Risk and Resistance.

Nov 24, 2009 09:51

From my blog, http://soulalignments.blogspot.com where there are Daily Commitments you can follow through with should your heart desire it. And just when I learned how to make a "cut," I see that LJ has changed their formatting again.

As we step into healing which is another word for transformation of that which is in a state of dis-ease within us, we don't have to take too many steps before we come face to face with our own resistance. Healing, transformation, change, personal growth, magic--these all require of us a commitment to risking what we have considered "safe" and leaping into the unknown.

Stop for a moment. Take a long, slow breath. Come fully into the body. Open in the places you hold tension. Relax by following the slow breath in and out of the body. When you are feeling centered and as though you can hear what your body is trying to tell you, say out loud, "I'm going to leap into the unknown."

What just happened within the Body and Wild self? The Wild inside us doesn't really know that we aren't physically standing on the edge of a precipice. The Wild and Body are intricately connected and when threatened, move immediately into a stance of defense/protection. The breath catches in the throat, adrenal glands activate and flood the bloodstream with fight-or-flight chemicals, the heart skips a beat. If we are already living in a state of heightened anxiety (which has become normalized in our culture), we may even notice our hands or feet going a little numb as our small blood vessels constrict in response to the adrenaline wash. Our mouths go dry, our ears strain and our pupils dilate in response to perceived danger.

It's no wonder we are so resistant to change! Even change our Genius understands as positive and healthy for us can cause this Wild-Body reaction, effectively terrifying us into resisting actually doing anything which will bring about personal transformation.

This week, we're going to explore some ways to settle down the Wild-Body so we can move past resistance and risk change. If we want anything at all to move forward, we have to move past fear. Making the commitment to ourselves to step over the ledge of the known into the unknown takes huge courage! Whether the known we are stepping away from is a job, lifestyle, relationship, way of thinking, addiction or a method of protecting ourselves, we need to be able to confront fear. Whether the unknown we long for is a healthier body, a deeper relationship to Self or love for another, we must be able to step past resistance and risk everything we have known in service to our new vision.

It's Thanksgiving week in the States--a traditional time to focus on gratitude. It's also a time when we are gathering with family, friends and community. These gatherings, in my experience, provide ample opportunity for us to move past resistance and risk changing the ways we behave and the roles we have habitually played in our families and other relationships. Are you ready?

Right now, your Wild-Body is most likely awash in a fear-chemicals. Take some long slow breaths and as you exhale, release as much of that tension as you can. Take as long as you need. Drinking extra water will also help wash the adrenaline through your system quicker (as will reducing caffeine, sugar, nicotine and other stimulants).

risk, change, selfhood, transformation, alignment, resistance, three souls

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