Jan 02, 2007 14:08
Name: Tove
Age: 20
Location: Oslo, Norway
Favorite Game(s): (I usually play all games thrown my way, but these are the ones I tend to favor over others xD;)
- Carcassonne
- BattleLore
- Marvel Heroes
- Zombies!!!
Hmm.. hard to say o_o; I know I like Carcassonne because it's easy to get into but can be incredibly challenging and competitive against the right people. I also love placing out the tiles, because I seem to have a talent for making amazingly large cities and never-ending roads 8D It's just the kind of game that is easy to pick up and play if you have some time left over, or whilst watching a boring TV show!
As to why I like the other games? I don't know how to answer that. There is just something about each of those that makes me come back for more time and time again :)
In general, I got my interest for board games from my boyfriend. Over the span of.. oh, I don't know.. one or two months we found ourselves buying more and more board games. We now have 21, which I think is quite a nice collection considering that we haven't been into this for very long xD;
Anyway. I'm glad I found this community. I'll probably do little game review thingies after a while since I'm already posting them in my own journal (but.. no real interest amongst the people on my friendslist :P).