I'm not an anti-religion bigot (though I honestly think it's the number one problem with modern society, with worship of the Almighty Dollar a close second), but when I hear these incredibly hard-working, driven individuals say things like -"Well, God really came through for me this week." - it makes me want to grab them and shout:

"NO HE/SHE/IT DIDN'T! YOUdid that! Give yourself a smidgen of credit, people!!!"

It's also interesting that none of them blame their bad weeks or failures on God. So...when times are bad it's all their own faults, but when times are good it's only because God gave them the ability to succeed. What kind of guilt-ridden, self-mutilating nonsense is that?
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