Island - Memories~

Dec 13, 2009 01:02

Pleased to Meet You, I'm an Assassin!
Head Full of Flowers
Angels and Demons
A Gift From an Angel
Etna's Pet
Laharl has Changed
Laharl's Past... According to Etna
Laharl Uses Flonne's Name
Going to Celestia!
The Evil in Vulcanus' Heart
Idealistic Rambling


[Camera shows an area above the clouds, with multiple plateaus floating in the

Cute Angel: Did you send for me, Master Lamington?
Seraph: Yes, I did.
Seraph: Here, Flonne. Have a look. The flowers are in full bloom.
Flonne: How beautiful!
Seraph: ......
Flonne: *giggle* I love these flowers.
Flonne: They are simple, yet so bright and lively...
Flonne: I want to be like these flowers...
Seraph: ...Flonne, listen carefully to what I have to say.
Flonne: Yes?
Seraph: As Seraph, I have orders for you, Angel Trainee Flonne.
Seraph: Go to the Netherworld and assassinate the Overlord, King Krichevskoy.
Flonne: Huh?

[Fade to black]

Pleased to Meet You, I'm an Assassin!

[Camera shows Flonne running through Laharl's throne room]

Flonne: Whoosh!

[Fade to black]

[Camera shows Flonne running behind Laharl's throne]

Flonne: Nin nin nin!

[Fade to black]

[Camera shows Flonne jumping into Laharl's bedroom]

[Flonne speaks to herself while turning every which way in confusion]

Flonne: Wumph!!
Flonne: Whew... Looks like I made it in without being seen.
Flonne: What do they call those guys in the human world? Oh, yes... "Ninjas"...
I always wanted to be one.
Flonne: Maybe I have potential. Nin nin<3
Flonne: ...But still, is it alright for me to be doing this?
Flonne: The angels all say that demons are evil, but are they really?
Flonne: It doesn't seem fair to judge somebody based on rumors alone.
Flonne: Even if it's the Seraph's orders, I don't feel right assassinating
somebody I don't know.
Flonne: ...Does that mean it's alright to assassinate somebody I DO know? That
seems wrong, too.
Flonne: Can't kill strangers... Hmmmm, can't kill acquaintances either...
...which means... ohhhh...

[Laharl walks up behind Flonne]

Laharl: Who are you, and why are you in my room talking to yourself!?

[Flonne turns around]

Flonne: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!

[Flonne bops Laharl on the head, and Laharl gets knocked backwards]

Laharl: Owww...! What the heck did you do that for!?
Flonne: Oh, I'm sorry. You scared me, so I accidentally...
Flonne: (...Huh? Is he a demon...?)
Flonne: (There are demons this young...? I didn't know that.)
Laharl: Hmph... So, who are you?
Flonne: Me?

[Flonne takes a few steps toward Laharl]

Flonne: Nice to meet you. I'm an assassin.

[Flonne turns around]

Flonne: Whoops. I wasn't supposed to say that.

[Laharl takes a few steps toward Flonne]

Laharl: ...You're pretty dense, aren't you?

[Flonne turns toward Laharl]

Flonne: My! How rude, calling somebody you just met dense!
Laharl: I think that an assassin who tries to kill someone in his sleep is a
lot ruder.
Flonne: ...You're right. I apologize.
Laharl: (...Is she really an assassin?)
Flonne: It looks like I failed this time, so I guess I'll be leaving now.

[Flonne takes a bow]

Flonne: I'll be back again. Please take care.

[Flonne runs out of the room]

