fic: Seeing Double Part 6

Apr 10, 2011 22:16

Title: Seeing Double
Author: lovablelexie
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Lea/Rachel/Dianna
Summary: Rachel visits Lea in L.A. and Dianna comes over for the night
Disclaimer: This is a total piece of fiction, I own nothing and no one involved
Word Count: 4,868/17,494 total
A/N: Well I feel like this is my most anticipated update ever!! I hope this lives up to its expectations. As always, comments appreciated!

The New York City skyline disappeared underneath the clouds and Rachel was on her way to the west coast for the first time in her life. She had managed to get three straight days off from work and that had been no small feat; she would probably be working for two weeks straight once she got back. Oh the joys of being the star of a Broadway musical. But she wouldn’t change any of it; she would work for weeks and months on end in order to have the opportunity to visit Lea in Los Angeles.

When Lea had first mentioned she had a friend she wanted to introduce her to, Rachel did not know how to react. She didn’t want to share Lea with anybody and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to be intimate with another woman. But Lea had seemed so excited about the idea and over the course of the ensuing days she had talked about it to Rachel with such passion that the tiny singer began to consider the thought. By the time Rachel had secured the time off work and booked her flight she was looking forward to the experience almost as much as Lea.

Rachel had no idea who this other woman was or even what she looked liked. Lea had kept quiet or changed the subject whenever she began to ask questions. The only information she had was that the woman’s name was Dianna (“spelled with two n’s” Lea had stressed as if Rachel was going to write her a thank you note after.) She almost thought it was better this way, leaving Dianna a mystery. It definitely heightened the anticipation.

By the time the plane landed at LAX, Rachel’s legs were jittery with nerves. Her carry-on bag felt like a dead weight on her shoulder as she exited the plane and made her way through the terminal. Upon entering the baggage claim area she found Lea waiting for her. Her brown hair was up in a bun, she had large dark sunglasses covering her eyes and she was holding a Starbucks cup that appeared to be empty judging how she was shifting it from side to side with a flick of her wrist. When she caught sight of Rachel she smiled and lifted her sunglasses, perching them on the top of her head.

“Hey sweetie!” she said brightly as Rachel approached her. “I’m so glad you’re here! Three whole days, that’s the longest stretch of time we’ve ever had together!”

Rachel could practically feel the energy and enthusiasm radiating off of Lea. She was positively glowing. Seeing her in that state caused some of Rachel’s nervousness to dissipate but she could still feel the knot in her stomach.

“Are you hungry?” Lea asked once they had reached her tiny hybrid car. “There’s this amazing place right by my apartment.”

How can she be thinking of food at a time like this? Rachel thought. We’re going to be involved in a threesome in a few hours time. Then again, it might not be a bad idea, give my body some fuel for the night.

Rachel did not register any of her surroundings as Lea sped down the city streets. She stared blankly out the window wondering what it would be like to have two sets of hands on her body, two tongues driving her wild. Her body shook with a shiver that was partly from excitement but mostly from anxiousness.

After they stopped for food (Lea hadn’t been lying about the place being amazing, Rachel took one bite of her vegan wrap and realized how famished she was) and had settled into Lea’s apartment, Rachel felt her nervousness return full force. Even with only the two of them present, the reality of what they were about to do rested heavily on her mind. She sat down on the couch, her right foot resting underneath her left thigh as she watched Lea take a seat next to her, calm as could be.

“So,” she asked hoping her voice didn’t give away her apprehension, “when is Dianna supposed to arrive?”

“Should be pretty soon,” Lea replied, reaching up and undoing her bun, letting her brown locks fall free around her face. “She had one more scene to film when I left for the airport and then she was going to go to her place to get ready.”

“Oh, so she’s an actress too?” This was the first bit of information she had received about Dianna since Lea had told her her name.

“Yeah, she’s one of my co-workers. We were actually roommates up until about a month ago when the PR team for the show decided we were too close to be considered only best friends.”

Lea was so nonchalant in her response and Rachel felt a spark of jealousy. She knew she couldn’t feel this way, there was no room for emotions in what was about to take place but she had to know.

“Have you two done this before?” she asked, dreading the response.

“Nothing like this, no. We’ve had sex together but never with a third person. This is new territory for all of us.”

Rachel didn’t have time to think about how she felt about the fact that while she was in New York waiting for her next visit from Lea the brunette was fooling around with her former roommate, because there was a knock at the door. It was the moment of truth.

Lea practically skipped to the door and flung it open. “Hey lady,” she said, planting a more than friendly kiss on the girl’s lips.

Lea was mostly blocking Rachel’s view of the girl standing in the doorway but she could see that she was taller than both her and Lea and that she had blonde hair. Rachel began to stand up from the couch when Lea turned around and allowed Dianna to enter the room.

