Bingo Amnesty - 5 Fills

Sep 12, 2013 16:03

Author: Bekah Rose
Medium: Fic and Fan Art (Manipulations)
Fandoms: Merlin (BBC) / Torchwood
Love list: Solace, Making Out, Eroticism, Kinks, Prince Charming

Pretty Pictures I
Pairing/Characters: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: Adult
Summary: After finding a small collection of photographs that Arthur had forgotten existed, Merlin goes out and has some of his own taken so he can present them to his partner.
Warnings: NSFW Images
Word Count: PPI is 264 words, PPII is 800 words (It's currently with my Beta), and both fic come with manipulations, which can be found HERE.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I make no money from this at all.

After A Hard Day
Pairing/Characters: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: Adult
Warnings: NSFW Image, Bondage, D/s, Leather
Word Count: Fic is 500 words, once it's recovered from my busted USB, but there is an image.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I make no money from this at all. No pretty-boy princes or Subs were harmed in the making of this manipulation.

Phoenix Herald
Pairing/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Ianto/Jack
Rating: General
Summary: When a strange looking bird comes through the rift, Ianto is once again left in charge of its care - not that he minds. However, he may have second thoughts when the rift opens again to reclaim it and he and Jack are transported to the feet of a powerful sorcerer who is hidden in the heart of Camelot.
Warnings: Character Death, History-Handwaving.
Word Count: 16,000+
Disclaimer: All familiar characters within this fic are the rightful property of the BBC and Shine et al. I make no money from this, and am purely doing it for the love of writing.

Lazy Sunday Kisses
Pairing/Characters: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG
Summary: Nothing beats a lazy Sunday morning, stretched out on the sofa.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 537
Disclaimer: All familiar characters within this fic are the rightful property of the BBC and Shine et al. I make no money from this, and am purely doing it for the love of writing.

Pairing/Characters: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: General
Summary: Amongst the calamity and grief and weight of his duties as King, Arthur had found it - a bright spark of hope, of comfort.
Warnings: Character Death (Not major)
Word Count: 383
Disclaimer: All familiar characters within this fic are the rightful property of the BBC and Shine et al. I make no money from this, and am purely doing it for the love of writing.

I know some of these don't exactly fill the minimum, but real life got a hold of me and some of them just wouldn't make sense if they had been longer in word count.

fandom: merlin, fiction: fan, ♥: making out, player: miss_bekahrose, ♥: eroticism, ♥: prince charming, art: manipulation, fandom: torchwood, rated: nc-17, rated: g, art: picspam, time: round 3, rated: pg-13, ♥: solace, ♥: kinks, rated: pg

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