Head Full of Flowers

[Camera shows the courtyard from within Dinero Palace, highlighted by a central

Laharl: What the...!? These are all from the castle.
Etna: It was probably taken when the King died.
Laharl: ...So, this place belongs to an ex-vassal.
Laharl: Hmhmhm...This'll be fun!!
Laharl: Hey, Prinnies! This is for your paychecks! You better work hard!!
Prinny Squad: Aye aye, dood!
Flonne: Hmmmmmm.
Flonne: Netherworld Prinnies are a lot different than Celestial Prinnies...
Flonne: In Celestia, Prinnies, cook, clean, and do the laundry.
Etna: But they're all the same on the inside.
Flonne: On the inside? What do you mean?
Etna: You're an angel, and you don't know these things?
Etna: Prinnies have human soul inside them.
Etna: Most of 'em were pretty worthless in their past lives, like murderers or
Etna: They work as Prinnies in the Netherworld and Celestia to atone for their
Etna: In Celestia, they do good deeds for free.
Etna: In the Netherworld, they do ultra-hard labor for less than minimum wage.
Etna: Once they've redeemed themselves or saved enough money, they can be
Etna: I don't know all the details, but that's the basic idea.
Flonne: I see.
Flonne: But, why do they work for money in the Netherworld?
Etna: You've never heard of the saying, "money makes the Netherworld go round"?
Flonne: ...? I don't get it. Is money that important?
Etna: Of course it is! Geez, you Celestians...
Etna: Look, there's nothin' more important than money, in this world or any
Flonne: Of course there is! Love and friendship and...
Etna: Huh?
Etna: What good is that stuff?
Etna: Is your head full of flowers or something?
Flonne: Yes, I love flowers.
Etna: Oh, geez... Your head IS full of flowers.

[Fade to black]

Angels and Demons

[Camera shows an area in Celestia in an apparent flashback]

Flonne: Master Lamington.
Seraph: What is it, Flonne?
Flonne: The angels told me that the demons are all evil. Is that true?
Seraph: What do you think?
Flonne: Hmmmm... I've never met one, so I don't know.
Seraph: Haha...
Seraph: Listen carefully, Flonne. There is no such thing as absolute evil or
absolute good.
Seraph: The angels assume that they are good and the demons are evil. That is
an unfortunate misconception.
Seraph: Demons do have love. The angels... and in fact, most demons, just do
not realize it.
Seraph: If we can guide them... If we can make them see, then one day...

[Screen goes white]

A Gift From an Angel

[The pendant falls into a pool of lava]

Flonne: Ahh! My pendant!!

[Laharl jumps into the lava]

[Fade to black]

[Camera shows the exact same scene as before, but with Flonne standing at the
edge of the river, Etna relaxing behind her, and the Prinny Squad goofing off
in the background]

Flonne: ......

[Laharl appears near the top of the map with the pendant in hand]

Laharl: Don't make such a pitiful face.
Laharl: Hmph... Isn't this what you're looking for?

[Laharl and Etna walk toward Laharl]

Flonne: Laharl...!
Laharl: Hurry up and take it. My hand is burning.
Flonne: O, Okay!

[Flonne takes the pendant from Laharl, then steps back]

Laharl: ...The pendant is telling me that my heart is wicked.
Laharl: That's good to know.
Flonne: Why...?
Laharl: ...Why what?

[Flonne steps toward Laharl]

Flonne: Why did you do all that for the pendant?
Laharl: There's only one reason.
Flonne: Huh...?
Laharl: To get that reward from you.
Flonne: *giggle*
Laharl: W, What's so funny?
Flonne: Thank you, Laharl.
Laharl: S, Stop it, already! I told you not to talk like that! It's giving me
the chills!
Laharl: Just give me my reward!
Flonne: ...?

[Laharl walks toward Flonne until they are face to face, and then Laharl's eyes
turn red]

Laharl: Uh, do I have to spell it out?
Laharl: The reward! Give me the "something good" you promised me!
Flonne: Oh, that.
Flonne: I already gave it to you.

[Laharl relaxes]

Laharl: What?

[Camera shifts angles to face Flonne, and Flonne then takes a step back]

Flonne: Put your hand to your heart.
Flonne: Can you feel it? The warmth inside your heart...
Flonne: You faced great danger to find this pendant.
Flonne: You pretend to be only evil, but there is definitely kindness in your
Flonne: To give you the opportunity to realize that kindness...
Flonne: That is my reward for you.

[Laharl takes a step back]

Laharl: ---------!!
Laharl: A, A, Are you insane!? How can you say something so crazy!?
Flonne: Kindness is love. The day is near when you will awaken to love<3
Laharl: Unbelievable! I've been tricked by an angel!!
Laharl: Dammit! I'll remember this!!

