Drama, drama, drama!

Feb 26, 2005 01:48

Whew! I have 2 really good friends that live in the same apartments that I do and it has been nothing but drama for the past few days.

First there's Kristen:

Her cousin had moved in with them and was living there earning zero income. Kristen and her husband were paying for everything he needed including cartons of ciggs. Finally Josh (the cousin) gets a job and as soon as he gets his first pay check he announces that he wants to move back home and that he won't be cashing his check because he doesn't want to spend it. When Kristen tells him how messed up it is he doesn't care. When she asks him if he will give them any money he said eventually he will, but right now he needs his money.

That same day Kristen's aunt calls (Josh's mom) and tells Kristen that Josh told her all about how badly they've been treating him! She said that Josh told her that he wasn't being fed, and that he wasn't allowed to go anywhere, and that he had to watch Kristen's kids all the time. Kristen's aunt then goes on to tell Kristen that she needs to grow up.

Fast forward a couple of days and Josh catches a plane to go home. Later that afternoon, Kristen's aunt calls Kristen again. This time she is going off on her. She tells her that she is a horrible mother that gets drunk every night and abandons her children. She also told her that she will be calling CPS on her. Then she goes on to call her older son an Autistic retarded little shit. She hangs up before Kristen can reply.

Kristen's older son does have something wrong with him, but they are still in the process of testing so they're not sure exactly what it is. It's one of these 3 things, Autism, Tourrets, or ADHD. It was EXTREMELY uncalled for. On top of all that the older son was scheduled for surgery the very next day so Kristen had all of this to deal with. As of today, her older son is healing from surgery fine, and she hasn't heard anything from her aunt. I just can't believe some people!

Then there's Charlotte:

Charlotte's husband, Brad, went out with my husband to a buddy's house to watch a basketball game. They decided they wanted to stay a little later to play some poker. Charlotte called Brad to see if he was on his way home, and he told her that he was going to hang out longer. She got REALLY pissed off about it and they had a HUGE fight. Brad stayed anyway, and then finally came home. When he got home Charlotte had locked him out. He talked her into letting him in though.

A little later Charlotte went to go smoke and when she went out she heard him lock the door behind her. She was locked out! They kept fighting over the phone. While all of this was taking place Charlotte would call me about it and Brad would call my husband about it. We were seriously put in the middle.

The last straw was when Brad let Charlotte back in to get some stuff because he wanted her to go stay at my place. She went in there got her stuff and was leaving when he told her that if she left she wasn't going to be coming back. She asked him why he told her to leave and then changed it. He then informed her that she needed to find a lawyer. He also was telling their 2 year old little girl that she wasn't going to be seeing her mother for a long time! She called me upset so we went outside for a cigg.

While we were outside my husband came out and asked her what the fuck was wrong with them. Apparantly Brad had called him again. So Charlotte explained what he had said and Anthony (my husband) told us to put our cigarettes out that we were going inside to take care of this.

We went to their place and knocked on the door. Brad answered and said that he was trying to get the kids to bed. Anthony asked me to take over that and he took Brad and Charlotte outside to discuss everything. I managed to get them to sleep and was waiting when they came back in and said that everything was worked out. They thanked us for helping, and they've been getting along since.

Whew! Who needs soaps when you've got real life! As far as Grant, he's doing great! He's walking up a storm lately. Today he kept trying to say doggie. It was really cute! I'm off to bed. I'll update some more tomorrow!
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