Nothing Left To Hide (22/?)

Mar 24, 2013 15:11

Title:Nothing Left To Hide (22/?)

Author: Me. lovebyteheart

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)

Warnings: Mpreg and all that stuff!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately i don't know or own any of All Time Low or their crew, but if that were to change then i'll sure tell you. ;D

Summary: My life is perfect. I could ask for nothing more. Each new day brings a new story. But what happens when you let loose, for just a second? Well, that's the story that I have to tell.

Title goes to Mayday Parade :)
A/N: At the bottom!

Jack POV(again, sorry):

We stood there facing the crowd with the biggest smiles on our faces. So far the crowd was really supportive of us.

They all screamed so loud I don't think we have ever gotten that reaction of the crowd. There were some people crying, some going crazy and some standing there completely shocked.

'Well this is it for us, thank you for being here! We're All Time Low, see you next time.' Alex smiled into the microphone before doing the famous cough at the start of Dear Maria and strumming the chords.


'That was amazing Jack!!' Alex gushed as he clung onto my arm excitedly as we walked back to the bus.

'I told you they would be really supportive. We don't have the best fans for no reason' I laughed. 'Hey, how about you and me go out tonight?'

'Like a date?'

'Yeah, a date. We haven't been on one in ages and it could also be a bit of a celebratory meal too.' I smiled at him.

'That would be great jacky, I love you.'

'I love you too. Be ready at 6,I will come and get you then.' I said giving him a quick kiss before he ran off to get ready for our date in three hours. - He would end up taking that long to choose his clothes.

3 hours later...

'Lexy, you ready?' I called walking onto the bus.

I heard a shuffling coming from behind me in the bunk area and turned around to be faced with Alex. He looked Gourgeous.

He stood there smiling as I ran my eyes all over his body. He was wearing Black Skinny Maternity Jeans that he brought the other day, an undone red flannel shirt and underneath a Tight white Tshirt which drew your attention to his pregnant belly. You could see his now outie belly button due to the baby, it was cute.

'You look beautiful.' I said walking closer towards him before pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

'You don't look so bad yourself.' He giggled, pulling away from me.

'Come on!' I laughed dragging him towards the rental car that we got at the start of warped.

Half an hour later we arrived at a Little Italian restaurant just outside the edge of the city. I got out of the car quickly and ran round Alex's side to open his door for him.

'Ooh what a gentleman.' He giggled again.

'A gentleman I am.' I said linking our arms together, locking the car and slipping the keys into my pocket. 'Reservation name please' a woman asked at the entrance.

'Barakat.' I smiled as she picked up some menus and lead us to our table.

Our little two seater table was situated in possibly the cutest place in the whole restaurant. It was right in front of a big fire and over the opposite side you could see the chefs making pizzas.

'Oh jack this is so nice. Thank you.' Alex said taking my hand across the table.

'I had to have the best place for my Lexybump now, didn't I?' I laughed as he blushed at the nickname.

We ordered our drinks, both having coke. Alex because he was pregnant and me because I didn't want to feel mean drinking in front of Alex when he can't. The food was delicious. Alex had Beef And tomato Ravioli and I had a calzone.(A/N: best food in the world).

I payed the bill, even though Alex insisted that we split it half half. I just sent it away with my credit card when he wasn't looking.

We were now outside, walking hand in hand back into the centre of the city.

'Jack, where are we?' He asked tugging on my hand after we had stopped outside a tall building.

'Well, I booked us in here for the night. Y'know just me and you.'

He stood there looking shocked. 'Oh jack!' He smiled wrapping his arms around my neck and leaning in for a kiss. He instantly connected our lips moving them in perfect sync. He removed his lips from my own and snuggled his head into the crease of my neck. 'Mhmm I love you so much right now.' He whispered.


I fiddled with the key card lock on the door as it opened and we entered the pitch black room. I flicked in the switch which lit up the room. Wow, it was nice. The room was all centred around a dark wood theme with the back wall being completely made of glass that looked over the city. And in the centre of the room was a large Queen sized bed with cream and gold sheets on. It looked so comfortable.

'Oh wow, Thankyou so much jack.' Alex said as I felt him push himself up against my back and started to place hot open mouthed kisses to my neck.

'Alex' I panted, Already becoming hard as I pulled away closing the door and placing the bag on the floor that I had picked up at reception.

I turned back around facing Alex before grabbing his hands and leading him towards the bed. I lay him down climbing on top and sitting on his lap just below his bump. I leant forward attaching my lips to his neck, sucking on it whilst I ground my hips into his own, gaining attention from Jack and Alex Jr down there.

'Oh jack' He panted slipping his cold hands underneath my T-shirt, fiercely grabbing my hips.

I quickly slipped off my shirt and slowly helped Alex take off his. I reconnected our lips after dumping the clothes on the floor next to the bed, grinding my hips and slowly dragging my hands down his chest, over his stomach and to the button of his jeans. I popped the button, unzipped the zip and pulled down his jeans whilst trailing kisses down his thighs. Alex helped me in taking off my own jeans before sitting down in my lap, sucking a dark hickey on to my neck as I trailed my fingertips down his back, tickling him a little as I directed my hand down his back playing with the elastic of his boxers. He wiggles his hips in an order to remove them which caused him to grind even more onto my crotch to which I let out a throaty moan.

He quickly shuffled off of my lap and removed his boxers letting his fully erect dick spring free. I quickly unbuttoned my own jeans and slipped my own boxers off. As soon as i had done that I crawled over to him, now naked myself. I reached over to the bag on the floor and shuffled through it until I found the lube and returning to my previous position hovering above Alex. My free hand that I was not holding myself up with slowly trailed down to his shaft as I began to slowly jerk him off. I rubbed my thumb over the leaking tip and continued to smear his pre-come over the rest of his dick as my hand motions became faster.

