fic: Blame It On The Henney Part 2

Jun 06, 2011 21:59

Title: Blame It On The Henney Part 2
Author: lovablelexie
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Lea/Dianna
Summary: Dianna left that morning needing some time to think. What happens when she comes home?
Disclaimer: This is a total piece of fiction, I own nothing and no one involved
Word Count: 3,330
A/N: Thank you to everyone who read and commented on the first part! Here is the sequel where I promise to make all the angst of the first part better!

Twelve missed calls and fifteen text messages bombarded Dianna’s cell phone when she turned the electronic back on approximately six hours after she left home. They were all from Lea and all in a progressive state of panic. There were three voicemails total and by the last one Lea was a blubbery mess, the only words Dianna could make out were “so sorry,” “come home,” and “love you.”

She wanted to go home, she really did, but she didn’t know what she would say to her girlfriend after she had up and disappeared. A few hours removed from the situation had helped clear Dianna’s head considerably but she was still a bit confused and hurt over everything. She couldn’t get the image of Lea and Jon naked and cuddling together out of her head but she knew she was just as responsible for the previous night’s activities as they were. She opened a new text message on her phone and typed to Lea, “I’m ok. Don’t worry.”

It was mere seconds before her text message ringer went off, signaling a reply. “R u coming home?”

Dianna sighed sadly as her thumbs typed out, “Idk.” There was so much more she wanted to say but instead she just hit send and powered off her phone once again.


Lea was a wreck. When she had woken up and disentangled herself from Jon’s arms and did not see Dianna, she assumed the blonde was upstairs showering and getting dressed. But when she went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee a glint of light caught her eye and that’s when she saw the ring and the note. Her stomach rolled violently as her brain processed that Dianna had left. And worse than that, she had left her ring. Their “forever” rings that never came off. Not for media events, photo shoots, or anything else that happened in their lives. She held the ring between her thumb and forefinger and brought it to her lips as the first sob escaped her body.

Jon ran into the kitchen upon hearing the noise. “Lee, what’s wrong?” She flung her arms around his neck and held on tight as sobs wracked her tiny frame. “D-di left,” she hiccupped. When her tears had subsided enough for her to speak normally she pulled away from Jon’s embrace and mumbled, “What the fuck did we do? She left. I can’t believe she just left. Oh my God, what if she doesn’t come back? What if I ruined the best relationship I’ve ever had?”

“She’ll come back,” Jon said reassuringly. “She loves you too much to leave for good.”

Lea sat down at the kitchen table and looked at her best friend with sad, glassy eyes. “But what if I lose you because of this? God, I really fucked up this time, didn’t I? There’s no way I’m coming out of this with both the love of my life and my best friend is there?”

“Don’t talk like that Lea. Dianna is having morning after regrets but she’s a reasonable person. I’m sure everything will work out just fine in the end.”

Lea sighed and covered her face with her hands. She sat silently like that for a few minutes until Jon asked, “Do you want me to leave? So I’m not here when she comes back?”

“I…I guess,” she replied, clearly conflicted. She did not want to be left alone yet she knew she should be the only one in the house if Dianna came home. “I’m sorry for ruining your trip out here,” she said sadly as Jon began gathering up his belongings.

“Don’t be silly,” he said. “Nothing is ruined. Keep me updated with what is going on and if you do have to distance yourself from me for awhile, I understand.”

“How are you always so calm about everything?” Lea was always in awe of Jon’s ability to let things roll right off his back and not get under his skin.

“Because if both of us were drama queens, nothing would ever get done.” Jon smiled and leaned down and gave Lea a light kiss on the forehead. “It’s going to be okay, trust me. Call or text me when you can.” And with that, he put the strap of his duffel bag over his shoulder and walked out the door, leaving Lea truly and utterly alone.


Dianna was halfway to San Francisco when she finally decided to turn the car around. She had thought a visit back home to see her mom would help things but when she couldn’t come up with a reason for why she was so upset (she certainly couldn’t tell her mom the truth) she knew turning around and going home to talk to Lea was the only solution. By the time she arrived at the townhouse, night had fallen and the house was pitch black. If not for the diva’s car sitting in the driveway Dianna would have assumed no one was home.

