That grey sky morning...

Nov 16, 2009 00:39

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I heard this song so many time when it came out long ago, so far it best matches the feelings for the past year. What i said in the last post was also what i felt and i really have no one to talk it out to anymore. Difficult time as any other i have faced. and i know i may have did the wrong thing, for not waiting. For that i may have focked up everything in the end. This is the one song i know belongs in this time frame.I should of said nothing and waited, would of been better to not went to idaho after all. I wouldn't be how i am now just full of anger and sadness........ I trully loved her like a little sis i never had and wished for.Now its gone...focking gone!!1 One thing i will keep in mind is that a pieces and aries can get along together,her words.

I know your not on lj anymore but if somehow u did come across this one day, If i helped u in anyway during the time we meet to the very end. It would atleast make me feel better, you helped me alot during that time and i thank you for it. With out you i would of just got it over with 2 years still sorry for what happened on the first day we meet and i sure wished i could of done something to take the heat off you. I wasn't prepared enough for that retaliation, I just did not not why he never directed that towards me.I was the one who gave him the answers to his questions.I never wanted that to happen on our first meeting.But it did and boy did i pay the price. Sorry for all of everything wish we were still friends as we planned along time ago.....
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