[Laharl jumps straight up and off of the screen]

Etna's Pet

[Camera shows an area map within Salamander's Breath]

Laharl: *sigh* Boring.
Etna: Quit complaining. You wanna be a great Overlord or not?
Flonne: You sure are serious today, Etna.
Etna: I'm always serious.
Etna: Besides, the Prince needs to start acting more like his father.
Flonne: You mean, King Krichevskoy?
Etna: Uh huh.
Etna: Back when I just started working in the castle...
Etna: I was teased and picked on every day for being a commoner.
Flonne: YOU were? That's hard to believe.
Etna: At that time, I was still very naive. I was a scared little girl.
Etna: The only thing that helped me get through those days was my faithful pet.
Etna: But one day, I found him dead...
Etna: Those damn demons killed him.
Flonne: How cruel...
Etna: With no way to get back at them, I just cried...
Etna: That was when the King reached out his hand to me...
Etna: When I told him what happened, he helped me bury my pet.
Flonne: He must have been a kind man.
Etna: Kind...?
Etna: I don't know what kindness feels like, but he was a great man, and one
that I respected.
Etna: That was why I pledged to him my deepest loyalty.
Etna: But, the Prince... He's still not fit to succeed Krichevskoy as the
Flonne: So, that's why you want Laharl to become just like his father...?
Flonne: *giggle* I see. You worry about Laharl after all.
Flonne: That's love.
Etna: I doubt it. If he fails, I'll just kill him.
Flonne: WHAT!?
Etna: Ahaha... Just kidding.
Flonne: Etna... You're starting to scare me...

[Fade to black]

Laharl has Changed

[Camera shows Laharl's throne room]

Prinny Squad: ......
Flonne: Prinnies...?
Flonne: Ummm... Where are you going...?
Big Sis Prinny: ...Don't try to stop them.
Flonne: Huh?
Big Sis Prinny: Just let them be.
Big Sis Prinny: They were finally able to atone for their sins.
Big Sis Prinny: The only thing we can do now is pray for their happiness in
their next lives...
Flonne: (......?)
Flonne: (Oh, is this what they mean when they say "fly-by-night"?)
Flonne: Ummmm...
Big Sis Prinny: Yes?
Flonne: You seem different from other Prinnies.
Flonne: Were you the one who gave me medicine when I lost my pendant?
Big Sis Prinny: Wh, What are you talking about?
Flonne: You even speak differently than the rest of them.
Big Sis Prinny: Wh, What do you mean... dood? I'm the same as the others...
Flonne: ...I undderstand. You have your reasons, right?
Flonne: Okay, then... I'll just direct this to whoever might be listening...
Flonne: Thank you for your help.
Big Sis Prinny: ...Flonne.
Big Sis Prinny: S, Since you came, the Prince has changed.
Flonne: Huh? ...You really think so?
Big Sis Prinny: Sure, dood.
Flonne: Thank goodness.
Flonne: They say that I see things the way I want them to be, so I wasn't sure
if Laharl has actually changed or not.
Flonne: But, it can't just be my imagination, if you noticed a difference, too.
Flonne: Alright! That means Laharl is definitely awakening to the idea of love!
Flonne: Love is magnificent!
Big Sis Prinny: Heh... It surely is...

[Fade to black]

Laharl's Past... According to Etna

[Camera shows an area within the Lunar Snowfield]

Flonne: Etna.
Etna: Hm?
Flonne: Why is Laharl so stubborn?
Etna: Huh!? You kiddin'?
Etna: He's always been like that.
Flonne: I don't think that's entirely true.
Flonne: Haven't you noticed? His emotions are slowly changing.
Flonne: I thought that he had finally awoken to the power of love...
Etna: Oh, hohoho... So, that's why you were so angry.
Flonne: Y, Yes...
Etna: That's a demon for ya.
Etna: You seem to have your hopes pretty high, but don't you think that asking
for love from a demon is a bit ridiculous?
Flonne: ...You think so?
Etna: ......
Etna: Well, the Prince's case is a bit unique...
Flonne: Unique?
Etna: Yep... You see, his mother...
Etna: ...the Queen, was an eccentric person.
Etna: She was always talking about love and kindness.
Flonne: That's not weird at all.
Etna: Well, I didn't hate her, but I guess she couldn't help it, being a human
and all.
Flonne: A human?
Etna: Yep. She was a witch who came here to study.
Etna: The King fell in love with her at first sight. And eventually, the Prince
was born. Yada yada yada.
Flonne: Hmmmm. Is that so?
Etna: She was always saying things like, "Demons can love, too".
Etna: Whenever the Prince did something bad, she would scold him, because she
wanted to raise him to be a kind boy.
Etna: Maybe you remind him of his mother, Flonne.
Flonne: If he was raised that way, why is he like this now...?
Etna: ...The Queen died.
Flonne: Huh...?
Etna: A long time ago, the Prince was infected with a rare disease that even
the King couldn't cure...
Etna: There was only one way to save him...
Flonne: Which was...?
Etna: The life of one who loved him...
Flonne: Then...
Etna: That's right... The Queen took her own life, despite the King's efforts
to stop her...
Etna: ...It was at that point that the Prince started to hate love and
Flonne: How sad...
Flonne: So unless his hatred fades, Laharl will have to live the rest of his
life without love?
Flonne: ...That's just not fair!
Etna: ...Maybe so.
Etna: But, I don't think that he's intentionally trying to hate love.
Etna: Hatred isn't just something that disappears that easily, is it?
Etna: Maybe you were a bit rough on him today.
Flonne: Ah...!
Etna: Well, don't try to get me involved.
Flonne: ......