She cursed herself for leaving her key behind but luckily Lea had left her car doors unlocked and she always kept a spare house key in her glove box. Dianna grabbed the small silver key and quietly shut the car door and let herself into the house. She didn’t turn on any lights as she blindly made her way through the familiar layout of her home, dropping the key lightly in the bowl on the kitchen counter before heading up the stairs.

The bedroom door was slightly ajar and there was the tiniest bit of light shining through the crack. Dianna peeked through the opening and saw Lea lying facedown on the bed, her face buried in the pillow. For a second she thought the woman was sleeping but then she heard the faintest of sniffs and saw Lea’s shoulders shaking. The sight of her girlfriend crying broke Dianna’s heart so she pushed the door opened and whispered, “Lea?”

The brunette’s head shot up and she spun around on the bed to face Dianna. Lea’s eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were tear stained but when she spoke her voice was a monotone.

“You came back.”


An awkward silence filled the room as Lea and Dianna stared at each other, neither one sure of what to say. Finally overcome with emotion, Dianna sat on the foot of the bed and began to cry.

“Oh Di.” Lea crawled over to where the blonde sat and tentatively reached for her, her hand stopping right before it made contact with the taller girl’s shoulder. “Can I touch you?”

The hesitation in Lea’s voice and the fact that she even asked the question when they had always been so touchy-feely with one another made Dianna cry even harder. Lea did not know what to do so she just sat there, tears falling freely from her eyes. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to both women, Dianna flung herself at Lea and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl’s neck and cried into her hair. Lea’s arms kept Dianna in a tight embrace while she whispered “I’m sorry” over and over again.

“Don’t say that,” Dianna mumbled. A few strands of Lea’s hair were stuck to her lips but she didn’t bother to push them away. “I was right there with you last night but I was the one who panicked and ran. I knew it would kill you when you woke up and saw I was gone but I did it anyway.”

Lea gently cupped Dianna’s cheek, her thumb running over the defined cheekbone. “Tell me the truth. Are you afraid that I am going to leave you?”

Dianna was shocked by the brunette’s question. This was something they never talked about and she sighed deeply before answering. “A little.”

“But why? I love you so much. You know that right?”

“Of course I do. And don’t take this the wrong way but…you are so much more sexually adventurous than I am. Before last night, I never would have thought myself capable of being involved in a threesome and with a guy as the third person. I totally trust you Lea but I’m afraid that one day you will find someone better.”

Lea wiped a tear off her cheek as she said, “Baby you are perfect for me. I don’t want to be with anyone else and I never will. We screwed up last night but that doesn’t change what we have. Are…are we okay?”

Dianna slowly nodded her head. “Yeah. Last night might not have been our smartest moment and me leaving this morning wasn’t any better but we’ll be okay.”

Lea’s lips curved upward into a small smile. She leaned forward and her lips hesitantly hovered centimeters away from Dianna’s. The blonde closed the gap between them and pressed their lips together, her eyelids falling shut. The kiss was firm yet gentle as Lea wrapped a hand around the back of Dianna’s neck and the blonde tangled her fingers in Lea’s hair. She pressed her body tightly against the brunette’s as she opened her mouth and ran the tip of her tongue along Lea’s full bottom lip. The singer parted her lips further and swirled her tongue around her girlfriend’s, moaning quietly.

Dianna broke away from the kiss and rested her forehead against Lea’s. Her eyes were still wet with tears and she said shakily, “I love you.” Her hands stroked Lea’s soft hair and the brunette replied, “I love you too,” as her fingers moved down Dianna’s bare arms over the tops of her hands and linked with the blonde’s fingers. The tiny singer brought the conjoined hands up to her lips and, one by one, enclosed Dianna’s fingertips around her lips. When the last finger was released from Lea’s mouth, the blonde let out a shuddering breath.

