(no subject)

Oct 03, 2011 09:58

Gaaaaah!!! I've never ranted here b4 but I have to let all this out and I forgot my cellphone so none of my friends are reachable!!! What the hell free KBS concert in NYC?!?! WHAT THE FREAKING HE'LL?!?! what is the friggin point o having tickets for a FREE CONCERT?!?!? and y are u giving them out half a week b4 the concert?!?did u not think that maybe ppl NOT FROM NYC would wan to come in an dgrab some too?!? Was that too hard to compute in ur disorganized brains?!? And why... WHYYYY would u only give out 150 tickets per location when u are expecting 10000 fans to show up?!?! This is bullshit!! Thank you for ruinin my week and consequently my trip to NYC!! GAAAAAHHH!!!!
I feel better now...
On a side note if anybody here has 4 tickets to the free KBS concert in NYC and don't want them pls contact me! I'll write an ode to u and everything!!!

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