This had to be one of the best holidays in recent memory. Thanksgiving was spent with in-laws, but this time our other in-laws were here. Which explains the good time had by all. They moved back here in June from Penn. My nieces are cute.(Okay so teenagers should never be labeled as cute; maybe I should say cool?)
I didn't go to the Black Friday sales, because we really had no good door busters, but Office Max did have an eight gigabyte flash drive for seventeen dollars. Instead of sale shopping my mom and I went to the "World's Largest Bazaar". It is held annually in Portland OR at the Expo Center.
I didn't buy much there either, but afterward I made a stop at Jantzen Beach Mall for their Barnes and Noble. I was in book heaven. Let me see if I can explain this. My local mall Borders express had probably five books on writing, three of which I own. These books take up maybe half a shelf. The Barnes and Noble I was in has two full shelves of books on writing. *squee* (Sorry...couldn't resist the opportunity.)
So there I stood taking in all of the lovely book goodness when my eyes landed on this title.
"Wabi Sabi for Writers" Now mind you I don't know what Wabi Sabi means, but I know enough to recognize Japanese words when I see them. ^-^;; That in itself immediately piqued my interest. I glanced through all the other titles, but I kept coming back to this one, which I now own.
Here is a quote off the back of this book.
"This eloquent guide explores the unique wabi sabi approach to:
Inspiration - transforming strong images into art
Community - writers' groups and what they have to offer
Enlightenment - Practicing Zen through writing"
This is what I found inspiring. The Author takes some creative license with a historical Japanese writer named Basho and carries on conversations with him.
One of Basho's statements in reply to the Authors questions.
"Writer: Should writers seek out the famous spots you did?
Basho: "I didn't write so that others would go to the places I went. I wrote so that they would want to travel into poetry itself. You don't need to know where to go; You need to know how to go. I used to tell my students, 'do not simply follow the footsteps of famous writers; seek what they sought.""
Ah how can you not love that? It just really speaks to me. Not all of the book is this inspiring, but it has its moments. I am definitely glad I picked it up. :D Oh and yes I did go later that evening and pick up the eight gigabyte flash drive. I couldn't resist having that much storage... ^-~