AMNESTY! 2 fics

Oct 08, 2013 14:49

Author: punk4life1315
Medium: fanfiction
Fandoms: Spartacus, The Walking Dead
Love list: fatherhood, saying goodbye

Life is Perfect
Pairing/Characters: Agron/Nasir, OCs
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1000 +
Warnings: mpreg,
Summary:Agron reflects on his life with Nasir and their growing family.

Time to Say Goodbye
Pairing/Characters: Michonne/Andrea, Daryl/Carol
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 500 +
Warnings: character death
Summary: Michonne and Andrea share a final moment before Andrea takes her own life.

fiction: fan, time: round 3, ♥: fatherhood, rated: pg-13, fandom: spartacus, player: punk4life1315, ♥: saying goodbye, fandom: the walking dead, rated: pg

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