Fic: Unhearted (Chapter 2)

May 12, 2009 19:33

Title: Unhearted
Pairing: Akame
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Drama, Humor, Angst, Smut
Author’s Notes: Requested by lavenie_2619 from the akame_req community. :D
Summary: Troubled from his past, Kazuya Kamenashi enters as a prostitute and ceased to believe the existence of true love. Jin Akanishi, who is frustrated with all his work, tries to let out his agony and problems and was led to a prostitute house where he meets Kazuya and finds himself being a regular to that place and always asks for the same person. However, when their feelings became involved and they finally got together, Jin became protective and asked his new lover to finally end his job as a prostitute but the other refuses to do so. What happens then?

Chapter One


“God!” Kazuya groaned as he finally came and Jin came seconds later as well. The older man collapsed on top of Kazuya, both of them panting heavily. Jin was too tired from that round and suddenly slept on top of Kazuya’s body.

The younger man didn’t know what to do so he also let himself sleep on that bed as well not knowing what would happen the day after that when they wake up.


Kazuya blinked his eyes open and tried to adjust from the sunlight that adored his face. He felt a massive wave of pain hit his head and other parts of his body too. He tried to move but apparently, he can’t due to the added weight on top of him. He groaned as he strained his eyes to look at the object that was depriving him of his unlimited movement.

The young man’s eyes widened and gasped. His customer from last night was still there with him and on top of him above all! He looked around and saw that he was in an unfamiliar room, probably his customer’s, Kazuya thinks as he tried to move his legs but gained no luck.

He winced. Apparently the man’s dick happens to still be inside of him. Kazuya sighed as he tried to move the man on top of him but failed. The man just stirred in his sleep making him move inside of Kazuya as well. This made Kazuya moan in pain, clearly not likely their position.

There was only one thing to do.

Kazuya gasped in a great amount of air as he mustered up all his strength and pushed the man away from him and successfully out of him. He smirked when he managed to do so, while the man fell down from the bed, and now finally awake.

“Ow!” Kazuya heard the man wince as he tried to get up and look at what happened to him. “What the hell?” Kazuya just glared at him and looked away as he got up from the bed silently and gathered his clothes. He was surprised since the pain he was feeling in his ass was really tolerable unlike his previous nights with his other customers.

Jin finally awoke from his dozed off state and watched as the beautiful man in front of him dress in his clothes and tried to fix himself up. Kazuya was facing his back to him as he buttoned up his shirt and ran his hand through his hair to at least somehow look presentable now.

“Kazuya,” Jin called his voice low and husky. It took awhile for Kazuya to look at him. A wave of unknown pain washed through Jin when he saw the straight face Kazuya gave him. It’s as if nothing happened at all between them.

The younger man stretched out his hand and opened up his palm. Jin was confused, still naked in his state. “Your payment,” And now Jin understood.

It was just one of those cheap one-night fuck that everyone does. Except for Jin, this is the first time he got someone he didn’t know laid. A guy even for that matter! But right now, Jin knew in his heart that he wanted to meet Kazuya as well. Not for another cheap fuck time with him, but he wanted to know the other better. It might sound lame when he talks about a prostitute, but he felt something different towards the gorgeous man. It’s as if, he doesn’t compare to all the women Jin dated and had sex with in the past.

Jin didn’t realize that he was staring at the younger man until the latter already waved his hand in front of his face, calling his attention. “Oy,” Kazuya called and eventually became successful.

The older man finally snapped back to reality as he bent down to get his wallet from his pants on the floor, got some cash and handed it out to Kazuya.

“Can…Can I see you again?” Jin murmured looking into Kazuya’s eyes straightly and serious but his tone was gentle and calm. The other looked at him for a few seconds and shook his head.

“You’re a prostitute, right? Why do you care whoever takes you as long as you’re getting paid?” This made Kazuya bite his bottom lip, not knowing what else to say. Instead, he just glared at the older man and scoffed and left the room.

Jin stared at the door and watched it bang as soon as Kazuya left. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, suddenly feeling his hangover rush through his head. He shook his head and went back to lay down on his bed which suddenly felt empty and big in Jin’s opinion. It smelled of alcohol, and sex, and…Kazuya.

“We’ll meet again,” He said determinedly as sleep and tiredness washed over him.


Jin was late for his work and he didn’t really care less. He was supposed to be absent today but stupid Maru and Koki kept calling his phone telling him to go to work since they lack men. So now he had no choice and sit down on his chair while working on the pile of work that was laid on his table.

