Ladies and Gentlemen...

Mar 02, 2010 15:00

Hello and welcome to my new journal!

I know this will be a rather random post but I just want to introduce my journal because it's going to have a specific role and purpose in my life and with informing you guys about certain stuff.

This journal is primarily going to be based on my journey to an interesting life. Now, I'm not going to ramble on how my life sucks and how I wish I could die because quite frankly I love my life (hence my name). To be honest, there are plenty more people out there who have a worse life than me and I don't want to go on about myself. I just find that life goes in a circle every day and each day is the same and it's pretty boring. Wake up - go to college - work - go home - work - sleep...


I want to give myself the opportunity to live life to the full and when I die, not have any regrets and not wish I'd done something else. I want to know that I've done something with my life and not just thrown it away - starting now!

Last night and today I've been compiling a list of things I want to do before I die, ranging from serious things like become a parent to not so serious things like skinny dipping.... Some of the things I've done before but I am starting my list from now onwards because I'm putting my past behind me. I've made mistakes which I'm not proud of so I'm turning over a new leaf.

I'm not going to bore you with my list of 144 things I want to do before I die and counting... Every day (hopefully) I will post one and say what I think about it, what was going through my mind when I wrote it and, if I've done it, my experiences! I want to try and complete one a week depending on what they are. For instance, there is no way I'm going skinny dipping in winter. Also, a lot of them are traveling so I won't be able to do that once a week - I'm only 17... I've been saving for over five months for my trip to Japan so to do one a week would kill me and my bank...

That's pretty much all I can say about my blog for now. Expect pictures of me completing each thing!

By the way, I've completed one already...

101 :: Write a diary

Love you guys, thank you for reading!

blog, new, things to do before i die, welcome, hello, diary

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