Nothing Left To Hide (21/?)

Feb 27, 2013 19:32

Title: Nothing Left To Hide (21/?)
Author: Me - LoveByteHeart
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth / Jack Barakat (Jalex)
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Mpreg and all that stuff.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time low band or crew but if that were to hangs then I'd sure tell you ;D
Summary: My life is perfect, i could ask for nothing more. Each new day brings a new story. But what happens when you let loose, for just a second? Well, that's the story i have to tell.
A/N: At the bottom!


Jack POV:

It had been a week since the video of Alex and myself making out had been plate on the Internet. Unfortunately for us the gossip around it had not stopped. If anything it had got worse as we played more shows. At every show we played there would always be someone who would shout questions to us or hold up signs in the crowd, we just had to ignore them. But last night somebody started chanting Jalex, and nearly the whole of the crowd joined in, apart from some confuse looking parents and a group of unamused teenagers. We tried to calm them down, making jokes and attempting to deny the recent rumours. In the end we just continued into the next song with the chanting continuing through the first part of the song. The soon quieted down and started to sing along to the words after a while, thank god.
it all was starting to seriously stress Alex out, and it was not healthy. He would be constantly alert and always checking around for fans before I even walked somewhere with him, it was crazy. I didn't think he would take something like this so seriously and either deny everything or come out to the fans. He has now just left it hanging which looks incredibly suspicious.
I thought this would be an easy way for us, to come out I mean. It's like we're being forced, which in a way is good because if we weren't then I doubly we would ever tell anyone ever. But Alex doesn't seem to think the same. It's like he wants to keep our relationship a secret but not offend me by making up some bullshit lie to tell the world, so he doesn't say anything at all. He probably thinks he is doing it because I want this too.
But in all honesty I wanted completely the opposite. I wanted to be able to tell the world that Alex fucking Gaskarth was mine, I wanted them to be jealous, envious even. I wanted them to know how perfect he was and that I was so incredibly lucky for us to fall in love. All I ever wanted since this relationship started was to tell people. I was so shocked when I woke up one morning as 'The boyfriend of Alex Gaskarth, sex god.' I couldn't believe that this was actually happening, that life was falling into place. And for that I was so proud.
It would be that I have to persuade Alex into coming out with me.


I wandered out of the bus and over to where the other band were sitting in their camp chairs under a gazebo in the shade.
'Hey guys' I said reaching into the middle of all the people and retrieving a beer from the ice box.
There were a chorus of 'Hey's' in return and I went and sat down in one of the free chairs in between John O'Callaghan and Austin Carlile. Josh Franceschi sitting the other side of Austin.
'So how's it going for you, this year?' John asked taking a sip of his beer.
'Warped? It's going pretty good. Bit of a complication at times but overall we are playing great.' I said popping the lid of my own beer.
'Oh yeah, I saw on twitter all this Jalex stuff. It was pretty funny, everybody seems to get so hyped up over the thought of you two being together.' He laughed.
'Mhmm' I hummed deciding on whether to tell the guys about Alex and I or not. Fuck it, I think I've convinced Alex to telling the fans in the show tonight so what's stopping me telling these guys. 'You know all this jalexy stuff...'
'Yeah, me and Alan get a similar thing.'Austin spoke.
'What would you say if it were to be real. Like y'know?' I asked wondering what their responses would be.
They all replied with things like 'we wouldn't mind.' Which was reassuring.
'Well urm. Seeing as you don't mind then I suppose I better come out to you then.' I laughed scratching the back of my head.
'Come out, as in being gay?' Austin asked trying to decipher what I had said.
'Uh yeah, surprise.' I giggled.
In all fairness I was worried about the guys reactions but they were practically my second family. Everybody always got really close on warped, it was nice.
but my worry was soon washed away as I felt the arms of somebody wrap around me which pulled us both to the ground. I lay there on the ground laughing still in the arms of a person. I expanded my eyes to see a mop of brown hair leaning on my chest, I still couldn't tell who it was. I looked at their arms, no tattoos. Hm. I was just about to look away when I noticed the Roman numeral for six on this person's finger. I know exactly who it was then.
'Josh!' I laughed. 'What the hell.'
'I'm so proud of you jacky. That was a very brave thing to do.' He said releasing me from his grip and taking a seat.
'I didn't see that one coming.' John laughed. 'I always thought you were into girls, like really into girls. You're always going on about boobs and stuff.' He laughed to himself shaking his head before getting up and patting me on the back and walking over to where the rest of his bandmates were.
'Can I have a wild guess at who your boyfriend is?' Austin asked excitedly as if he already knew who it was. I nodded my head in agreement. 'Its Alex isn't it!' He squealed. I smiled and confirmed his suspicions. 'God, I ship you guys so hard.' He said.
'What?' I asked, not quite sure if I really heard that.
'Oh uh, nothing. It's nothing. It doesn't matter.' He blushed looking away from me.
'Anything else you hiding up your sleeve' joked josh elbowing me in the ribs.
'funnily enough there is one more thing.' I breathed, composing myself. Josh and Austin leant forward as is they didn't want to miss a word. 'Alex is almost six months pregnant. I'm gonna be a daddy!' I smiled.
The two men in front of me just sad there, jaws on the floor, eyes building in shock.
'Holy shit. How the hell is he hiding that? I've never noticed a bump or anything.' Austin asked. 'Oh and congrats by the way!'
'I don't know, he wears big hoodies and stuff. He also tends to spend a lot of time away from people. I think he is just scared of people finding out.'
'Aw he shouldn't, we all support you. Congratulations by the way. ' Josh smiled. 'You should get Alex out here. I wanna see this bump.'


I opened the bus door waiting for Alex to tie the laces of his converse.
'I can't believe you told them.' He huffed crossing his arms over his chest.
'They would have found out later anyway. It's nicer this way too.' I said grabbing the most recent ultrasound picture off the fridge before holding out my hand for Alex to take as we waked over to where Austin, josh and John were not sitting.
'Alex!' They all said when he came into their sight.
'Congratulations dude!' John said hugging Alex. He had obviously been briefed about what had happened after he had left.
'Ugh I wanna see your bump!' Austin giggled to which Alex laughed loosening up a little. He slowly unzipped today's XXL hoodie and took it off to reveal the baby bump which Austin had been waiting so long to see.
'Oh my.' He said standing up and walking up to Alex. 'May I?' He asked gesturing to Alex's bump with his hands. To this Alex nodded and Austin lowered his hands onto Alex's protruding stomach.
Alex was smiling as Austin caressed his stomach slightly. I could tell that he was happy about how much Austin cared.
'This is just so precious.' he said smiling at us both.
I handed him the most recent ultrasound that we had and you could see the little tears forming in his eyes. 'Oh god, I'm so happy for you' he sniffled handing back the picture.
'You've gone all soft, Carlie.' I laughed. He just grunted back at us and pulled us both into a hug.


I looked over at Alex and nodded indicating  that it was time for us to do our thing as I walked over to him from my spot on the stage.
'So' I said picking up my microphone off the stand. 'I know for a fact that everybody had twitter, tumblr, YouTube and all that. Am I right?' I asked to the crowd.
It was a large crowd today, perfectly fits in with our plans.
They replied with loud screams, good.
'And you all have some sort of camera with you that takes videos.' Alex spoke. He wasn't as nervous as he was earlier. I had managed to convince him. 'So I want you to do us a massive favour and get those out right now. Turn them on and start recording because we have a massive announcement.' He said into the microphone.
You could see the crowd shuffling to get their cameras and phones out as the wondered what was happening and why we were making  them do this.
I felt Rian and Zack join us at the front of the stage standing next to me.
'Okay everybody. The big announcement.' I breathed. I walked over closer to Alex and slid my arm around his waist.
'We know you have all see that video and I'm sorry to disappoint you all but... Alex Is mine,we are together. We has been for a while and will be for a very long time to come, I hope.' I said kissing his head.
The whole place erupted in screams and loud cheers. The response was incredible. Although not everybody was as happy. One dude crowd surfed to the front and screamed 'You fucking filthy fags, go rot in hell.' He was quickly kicked out if the crowd but I still felt Alex tense up next to me. I hoped this wouldn't affect the rest of the announcement.
'Okay, okay. We have one more announcement, I think it's better than the one before and I think you will too. Lex?' I asked knowing that he wanted to be the one to say it. I turned to him and kissed his lips before he started to undo the zip of his hoodie for the second time today.
'Uh okay well I-urm I-I I-m' he stuttered. I could tell that he was struggling to get the words out so I walked up behind him and whispered in his ear.
'Come on Lex, you can do it. Remember you said you wanted people to know you were going to be a daddy.' He nodded and I snaked my hands from behind to sit on his swollen stomach as he spoke.
'I’m pregnant, Jack and I are having a baby!'

A/N: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay they told people, kinda! :P Well I said id write smut and it is 110% in the next chapter! Yay.
Thankyou for all the comments too guys, they make me so happy! :D
Please comment and tell me feedback and stuff :3 hehexxxx

fluff, jalex, nothing left to hide, mpreg, livejournal, alex gaskarth, lovebyteheart, jack barakat

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