Aug 10, 2005 04:48
I haven't been in a good mood at all because I'm always tired. Everyone keeps getting pissed off at me because they think I'm a jerk, but no one seems to understand that my sleep cycle has been completely screwed over since I came back here. So, here is my warning to everyone I see within the next few weeks:
I will probably be moody and ready to go home after about an hour of hanging out. It is not a reflection of who you are, nor what I think our friendship means. It's simply me being jet lagged and not wanting to do anything. There.
Apparently One Amazin' Kid really IS amazin'. Praise God for them.
I'm going to Moe's to see the Williams and the Comptons. I haven't seen those jokers in forever. I'm not even hungry.
If my girlfriend is reading this, can you please come meet me? I forgot who you are and what you look like. I'll be home 'til 6:15, and then I'll be back around 7:45. I'll probably go to bed around 8:15 or so, so you'll have to make yourself quickly known. Also, please give me the book that has my entire life story in it, which also has a small picture album attached to it that has photos of what my kids will look like during their young and old ages. Thanks, darlin'.
If you're reading this and haven't talked to me in forever, please call me at 678.938.8048. I'd really love to catch up with you and tell you how much of a failure I've become.