[Fade to black]

Laharl Uses Flonne's Name

Laharl: Love... huh...
Flonne: Huh...?
Laharl: ...Nothing.
Laharl: Let's return to the castle... Flonne.
Flonne: Laharl...

Going to Celestia!

[Camera shows Laharl's throne room]

Laharl: ...Your mind's made up?
Flonne: Yes.
Flonne: I must speak with the Seraph and find out what has been happening in
Laharl: Do you realize that you may have to face him as an enemy?
Flonne: Face Master Lamington as my enemy...?
Etna: He's the head of Celestia, right?
Etna: We know that someone in Celestia has been helping the EDF. He must have
known about it.
Jennifer: I agree. I think it's very possible that he's even the mastermind.
Laharl: Wasn't he the one who ordered you to go to the Netherworld in the first
place? ...To assassinate my old man?
Gordon: What!? An angel ordering an assassination? That's just wrong! He's
guilty, without a doubt!!
Flonne: No, he's not!
Laharl: Can you say that for sure?
Flonne: ...I believe in Master Lamington.
Laharl: ......
Laharl: ...I see.
Laharl: Alright, then. Let's get going.
Flonne: ...?
Laharl: It's a good opportunity for me to check out this so-called Seraph; I'm
going with ya.
Flonne: Laharl...
Etna: Geez Prince, why don't you just admit it?
Etna: "I'm worried about Flonne, so I'm gonna go with her!"
Etna: What's so hard about that, huh?
Laharl: F, Fool! That's far from the truth...!
Jennifer: Now, now. We all feel the same way, Harlie.
Gordon: Jennifer's right. As the Defender of Earth, I cannot let my comrade go
Laharl: ...Hmph. Bunch of fools.
Flonne: Everybody...
Flonne: ...Thank you.

[Fade to black]

The Evil in Vulcanus' Heart

[Everyone turns to face Vulcanus]

Flonne: Master Vulcanus, I pity you.

[Vulcanus steps back]

Vulcanus: W, What?
Flonne: You believe that demons are evil, that humans are helpless... and that
you alone are right.
Flonne: But, I know that demons can show kindness... and humans can be
Flonne: Without seeking proof, you have allowed your judgment to be colored by
Flonne: Isn't the evil which you speak of in your own heart, Master Vulcanus!?

[Vulcanus steps back]

Vulcanus: W, W, W, WHAT!?

[Laharl and Flonne face each other]

Laharl: Well said, Flonne.
Jennifer: Yeah! You hit it right on the nose!
Etna: Right on!

[Gordon steps forward and faces Flonne]

Gordon: I see that the defender spirit has awakened within you, too! From this
day forward, you shall be known as a Defender of Earth!

[Camera turns to face Vulcanus]

Vulcanus: Y, You...! Evil in my heart...?
Vulcanus: Never! I am only doing what is right!
Vulcanus: And I will prove that to you, here and now! With your death!

[Angels appear in front of the party]

Vulcanus: Go, soldiers! Kill them all!!

