Jul 21, 2011 09:24
I’m not sure what to think today. My temperature jumped up yesterday morning, and FertilityFriend has suddenly shifted my ovulation day to Wednesday instead of Tuesday, presumably because of how high yesterday’s temperature was. I’m almost certain I ovulated late Tuesday night, because we did our second insem at 3 AM on Wednesday and Shasta said all my CM had dried up and my cervix was closing already. I also didn’t get a very accurate temp on Wednesday since I woke up at 3, went back to sleep after the insem and woke up again at my usual time. So I’m not sure I believe FertilityFriend, but now it’s got me second guessing myself…
*sigh* Also, all day yesterday I was feeling sort of dull AF-like crampiness. Possibly implantation? But also possibly just gas. I’ve been very dizzy the past few days but that’s normal for me this time of year since I have such low blood pressure and it’s been so hot. And I have been cranky cranky cranky for the last week. I went to lunch with my staff and our former attorney and got a very sharp wave of pain that could have either been a big cramp or a big air bubble - not sure which. Very uncomfortable to be sitting at a table with a bunch of people you work with feeling like something in your gut is flipping itself over with a very sharp spatula. Ew. And then, THEN I discovered that I have [[[[ TMI WARNING, DEAR FRIENDS ]]]]]] diarrhea. Double ew, and probably the result of crampies, but still not necessarily unusual given the hot weather. Not helping my crankiness, however, that’s for sure!
Anyway, with the shift in my chart 10DPO will now be Saturday instead of Friday. I suppose I could still take a pregnancy test Friday if I felt like it, though it would probably be way too early. And I’m still not really feeling like we’ve got much chance of a BFP, though with these new symptoms (wasn’t I begging the universe for a few symptoms just this last cycle?) I feel like maybe I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth, here? There’s a part of me that actually doesn’t *want* to feel more hopeful at the moment, simply because I don’t like being disappointed. :P Of course then I ask myself, how will I feel about all this nay-saying and negativity later, if we did happen to get a BFP this time? I’d probably be sad that I’d spent my first few days with our baby being so pissy instead of enjoying the experience, heh.
All I feel like doing today is writing. I have a short story I must get done, and I’m all inspired to tackle the next scene of my current book. Instead, however, I have stacks of much less fun work awaiting me. Meetings to conduct. Other meetings to prepare for. Dreading walking into this next one in a few minutes because I just don’t feel like I have the energy to deal with my staff’s inevitable drama today - we have a pretty sticky subject we have to tackle as a team, and I’m not looking forward to playing referee… *sigh*
Is it the weekend yet?