So, I felt like typing. And I realized only like 3 people are subscribers to my blog on MySpace, which makes it pointless 'cause if no one reads then I could just be writing in my diary, but I feel like making some contact. And then I realize I have nothing worth anything to say. Well damn. is fun. I appreciate the almost complete lack of discipline paired with a healthy work ethic shared by everyone that makes it a productive but mellow work environment, the polar opposite of what I had at Garduños. What a shit hole that was. Otherwise, I'm...tired. Have not had a good night's sleep in going on two weeks. It's either been sleepless tossing and turning or dreams so fucking vivid and emotionally wrenching I wake up exhausted. I know I don't sleep much anyway, but this is ridiculous. Maybe Julian still has some sleeping pills on hand....must remember to look into that. But the hour grows late, and, surprise surprise, I have work in the morning. Come visit me, have a milkshake, see me in my bright turquoise dress glory.
I love you I love you I love you I love you I'm screaming it in your face but your eyes are closed. This red ribbon just isn't working for me anymore.