'Oh fuck jack. Ughh f-fuck me NOW!' He shouted at the end as i conveniently twisted my hand in a certain direction to give him intense pleasure.

'Do you want me to stretch you.' I whispered into his ear to which he replied with a shake of his head, No.

I leaned down placing a sweet kiss onto his lips before popping off the cap of the lube and pouring some into my hand. I rested back into my legs as I coated myself in the clear liquid before shuffling forward and spreading Alex's legs.

I wiped the excess lube on his entrance before lining myself up and slowly entering him.

it was slow to start with as I let him adjust. He nodded his head and I slowly began to thrust back out then in again.

The pace wasn't too fast as his stomach was starting to get a little in our way but when Alex pulled me down to connect our lips as I continued to make love with him, then it became difficult.

'Lex, Stop. This isn't working like this.' I said pulling out to which he opened his hurt looking eyes.

'Let me try a different position, yeah?' I asked to which he smiled. 'Okay then. Turn onto your side for me.'

He did as I told him and I moved around so that I was spooning him from behind before I slowly entered him again.

I slowly began rocking my hips up into Alex as he let out a string of random words. I lifted his leg so that I could try to get deeper and find his prostrate. As I did this he ground backwards to which we both moaned together indicating that I had found it.

'Shit, fuck jack. Do that again baby,' he heavily breathed.

I began to rock our hips harder in an attempt to get deeper.

'Ugh Alex.' I moaned 'You’re so tight.' I whispered as I connected my lips to his neck and harshly sucking in the skin.

'J-jack, touch me. I-I'm not gonna last much longer.'

I did as he asked and slipped my arm around his front before starting to jerk him off. I could feel the fire grow within my stomach as my thrusts began to get sloppier and sloppier.

'Oh, I-I'm ... FUCK JACK.' He shouted, orgasming as he released all over my hands and the bed sheets. The sudden outburst tipped me over the edge too and released my seed into him too, coating his walls.

I lay there for a few minutes, eyes closed whilst I let our hearts slow down to a normal pace. After a while Alex turned himself around in my arms so that he was now facing me.

'That was incredible, jack.' He said snuggling himself into my front. I rolled us over a little so that he was now laying on my chest with my arms wrapped around him. 'You know, if I wasn't already pregnant then I definitely think you would have just knocked me up just then' he laughed.


We were both still sat in bed, but the only difference was the sound of the blaring tv and the various plates scattered around the floor from the room service.

'Anything good on tv?' Alex asked letting his head flop backwards onto the pillow.

'No, not really...' I said flipping the channels with the remote.

'GO BACK, I SAW US.' He Shouted making me nearly jump out of my skin. I went back a few channels to see a picture of Alex and myself on E!

'All Time Low, the pop-punk band from Baltimore came out with a rather shocking announcement this week at one of their shows on the Vans Warped tour. Lead singer, Alex Gaskarth and Guitarist, Jack Barakat revealed to the world the truth of their suspected relationship together. And it turns out they are in fact dating. But not just that - there is more news that is even more exciting. Alex announced that he is also pregnant with the guitarists child. He is just about to enter his third trimester - how he managed to hide that from us we don't know. Tune in tomorrow at 12 to hear more on the story. '

We sat there gobsmacked. We had never been on E! Before. Had the news of our baby really become that big.

'How did they know I was nearly six months along?' Alex asked, confused.

'I have no idea!' I laughed. 'All I care about is that you and my little munchkin are happy and Healthy cause that means the world to me.' I smiled resting my hand on Alex's bear baby bump.

I slowly caressed his bump. My eyes slowly drifted closed as we lay there completely still. Suddenly I felt a slight pressure on my hand. My eyes flew wide open, I stared up at Alex. His expression matched mine.

'What was..? Was that the-'

'Baby?' He asked, finishing my sentence. I nodded. 'I think they just kicked. Our baby just kicked, Jack!'

'Oh my god.' I gasped throwing the bed covers backwards and moving over to in between Alex's legs. I rested both on my hands on top of his stomach. 'Hey baby it's your daddy here. You gotta kick for me and your Daddy Alex.' I spoke to the baby. I waited for a little while before feeling the same pressure back on my hand. 'Oh baby, hello.' I smiled my eyes slowly filling with water. 'I love you very very much and I can't wait to meet you!' I said wiping away the tears that were falling from my eyes. I felt a hand covering and I looked up to see Alex had tears running down his cheeks too. His right hand came up to cup my cheek and he wiped away some on the tears coming out of my eyes. They were happy tears of course.

'I love you and our baby so much jack' he sniffed. I shuffled up the bed still keeping his and my hand on his bump as I connected our lips. It wasn't a passionate kiss, it was a heartfelt loving kiss. I pulled back from the kiss and leaned our heads together. We sat there staring into each others eyes. At this moment Alex looked the most beautiful I had ever seen him.

' I can't thank you enough for carrying our baby, Lex. I love you so much.'

A/N: *Hides in a hole* i’m so sorry for not updating (I seem to be saying this a lot recently!) I just have so much on with my GCSE's in just under 2 months and its starting to get so stressful. BUT i can promise you one thing, i will never put this story on hiatus in my exam time...i just might not update. but thats a while away yet and hopefully i can have more chapters out before then :3 Please comment and tell me your still reading, Thanks.Oh and the recent break up of My Chemical Romance has killed me a little bit.

*%&$)£*"*(" IMPORTANT ("*&$*(%)£*"&"*( : DO YOU WANT THE BABY TO BE A BOY OR GIRL?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

fluff, jalex, nothing left to hide, smut, mpreg, livejournal, alex gaskarth, lovebyteheart, jack barakat

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