Oct 20, 2007 18:22
Yay, so my new job is at Michael's. I'm not sure if I told you guys that, but I am and it's not as bad at all. I did work an 8-hour shift today even though I'm a part-timer and I'm soooo exhausted and this dang headache isn't quitting. Ah well.
I get to help my friend at the Zoo tomorrow for some Halloween fun. >D It's gonna be pwn-ness to the extreme. Also, I have a great pointilism (sp?) coming along although it is an image referenced from someone else's picture. If only my scanner wasn't so small; then I'd let you guys see how it was coming along. Keep in mind - I suck at art. ._. My drawing skills are completely thereof lacking. So... read novel 4 of Fullmetal Alchemist. Edward with a fever - I shall hug him and cuddle him. XD Because I'm a dork like that. >:F
Otherwise I don't have too much to say because of my headache. I don't feel like thinking too much. :x