May 10, 2008 19:10
I was happily working on getting the calander together when there was a most annoying and blood curddiling scream coming from my communicator. This is not my problem at all,but when I check back hours later, the only question that comes to my mind is:
"WHY must everyone here repeat eachother making similar posts and asking the same thing over and over again, when we could all go back and read information from comments on other's posts?"
How much more must there even be said? I have too many journals to catch up on, need I even bother? I've never seen people get so repetative! It's clear enough that a girl, perhaps even one of the scientists, was down in the sewers looking for whatever horrid fish beast there was lurking about, perhaps tried to fire a gun, 9mm to be precise, at the thing in order to protect herself, lost her bracelet, and now there is a bunch of blood. The fish thing got her and harm her, or she harmed it; but by the looks of it she'll manage to get her bracelet back somewhow, perhaps from the young blonde spikey haired boy named Roxas, and I know nothing about how the notebooke with "Summers" written in it will contribute to investigating on why we are here, or any other questions we have rolling about in our minds, but there are all the answers, and so far, none of us residents of this godforsaken drab town are hurt by said even. YET. Because if everyone keeps acting rash, who knows when that bastard fish beast will come back to attack one of us if people do not watch their backs in the sewers.
NOW, since I am done summerizing up that event in hopes that no one else will, the Calander is coming along ways, and so far, ther eis no exact date yet, but we are entering the season of summer. Thank you to everyone who helped me in my previous post, contributing information that provided to be most useful! And no 'thank yous' to anyone who did not help, you proved to be most useless for this important work; not that you care, I am sure.
Oh, this would be so much easier if I still had an apprentice. Isn't there anyone with magic abilities who is capable of learning a way to expand their magic?
everything is a mess,
this is disgusting,
wanted: someone usefull,
i do not approve,
still the prettiest,
people suck,
could this place get anymore annoying?