The singer froze halfway between a sitting and a standing position. She was looking at a woman who could very well be Quinn Fabray’s twin. She had not thought about the cheerleader, or the crush she had had on her during their Glee Club days, since the day she had left Lima for New York. It was better that way. Quinn had never shown any inkling that she would reciprocate her feelings and while they had struck up a friendship junior year it was one Rachel knew would not last past graduation. And now here she was about to have sex with a Quinn look a like. Life sure did work in mysterious ways.

“Hi, you must be Rachel. I’m Dianna. Lea has told me so much about you.” Her voice sounded like an angel’s and Rachel was instantly smitten. With just a glance and a few spoken words, she received the impression that Dianna was nothing like Quinn. She seemed more easy-going, more relaxed, and now that Rachel had the chance to really look at her; she was definitely prettier.

As if reading her mind Lea said, “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” as she ran a hand through Dianna’s golden hair, coming to rest on the taller girl’s shoulder.

Rachel could only nod in agreement as Lea stood on her tiptoes and peppered Dianna’s neck with sweet kisses. The young brunette felt a jolt of envy but this time she wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted Lea to be kissing her neck like that or because she wanted to be the one kissing Dianna.

“What do you say we move this to the bedroom and get more comfortable?” Lea asked, her eyes locked on Rachel as her fingertips trailed down Dianna’s arm and took her hand. She held out her free hand for Rachel to take and led the two women to her bedroom.

Lea’s bedroom was unusually dark; she had a thick black curtain covering the only window and instead of turning on the overhead bulbs the only source of light in the room was a small lamp in one corner that cast shadows on the walls. Her comforter and pillowcases were plain black; Rachel thought how odd it was that such a bubbly person would have such an ominous looking bedroom.

“I spend so little time in here these days. It’s nice to have somewhere that I can block out the world, you know?” Lea said, once again as if she could sense Rachel’s thoughts.

Dianna had made her way over to the bed and sat down. She looked even more angelic than before against all the black. Rachel was drawn to her and without even realizing it she had walked forward and sat down next to the blonde on the bed. She tentatively reached out and cupped Dianna’s cheek, rubbing her thumb over her cheekbone.

“You’re so pretty.” Rachel’s words were barely above a whisper. She leaned in slowly, closing her eyes and gently placing her lips against Dianna’s. The blonde’s lips were warm and oh so soft and Rachel knew she was hooked. The two women continued their slow and tender kisses neither one in a hurry to speed things along.

Rachel hardly noticed the slight dip in the mattress when Lea sat down next to her. She did, however, become aware of the diva pushing her hair to the side, which was no easy feat these days as it reached to midway down her back, and start kissing her neck. Lea’s teeth nipped at her neck, her tongue soothing the small bite marks. Rachel moaned into Dianna’s mouth as their tongues mingled together and Lea’s lips moved up her neck, wrapping around her earlobe.

Rachel felt so lucky to be in between such amazingly gorgeous women. Her body tingled and her senses were heightened as if she was on the most mind-blowing drugs imaginable and they were just getting started. The chemistry between Lea and Dianna was undeniable. They seemed so in tune with one another and that translated to their actions when they each grabbed a side of Rachel’s shirt and pulled it up and over her head.

Lea’s hands traced up and down the singer’s spine and Dianna kissed across her jaw line and down her neck to her collarbone, which she promptly licked. Rachel whimpered quietly, not sure what to do with her own hands but only because she wanted to touch everything. She settled on the first thing that was within her reach, Dianna’s shirt. She pushed the thin fabric up, the palms of her hands ran over warm skin and incredibly toned abs. Shirt removed, Rachel reached behind Dianna and unclasped her white lace bra with one hand and watched the blonde shrug it off.

Two pairs of chocolate brown eyes scanned Dianna’s upper half appreciatively. Rachel pounced first her small hands covering Dianna’s breasts, her thumbs tracing over her nipples. The blonde moaned as her nipples hardened under Rachel’s thumbs and she watched Lea push the girl’s bra straps down her shoulders before she unhooked the undergarment and tossed it on the floor. Rachel moved her head down and latched her mouth around one of Dianna’s hard pink nipples while she continued to roll the other one between her fingers.

“Lea, kiss me,” Dianna demanded as Rachel’s tongue circled her nipple. The diva inched closer to the taller girl and leaned in at a teasingly slow pace, her lips hovering centimeters above Dianna’s.

“Damn it Lea, kiss me,” the blonde grumbled. Lea connected their lips at the exact moment Rachel’s teeth grazed across Dianna’s nipple. She moaned deeply and grabbed two handfuls of dark brown hair. Lea and Rachel moaned simultaneously and Dianna had never felt more wanted. But something wasn’t quite right.

“Too many clothes,” she complained against Lea’s lips. She fumbled with the soft cotton of Lea’s shirt; Rachel’s head at her chest kept getting in her way, until the diva took matters into her own hands and pulled it off.
Fortunately, Lea did not stop with the shirt. She hopped off the bed and stripped herself completely, pleased when she saw Rachel turn her head to watch. The singer’s pupils were already blown, her cheeks were flushed pink, and now that she had broken away from Dianna’s breasts her breathing was erratic. Lea’s lips curved upward in a mischievous smile and she held out her hand.