Koki was whistling as he walked over to his friend while twirling his keys in hand. He stopped behind Jin and greeted him.

“Good morning, Jin! Had a good fuck last night?” He grinned as he placed an arm around Jin’s shoulders who just slumped down on his table. Maru grinned as he too got closer and tried to join in the conversation.

“Yeah, the woman you got last night was pretty darn hot!” Maru whistled as he gave Jin a pat on the back and laughed along Koki.

“He’s not a woman,” Jin murmured while his head was resting on his arms.

“Huh?” Maru and Koki leaned in to try and get what Jin just said.

“He’s not a woman.” Jin repeated as he now sat up and images of Kazuya’s face flashed in his mind. Maru and Koki were impressed and teased him about it. “Uwaa~ You got a guy laid? That’s really rare!” The latter exclaimed and Jin could only glare at them. They were really being ridiculous.

Just then, another one of their co-workers passed by and heard their conversation. He wanted to join in the fun too.

“Really? Jin got someone laid? And it’s a guy this time? What, his charm on the ladies is not working anymore?” The newly arrived friend chuckled and Jin just wanted to brush him off.

“Fuck off, Nishikido.” Jin spat out. He doesn’t really need any of this right now.

“Forgive him, Ryo. He had a bad night last night and it looks like the one he got laid last night just ditched him.” Maru chuckled and so did Koki and Ryo. Jin’s patience was getting thinner and thinner but he didn’t have the energy to fight with these idiots.

“So, what’s the name of the person you knocked off last night?” Ryo asked seemingly interested.

Jin looked at him. “Kazuya,” The words flowed smoothly from Jin’s lips and the others noticed it and smirked.

“Kazuya, huh?” Ryo smirked. He paused for a bit and looked at the other two.

“From the look of Jin’s face, he looks like he’s fallen for the guy already.” Koki laughed.

“Who could blame him? That Kazuya was indeed a pretty boy! We even mistook him for a woman in that matter,” Maru grinned and both of them nodded.

Suddenly, someone clearing their throat very loudly caught their attention causing the four men to look up. They all shuddered and stopped laughing when they saw their boss in front of them, clearly not happy.

“It seems you’re having fun talking here about something, aren’t you?” The four men gulped as their boss crossed his arms and glared at all of them.

“Sorry Matsumoto-san, we’ll be going back to our places now,” Koki said and he, Maru and Ryo ran back to their tables and continued their work. Jin apologized and got his pen and continued doing his papers.

“You’re already late in going here, Akanishi. Don’t disappoint me even more.” Jin apologized again.

After checking that everyone is finally back to their positions, their boss, Jun Matsumoto finally left and went back to his office.

“I think Matsumoto-san didn’t get anyone laid recently,” Koki whispered and Maru laughed silently, trying their best not to get caught the second time around.


Koki, Maru and Jin went out for lunch that time and were walking around the streets when Jin saw someone very familiar from afar. He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks making Koki and Maru stop from their jokes and stopped walking as well. The both of them looked at his friend and saw him dazed at something, or rather… someone.

“Jin?” The bald one waved his hand in front of his friend’s face but failed to get his attention. Koki and Maru followed the direction of Jin’s gaze and saw the pretty boy straight ahead.

“Ah! It’s Kazuya!” Maru exclaimed and pointed at the direction of the beautiful pale man. “Come; let’s walk up to him, Jin.” He suggested and Koki was about to agree when they stopped again and saw another man stand beside Kazuya and wrap an arm around his shoulders. Kazuya wore a very sexy smile as he and his company boarded a taxi cab and went off.

Jin wore a sad look at his face after watching the scene, somehow forgetting that Kazuya had a job that involves everyone who wants to make him their company. Maru and Koki couldn’t do anything about it so they just sighed and dragged Jin to a nearby restaurant to finally eat their lunch.

What they didn’t know was that after Kazuya boarded the taxi, he looked back through the back window and watched Jin’s standing figure from afar. Suddenly, his eyes widened when he realized he haven’t asked Jin’s name yet!

That thought made him snort mentally. He really is a slut. Now why would he want Jin’s name? As if the latter would really give it to him.

But one could hope right?

“Are you okay?” A voice suddenly stopped his train of thoughts. Kazuya looked at his side and saw his customer looking seductively worried at him. The young man just gave him his best host smile and assured him it was nothing.

