3 things made me happy today

Apr 23, 2009 13:08

I was tagged to do this meme by

casi_casi. I've never done a meme before so this should be interesting, I guess. I'll try very hard to post every day and hopefully I won't be too brain dead from when I come home doing my 12 hours.

1. Post about something that made you happy today.
2. Repeat for eight days.
3. Tag eight people to do the same:  My list of friends isn't that long, so I just picked a random few of you guys, you don't have to do it if you don't want to.

velvet_toucher xmrbrightside89 giacomina 
septemberjoy cloverdash indecencia el3anorrigby 

Ok sooo...

+ I went to the oral surgeon (and although it wasn't for good reasons, I have to have three wisdom teeth taken out and do you know that the risks are: TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT TONGUE AND/OR LIP NUMBNESS!!!) ok, so that wasn't the positive part, lol, he said they used anesthesia and I asked conscious sedation and he looked like...O_o er, yes...what do you do? And I smile and say "I'm a critical care nurse". It feels so good to say that, it's like as if I put doctor in front of my name. :)

++ Although I had to send a chunk of money from my savings to someone that totally doesn't deserve the money (I'm doing it as a favor for my mother), I signed a paper today that goings to pay me an extra couple thousand for being a nurse. AMAZING!

+++ The 120 tulips of bright, pastel and multi color that I planted last November are starting to bloom. I love flowers! They are just so beautiful. I want a part time job working in a flower shop because on my 4 days off, I get bored.

++++ This old couple was walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand with their sunglasses and hats on, going for a leisurely walk. It just made me smile that they are still so close to each other even after all that time.


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