“Not right now,” she said. Lea had begun to run her fingers over the tiniest bit of exposed skin of Dianna’s midriff and the blonde knew where that was going to lead and she didn’t think it was a good idea. Hurt flashed in Lea’s brown eyes at the words but as quickly as it had appeared it was gone. “Okay. It’s fine. Let’s just try and get some sleep.”

Dianna could hear the slight edge Lea’s voice had taken and she hated that it was because of her but she knew that now was not the right time to have sex. Her body wanted to, it had started to tingle when Lea had kissed her fingers, but her mind was telling her to wait. She had just walked back in the door after a very mentally draining day and she did not want to risk complicating things further.

She felt Lea’s gaze on her as she finally got out of the clothes she had been wearing since the previous morning and slipped into a black tank top and gray sweat shorts. When she made her way toward the bed Lea turned on her side so her back was facing her. Dianna got underneath the sheets and lay flat on her back staring at the ceiling.

“You aren’t even going to cuddle with me?” Lea asked after five long minutes of silence. Dianna could tell the diva was on the verge of tears and she wanted nothing more than to take her pain away.

“I didn’t know if you wanted me to,” Dianna said as she wrapped her left arm around Lea’s waist and rested her head in the crook of her shoulder.

“I’m not mad at you Di,” Lea said matter-of-factly. “I love you.”

Dianna curled her front tighter against her girlfriend’s back and kissed the top of her head. “Love you Lee. Sweet dreams baby,” she whispered as they both closed their eyes.


She was dreaming that she was in a bakery surrounded by pies and cupcakes when she first heard it. The soft moan did not fit in with her dream location so her subconscious kicked her out of it and she was suddenly awake. Her mind felt foggy and she wasn’t aware of any of her appendages. She remained in her daze of half asleep and half awake until she heard the same moan that had woken her up in the first place except this time it was louder.

Lea ground her ass into Dianna’s pelvis and moaned yet again. Finally Dianna was coherent enough to assess the situation and she realized her hand was cupping the brunette’s sex through her shorts. She could feel the dampness through the thin layer of cotton and went to move her hand away but Lea whimpered. “Please don’t stop.” There was a pleading tone to her voice that was so unlike Lea that Dianna knew she would not say no to her. Besides, now that her hand was where it was she had no intentions of moving it. She pressed the palm of her hand into Lea’s sex and the heel hit perfectly against the small bundle of nerves.

“Mmm,” Lea moaned, “more baby. I want to feel you.”

Dianna slipped her hand up the leg of the brunette’s black shorts and stroked the soft skin of her mound. She teased the outer lips almost lazily and it wasn’t until Lea bucked her hips against her hand that she let a single finger glide between the slit. Dianna continued her leisurely pace staying away from the wet entrance and only sporadically allowing her finger to go anywhere near the slowly hardening nub. Lea whimpered. “Please baby.”

“Please what?”

“Put your fingers inside me.”

“Kiss me first.”

The brunette turned in Dianna’s arms so they were facing each other. She closed her eyes as she leaned in and parted her full lips ever so slightly. Dianna hungrily captured Lea’s lips with her own, no longer caring that a few short hours ago she thought this was a bad idea. The second she woke up touching Lea she knew she both wanted and needed this. With her lips pressed firmly against the singer’s Dianna’s hand went back to work. She parted the now soaking wet folds and let two fingers enter Lea’s body. The brunette gasped and squirmed and rocked her hips, essentially fucking herself on Dianna’s fingers.

“Eager much?” Dianna smiled. The sensation of Lea moving up and down on her fingers was so incredible that she could feel herself getting wetter.

“Di…I…I thought,” Lea breathed. She didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence about how there were moments in the past twenty-four hours that she thought she might never experience this again. But the blonde knew.

“It’s okay baby. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere ever again. I’m all yours.” At the next downward motion of Lea’s hips she thrust her fingers hard, hitting that most perfect of spots. Lea let out a high-pitched cry and her right arm flailed around until it found the slats in the headboard and she gripped it tightly.

“Say it again,” she moaned as she gave herself up completely to Dianna’s movements.