“Come over here, gorgeous.”

Her words were directed toward Rachel and the brunette slithered off the bed and went to stand in front of the now nude woman. She placed her hands on Lea’s petite waist and licked her lips in the hopes that a spine-tingling kiss was to come. Instead, Lea tilted her head and looked over Rachel’s shoulder at the blonde who was still on the bed, sitting propped up on her elbows.

“You too, Lady Di,” the diva said knowing how much the blonde loved the nickname.

Dianna grinned broadly and made her way over to stand next to the look-a-likes. Lea snaked an arm around the back of the tall girl’s waist and pulled her close, making her hips bump against each girl’s side. Rachel wrapped an arm of her own around Dianna’s back so they were in an odd group hug.

Rachel didn’t know what the protocol was for this type of situation. She was turned on beyond belief but couldn’t stop thinking about where her hands should go and what body parts she wanted to put her lips on first. She was thankful that Lea seemed to have everything under control and knew exactly what to do. She leaned in toward Rachel and began to kiss her lips, somewhat off-center. Her intention became crystal clear within seconds when Dianna’s lips joined the kiss.

The young brunette, having been on Broadway for almost a year and therefore privy to the goings-on at cast parties, had seen several three-way kisses but she had never participated in one. It was a jumbled mess of lips and tongues, pushing and pulling against each other, no one quite sure where her mouth ended and the others began.

Lea was the first to pull away from both the kiss and the embrace. She ran her hands down Rachel’s body as she sank to her knees in front of the singer. Rachel continued to kiss Dianna and when she felt lithe fingers slip underneath her skirt and caress her inner thighs she moaned deeply, the sound reverberating in the blonde’s mouth. Lea took off the brunette’s skirt and panties with one firm tug, her fingers going directly back to the silky skin of Rachel’s thighs.

A huff of indignation came from Dianna; she was not pleased that she was the only one still wearing clothes. Lea shot her a reassuring glance from her position on her knees in front of Rachel at the same moment the other brunette unbuttoned Dianna’s pants with one hand. She could feel Lea’s warm breath on the crease of her thigh and her hands began to shake as she pushed Dianna’s pants down her hips revealing lacy white boy shorts. The blonde took over the rest of the way and kicked the pants off as Rachel dragged the delicate white fabric down and off Dianna’s body.

Lea moaned in approval, thrilled that both of her ladies were now devoid of all clothing. She moved her lips that had been lingering around Rachel’s sex and finally placed a kiss on her mound. Rachel sighed happily. She stroked Lea’s hair with one hand while with her other she played with the outer lips of Dianna’s pussy. She allowed her fingers to get used to touching another woman; Dianna’s skin felt more velvety than Lea’s and the soft blonde landing strip was a definite deviation from the diva’s waxed skin.

Rachel’s fingers dipped into Dianna’s folds and within seconds Lea’s tongue ran languidly up Rachel’s slit. The young singer gasped both at the sensation of Lea’s tongue on her and at Dianna’s wetness. She collected the juices on her fingers and couldn’t fight her body’s urge to taste; she lifted the digits to her mouth and licked. Dianna tasted so sweet, almost like honey. She wanted to taste more but for the time being, with Lea beginning to lick her quicker and faster, she was content with sinking her fingers back into the blonde’s warm heat.

“Rachel.” The name came out as a lustful moan from Dianna’s lips and the brunette crushed her own lips against the blonde’s. Her fingers made their way to Dianna’s entrance and hesitated, momentarily distracted by the sensation of Lea’s mouth wrapped around her clit, sucking on it softly.

A soft pleading whine from Dianna was enough to bring Rachel back to reality. She pushed a finger inside marveling at how wonderfully tight Dianna was around her. She promptly added a second finger enjoying the pleasurable sounds the blonde was making into her mouth as they continued to kiss. Rachel felt as she if she could go on like this forever with her fingers pushed deep inside Dianna and Lea in front of her eating her out. In fact, as her mind began to process exactly what they were doing, she felt a stirring in her abdomen. She tried to push the feeling aside; while she was sure tonight would result in more than one orgasm for her, she wanted to keep the initial one at bay for a little while longer.

All of a sudden, Dianna jerked her head away from her kiss with Rachel. Her normally hazel eyes had turned dark and her face was flush. She glanced down at Lea whose face was buried in Rachel’s sex and throatily whispered the diva’s name. Lea looked up at the blonde but did not pull her mouth away from Rachel, her tongue working vigorously.

“I want to taste her,” Dianna stated. There was no question in her voice, she knew what she wanted and she wanted it now.

Lea stood up. She was tempted to grab Dianna and kiss her but decided she would let the woman taste Rachel for the first time directly from the source.

Rachel went and lay down on the bed spreading her legs in invitation. Dianna’s mouth watered at the sight of the brunette splayed open. The tiny bud that was her clit was stiff and begging to be touched again. