Aug 04, 2005 17:28
So, I'm updating this from Auckland. Weird, huh? I just wanted to let EVERYONE know that I'm alive and my first bit of plane riding didn't get interrupted by terrorists (thank God!). Please pray that my last 2 do not get interrupted, too. I'm using the airport's internet service and I'm wondering if they filter through the emails and look for suspicious stuff??!! Don't worry, Airport, I'm NOT a terrorist. For realz. Terrorists are Mexicans, and I am NOT a Mexican. Ya'll hear that? Ya'll ain't gonna know what hit you up side your head if ya'll call me one of them terrorist Mexican monkey lovers. Nuh uh. No sir bobby joe. Guys, seriously. I have been awake for almost 40 hours. I feel drunk. I'm going to see if I can do it for the WHOLE duration of my trip. That would be crrraazy. J/K, I'm about to fall asleep whilst typing this AND I was tripping over every step possible in the little stores in the airport. The natives here in New Zealand are called Maoris. In other words, Mexicans.
PS I'm so sorry if this sounds so delusional. I really am. But, thank God for Stella Artois' fine drink!