wishes come true..and umm happy, knock on computer again!

May 10, 2004 19:42

well well well i have not wrote since hmm....last week. this weekend was fairly interesting, better weekend for the past month. friday hmm i went to dance, we learned our whole dance pretty much, finally. june 6th is our recital, you should come! after that hmm tarah karli n i went to the movies. we saw david, brett, matt, sam, mike, n richie there. then jason met me there n we all saw umm van helsing or however you spell it. i really didn;t want to see it it at first but it was very good. i ahd fun that night but it was kind of weird just for the fact i thought too much. it kind of made me know what i want. then umm saturay tarah karli n i went to the mall for mothers day shopping. our 2nd annual time! lol hmm that was fun. bought a whole bunch of things. and a purse for me. i saw jeff kyger there. man i have not seen him in a while...he changed. kenwood changes everyone!! then umm i saw kirstie. lol i gave her a ride home. then after all that we went home talked to tony n walked. later that night we went to the mall n avenue. we met up with lisa leah richie mike matt sam. basicialyl same people n jason came again. i left everyone but jason and we walked n talked. ahh i discovered i like palm trees now. haha n in spencers i saw this gianormous rubber duckie! then jason n i walked to the avenue, it was freezing! we walked in barnes n noble n i read him all these duck stories. hmm very interesting. tar kar n everyone came over. then we left , i took kar tar n jason all home n then i wented to bed.

sunday was the best day of all. i was kinda not happy in the morning caus ei thgouht a lot again about my thought buddy <3. then umm i gotted happy n gave my mommy her gifts she loved them! then i went to the orioles game, i wanted to take someone cause we seriously had like 80000 tickets but everyone was buy so i thought iw asn;t gonna have fun. well we had sky box tickets, free food, yummy. i dsicovered i love javy lopez, sexy catcher right there! then i discovered we had tickets for behind homeplate too. so my brother n i went down there and i had a perfect view of javy's butt!! beautiful. it was a very good game. when it was over, the empire gave me a ball that they were using in the game n javy lopez touched it hahahaha. great great great. i need his autograph now. what a great day that was. o yeah i almost gotraped in the elevator though caus eiw as walking by myself n this guy, he talked like he was gay but anyway was all staring n smiling and i was like yeah. and then the elevator dudes thtat operate it like the old days was all staring. then tese to like college guys start following me and saying all this stuff. it was funni. and i got to ride on my one and only bakltimore street on my way home!

well today was monday but it was a good day. i felt smart all day. i learned i laugh like some actress, i forgot her name hmm. well then when i gotted home shaun called with his update on his punishment. lol i tell you these poor boys.

i was really thinking n umm i discovered i can't alfklfh anyone else because if already afjhdlsjfh someone else. lol i don;t like to write about stuff on here cause people over analyze things, that erks me. but ok. i <33 _______ hahaha. <33 Lola
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