Paul Griffin’s 4 laws of life (plus 4 of my own)
1. You already have enough friends.
2. People are stupid.
3. Men are pigs.
4. Women are completely insane.
5. Girls are prettier without makeup. (guys could use some eyeliner every now and then)
6. Don’t buy anything if you don’t know where it came from.
7. Sleeping and showering are essential. Never go more than three days without them.
8. Sex and love are two different things.
That's right, you know you love them. Go ahead and add a few of your own. And never forget the origional four, whose pretty basic logic has saved me many of times.
I've been sifting through my journals of late looking for any semblance of actual writing, and it's actually pretty pathetic how little I've been able to do. I blame Livejournal. Normally my thoughts and feelings would stay inside me until they forced themselves out into a poem. Now I can just smack everything onto the internet and it comes out much less eloquently, believe me. So now my notebook is the same, mostly song lyrics, with the random bizarre poem or emo rant.
Bizarre Poem (my attempt to re-vamp oldschool british poetry which was based on alliteration rather than rhyming)
rebellion reigns the sanctimonious soul
something serene amid terrible troubles
a torrid tryst unabashed and unforgiving
unity in understanding voraciously vocational
the very verisimilitude of a wonderful world
waylaid without any xenophobe or xylophone
x-rated but not extraordinary young but not youthful
yesterday’s yes becomes the Zen zenith of zeroes
A zebra’s zygote worth more than a life
EmO with a capital 'O'
My eyes are brighter than yours. Brighter than anyone’s. I see all your flaws, all your dark places and everything that makes you who you are. I know why you cry, why you laugh, why you need to be right. I know what keeps you up at night. I know when you are faking and when you’re wrong. I see the truth in everyone, their ups and downs and what causes them. I can pick out every lie and find the insecurity that it’s painted on. I can see past the world’s euphemisms, their flattery, and their deceptive smiles. I can see the loneliness behind everyone’s eyes. I am free of delusions but I’d take them all back just to look at myself without feeling like crap.
and of course, some Bright Eyes.
On a string I was held. The way I move, can you tell? My actions are orchestrated from above. So I swing and I sway...wave my hand, kick my leg. And it's always right with the music
For a song I was bought. Now I lie when I talk with a careful eye on the cue-card. Onto a stage I was pushed with my sorrow well rehearsed so give me all your pity and your money now.
If I could act like this was my real life and not just some stage where I've been placed, well, then I could tell you the truth like I used to and not be afraid of sounding fake. Now all anyone's listening for are the mistakes.
Alright, that's all I've got. Plus a picture!