Sep 29, 2007 17:12
Of course, it's not at Best Buy. They never called me back which meant the positions were all filled up. It's okay though. I know how much a first job is hard to get! ^^; Instead I did get a job at McDonald's (OH SNAP :O) for 5 hours a day for 5 days a week starting on Tuesday, when my first orientation is (I get to know what they do, LAWL).
I taught little 5th graders how to count from 1 to 10 in Chinese and Japanese~ It was so cute to see them talking amongst themselves once I was done, trying to remember how to do so. One even issued me a challenge! They asked if I could count 1 - 10 in ONE breath in French, Chinese, Japanese, and English!!! I was all red in the face everyone told me when I was done. :O Maybe I should all let you know how to count too! Because it's cool.
French: un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
Chinese: yi (first tone), er (fourth tone), san (first tone), si (fourth tone), wu (third tone), liu (fourth tone), qi (first tone), ba (first tone), jiu (third tone), shi (second tone)
Japanese: ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi/nana, hachi, ku/kyu, ju
English: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
And just for laughs:
Spanish: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
Next lesson I get to teach them a few words in Japanese. OH SNAP YAY. They'll be able to say things like "friend" and "teacher". XD Only they'll bug me to death with the words. x.x I already taught them how to say "Sayonara" and so every time I leave to head back to school, they all at different times shout it at me. Seriously it scares me. o.o But I can't resist teaching what I love~<3
What was the purpose of this journal? Um... I'm not really sure. :x It's just here, isn't it? xD
mcdonald's job,