successful day 2? I think yes.

Aug 28, 2011 11:39

today is going to be a struggle; I feel it already. I did SO well yesterday, so I think it will be hard for me not to overeat today. I am going to make sure that I busy myself all day long with other things. I have been looking at this girls fashion blog and it's actually pretty cool. Maybe I'll spend the day trying to come up with outfits and whatnot. Who knows? The hurricane was here yesterday, and its still windy from that so I don't know if I wanna go outside or not. I may go out later though for some coffee. Since its so nasty out, I'm definitely in the mood to sit in a coffee shop with a book all day long. I checked out "The Book Thief" from the library (which I've never read). As much as I do want to read it, I don't know if I will be able to. I have been reading SO MUCH chemistry literature that it's ruined by ability to read anything else. :( but maybe I'll buy a magazine or something. I just need to check and see if anything is open today because the hurricane sort of shut the city down. They intended it to be way worse than it was, so I don't know if they followed through with closings and whatnot. I just have to make sure that I do not eat anything else today. I've already hit 800 calories and its lunchtime. That's far too many, but as long as I'm under 1000 I am not going to flip out. The one thing I am concerned about is the fact that my roommates made dinner last night and left some for me, which I was obligated to eat. I really do not want that to happen again so I need to make sure I'm gone by dinner. I just don't want to have an awkward situation where I'm forced to eat. I need to teach myself that I can have two successful days in a row without eating too much. I can do it and I will do it. Today is the day.

My one other concern comes in at work. They definitely notice when you don't eat lunch. So I am either going to cut it back at breakfast (which I don't like the idea of doing) or I am going to simply bring a salad or another small lunch in. I think my main goal during the work week is going to be to make damn sure that I don't eat after work. That's been my pitfall this summer. I always eat after work. That is going to stop because it adds too many calories. If I keep it light between breakfast and lunch, then I think I'll be able to lose some serious pounds. A transformation is in store for me. I am so excited&ready to be back down to 130 once again. It's been farrrrr too long.

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