Title: Loki Is Glad it is Coulson
Characters: Loki, Coulson
Verse: Avengers in School
Summary: Loki is sick, Coulson comes by to help out
It was a horrible day. It really was.
He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head, his head throbbing and his nose stuffed.
He couldn't breath, he couldn't stop coughing, he hardly slept, and it was just horrible!
Loki was dying.
That was the only explanation.
His phone vibrated and he just groaned, because the idea of interacting with others….
It was probably Stark knowing Loki's luck, the last person he would talk to would be him. Just marvelous.
He reached over and looked at his phone.
'You didn't look so well yesterday, are you doing well?'
It was Phil.
Loki immediately replied, knowing that if someone would be there for him, it
would be Phil.
He would tell his brother, but he was on a fieldtrip for one of his classes.…sadness.
'I think I am dying.'
'You just have the flu. I shall stop by after my class ends.'
Loki sighed and placed his phone down, falling into a really light sleep.
It was not until he was gently being shaken by someone that he woke up. He pulled away from his
blankets to look into Phil's concerned face.
"Are you ok?"
"Phil, I am dying. Also, how did you get into my dorm?" Loki asked, as he was helped up into a sitting position and in between coughing.
"Stark showed me how to override the system." Phil stated, before moving to get medicine from his bag.
"Eww…not I am not taking that." Loki said, scrunching up his face.
"Yes, you are. Now open up." Phil stated, pouring some cough syrup unto a spoon.
"But…but….it tastes horrible." Loki huffed, eyeing the spoon.
"Do you want to feel better and go back to causing mayhem?" Phil asked exasperated.
Loki pouted, before finally agreeing to drinking the cough syrup.
"See it wasn't that bad." Phil stated, while Loki coughed and twitched at the taste.
"I also made you chicken soup." Phil stated, taking out some topple ware.
"Oh my god, yes!" Loki stated, because Phil's chicken soup was legendary. Actually, his food in general was lengendary.
Phil smiled softly as he watched Loki devour the soup down.
He talked about his day as Loki ate.
After he was done, Phil helped Loki get comfortable on the bed. He also brought his humidifier to help Loki breath.
"Thank you Phil." Loki muttered as sleep began to take over.
Phil just smiled softly and kissed Loki on the forehead, before leaving him to sleep.