[Vulcanus disappears]

[Fade to black]

Idealistic Rambling

[After the battle, camera shows the same area seen before the battle took

Vulcanus: H, How can this be...!?
Vulcanus: My goal! My duty! My dream! They've all been shattered by these
Flonne: Have you still not realized it, Master Vulcanus?
Flonne: You wanted to being peace to the universe, regardless of the means...
Flonne: Even if you had succeeded, could you call it true peace?
Flonne: Please consider us as an example, Master Vulcanus.
Flonne: We have worked together to come this far, with our hearts united as
Flonne: Can this not be considered the first step towards peace?
Vulcanus: ...Ha! Enough of your idealistic rambling!
Vulcanus: You thought your misguided words could convince me to repent!?
Vulcanus: My beliefs cannot be shaken so easily!
Vulcanus: The game's not over yet! I'll just convince the Seraph to finish the
job for me! You and he can kill each other!!
Vulcanus: Muhahahaha!!
Gordon: Drat, we let him escape! Any normal villain would have been moved to
tears by those words and begged for forgiveness.
Laharl: His conviction is strong. He won't change his mind so easily.
Kurtis: He intends to start a fight between us and the Seraph.
Jennifer: He'll probably make us look like the bad guys and tell the Seraph
some horrible lie.
Etna: How does he come up with all these dirty tricks? It's really too bad that
he's an angel.
Laharl: Well, it looks like a battle with the Seraph is inevitable.
Laharl: Are you ready for it, Flonne?
Flonne: ......
Flonne: ...Yes!
Flonne: I don't know exactly what will happen, but I must tell Master Lamington
everything that's on my mind.
Flonne: I know he'll understand!
Laharl: ...I see.
Laharl: Then, tell him straight to his face!
Flonne: I will!

[Fade to black]


Seraph: Angel Trainee Flonne.

[Everyone turns to face the Seraph]

[Flonne steps forward]

Flonne: Yes.
Seraph: You have helped save the Netherworld from the invasion of the Earth
Defense Force, and thwarted the plans of Archangel Vulcanus.
Seraph: However, the fact remains that you have harmed other angels. You are
to be punished for your sin.
Flonne: ...I understand. I am prepared to accept any punishment.

[Laharl steps forward]

Laharl: Wait a minute!
Laharl: Why does Flonne have to be punished!?

[Gordon steps forward]

Gordon: It makes no sense whatsoever! She only did what was right!

[Etna steps forward]

Etna: Don't you dare lay a finger on her! You'll be sorry if you do!!

[Flonne turns to face the party]

Flonne: It's alright... I knew there would be consequences for my actions.
Laharl: Flonne...!

[Flonne turns to face the Seraph]

Flonne: Master Lamington, I have one final request.
Flonne: I beg of you to forgive my companions. It is I who drew them into all
of this.

[Laharl steps forward]

Laharl: This is crazy, Flonne! Why should you be punished!? You've done nothing
Seraph: ...Very well. I shall pardon their sins.
Flonne: I am grateful for your kindness.
Laharl: Flonne...

[Flonne turns to face Laharl]

Flonne: Thank you, Laharl.
Flonne: I knew I could trust in you.
Flonne: You taught me that demons do have love in their hearts.
Laharl: This doesn't make any sense to me!
Laharl: We're done here, aren't we!? Let's go back to the Netherworld!

[Flonne begins to glow]

Flonne: Laharl... I want you to have this pendant.

[Laharl steps back]

Laharl: S, Stop! That's...!!

Laharl: That's the pendant we had to look for! You want it to burn me again!?

[Flonne gives her pendant to Laharl]

Laharl: Aaaaaaaagh!!
Laharl: ...Huh?
Laharl: ...Hey, something's wrong. It's not doing anything...
Flonne: *giggle* Just as I thought.
Laharl: ...Whaddya mean?
Flonne: The wickedness has faded from your heart, Laharl. That's why the
pendant isn't punishing you anymore.
Laharl: What!? That can't possibly be right!! I'm a demon! The Overlord!!

[Flonne steps back]

Flonne: I'm so glad... I can say good-bye without any worries now.

[Flonne walks toward the Seraph]

[Etna steps forward]

Etna: Good-bye...? Flonne...!

[The entire party steps forward]

[Camera turns to face Laharl as he steps forward]

Laharl: Hey... Where do you think you're going?

[Flonne turns to face Laharl]

Flonne: Good-bye, Laharl. I hope you become a magnificent Overlord.
Flonne: Good-bye, everyone. Thank you so much for everything.

[Flonne turns away from the party, and Laharl attempts to run after her]

Laharl: Wait! Flonne!

[The Seraph begins casting a spell on Flonne, and she begins to glow in white]

Flonne: Good-bye...

[Screen turns white]

memories, island

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