Jul 19, 2011 19:09
I haven’t posted much in the way of updates, mostly because I’m not feeling particularly hopeful about this cycle. *sigh* I really don’t think our timing was any better than our last try, and I certainly don’t feel pregnant at all. Not a single symptom that would give any sort of twinge of hope. I really think our first TTC cycle was wacky-long, and that this one is wacky-short, and I’m hoping maybe the next one will finally be normal so that we’ll have a better chance of it working.
However, now I’ve run into a conundrum. With this cycle being so short, it’s moved up my double-ovulation month to August. I should be ovulating the first and the last week of August, so now we have to decide: do we skip one? I’d managed to save up enough to do a 3-vial cycle for August, but yesterday one of the tires on my car burst and I have to replace all four of them now, at around $600. That’s just about what I had saved up in our babymaking fund, so I have to decide. Do we try both cycles, and float the car tire money and extra cycle money on a credit card until we get a BFP and I can afford to pay it off? Or do we skip both cycles and wait until September? Or do we try one August cycle and skip one? Do we do two 2-vial cycles, one 3-vial cycle (and skip the next), one 2-vial and one 1-vial cycle… And, if none of these work and we have to move on to Dr. assisted IUI, how will we pay for that, exactly?
*sigh* And yet I know I’m getting far ahead of myself, as this is only the second time we’ve tried and we don’t know for SURE yet that it didn’t work. We said we’d try 6 times at home before moving on to Dr.-assisted stuff, so we’re not even halfway there yet.
Anyway, this Friday will be 10 DPO so I’ll start taking pregnancy tests then, though I’m really not holding my breath.
In the meantime, over the weekend we fixed the little holes in our shower floor grout, and prepared the walls and ceiling for paint. We also weeded about half of our backyard, so even though the grass is still clumpy and bare in spots it looks a LOT better without all those weeds choking it. This coming weekend we plan to paint the bathroom and install our shower door - and we will be able to use our own shower again for the first time in more than two years. CANNOT WAIT.
home improvement