The customer just nodded and pulled Kazuya closer to him as they waited to reach their hotel room.


The afternoon ended and everyone else was getting ready to get home.

“Hey Jin, we’re going to go sing at the karaoke tonight, wanna come?” Koki stretched his arms while Maru nodded, already ready to go. Jin immediately shook his head and said ‘no’.

“Eh? Since when did you refuse karaoke?” Maru asked shocked. Jin was clearly not being himself today.

“I’m just tired, you guys. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun at karaoke.” Jin said as he got his bag, patted his two friends and left the office leaving the two dumbfounded. Maru and Koki looked at each other and both of them said the same suggestion.

“Let’s invite Ryo!”


The truth was, Jin wasn’t really tired. After seeing Kazuya from afar during lunchtime, he made a decision of going back to the bar after work and pay for the young man again as his company. He doesn’t care if he spends all his money everyday just to meet Kazuya. His heart couldn’t just take it being away from the young one after so long.

He entered the bar coolly and let the loud music overwhelm him as he got a seat and ordered a drink. His eyes wandered around the place as he searched for the only person he wanted to see.

His presence wasn’t at all ignored though. Countless women tried to come up and flirt with him but Jin just told them off. There was this one persistent girl who tried kissing him but he got pissed and pushed him away. He was already inside for an hour and still no sign of Kazuya.

Was he too late already? Did someone else get him already?

He sighed but something told him not to leave the place yet so he followed his instincts and stayed. He suddenly perked up when he heard a very familiar voice and looked at the direction where it came from.

“Thank you! I’ll make sure to give this back to you!” Not far away, Jin finally saw Kazuya who was laughing at the person he was with. He looked really happy in Jin’s opinion, and that made him frown a bit.

Jin gulped the last of his drink and walked up to Kazuya, clearly ignoring some of the girls who dared to touch him. The young man felt another presence beside and so he looked up and saw Jin staring down at him. Kazuya felt himself gulp when he felt Jin’s piercing eyes stare right through him.

“Let’s go,” Jin said as he grabbed hold of the other’s arm and dragged him outside the bar and into his apartment. Once inside his room, Jin pinned him against the door and started kissing him ravishingly. Kazuya didn’t know what else to do except to give himself and think of this as just another night for a prostitute like him.

Their tongues battled and their breaths hitched as they clumsily tried to remove each other’s clothes and once they did, Jin pushed Kazuya straight to his bed as he climbed up and kissed the younger one again and again.

“Kazu…” Jin moaned as he let his arms roam around Kazuya’s sexy body, rubbing their erections against each other. This made Kazuya groan against their kiss as he felt himself growing harder and hotter each passing second. Jin still tasted alcohol but the other knew that he was sober enough to know what he was doing.

The room was filled with their groans and hitched breathing as Jin entered the younger man causing both of them to groan in pleasure. The bed rocked the same time they did and Jin grabbed hold of Kazuya’s member and pumped him with the same tempo they were going.

They rocked harder and faster until both of them came and Jin kissed the other passionately and entered his tongue instantly until the both of them finally calmed down and got their breaths back. He pulled away and pulled his member out of Kazuya as he looked at him, only to lean down again and kiss his tender lips again.

“I’m Jin Akanishi,”

Every night after that night, Jin always reserves Kazuya to be his companion and the latter couldn’t decline. It was, of course, his job but he never thought feelings could actually erupt from this kind of profession.

Jin wasn’t sure of his feelings towards the other yet but a few heated nights later, he knew what he wants to do.


“I love you, Kazuya.”

Kazuya’s eyes widened at the sudden confession. They just finished another round of passionate sex and they were already taking their time to relax and get their breaths back. Jin was currently running his hand across Kazuya’s hair while his other hand ran up and down his back.

Jin felt Kazuya stiffen against his touch but he knew he had to say it.

“Live with me,” And he felt a great wave of happiness wash over him when he felt Kazuya nod against his chest.


Author’s Notes: *wipes sweat of forehead* Whew! That made me hot. Seriously. XDDDD The next chapter would be more about Kazuya’s tragic past as to why this happened to him.

I’m actually falling in love with this fic myself. I like the plot. :D ^0^♥

What do you guys think? Comments are love. :]♥

genre: au, fic: multi-chaptered, genre: crack, genre: romance, genre: drama, rating: nc-17, genre: angst, group: kat-tun, pairing: akame, fic: unhearted

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