“Yours. I’m all yours.” Dianna pushed a third finger inside of Lea’s tight sex and rubbed the firm bundle of nerves in circles with her thumb.

“Mine,” Lea growled possessively as her hand disappeared into the blonde’s shorts and stroked her outer lips briefly before parting them and rolling the firm bud with her index finger, drawing it out of its hood.

“Fuck Lea,” Dianna ground her teeth her jaw clenched tight. “Tell me your mine.” She shoved her fingers roughly inside and scissored them, flirting with the line between pleasure and pain like she had done the night before. “Tell me no one makes you feel as good as I do.”

Lea abruptly pushed two fingers inside of Dianna. She heard the blonde hiss and watched her back arch as she responded, “Of course. I’m yours. I’m addicted to you Di. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anybody. And I wasn’t lying when I said no one had ever fucked me as thoroughly as you have.”

“And no one but me will ever fuck you again,” Dianna said. Lea’s fingers had matched the rhythm of hers and they fucked each other hard and fast.

“Never again,” the brunette groaned as she bucked her hips into Dianna’s thrusts. She was nearing her release but she knew her girlfriend needed to hear this and she needed to say it. “Only you. Forever and always.”

Dianna let out a low moan of satisfaction and nuzzled her face into Lea’s neck while her thumb circled frantically around the singer’s clit. Lea began to pant and Dianna pressed her thumb down on the firm bud and that was it, the brunette’s body began to tremble and shake and she let out a long high-pitched cry of pleasure. Her fingers pumped erratically in and out of Dianna, desperate to bring the blonde to orgasm as well. Dianna’s hips swayed which caused her sensitive clit to rub against Lea’s palm. She kept up the motion as she felt the pleasurable prickle of her climax start deep within her core and spread throughout her entire body.

“Lea! Oh Lea, baby, yes!” she wailed. She clutched her girlfriend’s waist and a stray tear fell from her eye and dropped on Lea’s collarbone. “God Lea, I love you so much,” she murmured.

“I know. I love you too,” Lea responded. Her fingers stroked Dianna’s hair, as they were both content to lie there, Lea flat on her back with Dianna’s head resting on her chest. The diva was just about to drift off to sleep when she heard, “Do you have my ring?”

“Hhmm?” she mumbled, shaking her head to ward off the sleepiness.

“My ring. I left it with the note and I feel lost without it.”

Lea brought her right hand into Dianna’s line of vision and that’s when she noticed it. Instead of one ring, Lea was wearing both of them, the tiny diamonds shining prominently on her small hand. “I thought this was the safest place to keep it until you wanted it back.”

“I’ll never take it off again, I promise.”

Lea slipped the ring off her finger and took Dianna’s right hand in hers. The blonde jerked her hand away and Lea looked at her, confusion and hurt evident in her eyes.

“Not that hand,” Dianna said and she held out her left one instead. “This one.”

“Are-are you sure?” Lea asked. When Dianna had purchased the rings she had insisted that they wear them on their right hands. Since they were only supposed to be best friends as far as the public was concerned it would draw enough attention that they were wearing matching rings, there was no need for them to flaunt the diamonds on their wedding fingers.

“One hundred percent sure. I’m ready Lea. I want the world to know that we’re in love.”

Lea’s eyes welled with tears as she placed the tiny band on the fourth finger of Dianna’s left hand and then brought the hand to her lips and kissed the knuckles. Dianna then took Lea’s hand and moved the ring to her other hand. “Are you ready for this?” the blonde asked.

“I was born ready. I can’t wait to kiss you in public and not have to worry about hiding anymore.”

“Me either. But you know what you have to do first?”


“Call Jon and tell him. He’ll kill you if he isn’t the first to know that we are officially coming out.”

Lea smiled brightly and then kissed Dianna deeply. She was so happy that her girlfriend was finally ready to declare their love to the world and that she didn’t hold anything against Jon from the previous night. That morning she was worried that she had lost everything. But now she had everything she ever wanted.

achele, nc17, glee

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