Crack Up

Aug 27, 2010 00:48

 Title: Crack Up
Pairing: QMI ft. Luna
Rating: PG

“Oppa!” Zhou continues walking through the crowd of people dashing about getting ready for SM Town ’10. Oppa is a common, familiar cry in the chaos, hoobaes trying desperately to get a sunbae’s attention amidst the mad rush.
“Zhou Mi oppa!” Here he does turn, because that has got to be the most ridiculous mash-up of his Chinese name and the Korean honorific that he’s heard in a while. He’s about to make a Kyuhyun-inspired remark about picking a language and sticking with it when he sees Luna’s shining smile, bright and happy and just a little rattled around the edges. He waits for her to catch up to him, delicate steps resounding sharp in the heels she wears.
“Oppa,” She’s fretting, and he can hear it in her voice, “Listen!” Luna shoves an earbud at him, and he’s a little lost, but willing to play along. He tucks the bud into his ear, and hears an F(x) song playing. It still doesn’t make sense to him, until Luna’s part comes up, with a piercing high note.
“Oppa, what if I can’t hit the note? I don’t want to mess up. I was talking to Kyuhyun-oppa, and I told him I was afraid that my voice would crack. Oppa told me to come talk to you about it.”
As soon as Kyuhyun’s name comes up, Zhou Mi knows this is less about comforting Luna and more about getting an indirect dig at Zhou Mi. But he still doesn’t see the connection. A familiar face comes into his view, across the lobby, and Kyuhyun is laughing. He’s got the joke, and he’s just waiting for Zhou Mi to catch on. Luna is still talking, so he tunes back into the one-sided conversation.
“hyun-oppa said that if I was worried about my voice cracking-Zhou Mi oppa, I don’t want people to laugh at us!-That I should talk to you about it. He said you have so much experience with things like that. It’s very nice of him to say so, don’t you think?” Zhou Mi is listening half-heartedly, and it’s only when he sees Kyuhyun brace his hands against his knees, bent over because he’s laughing just that hard, that he remembers a Super Junior M performance. His voice cracking embarrassingly, and Kyuhyun being completely incapacitated by his laughter. And he gets the joke, pats a worried Luna on the back and offers some distracted advice, something about tea and honey and not over-working your vocal chords, before he politely hands over the earbud, and sets off on his journey to kill, or at least publically humiliate Cho Kyuhyun.

length: oneshot, rating: pg, genre: romance, genre: comedy, pairing: qmi, fandom: super junior

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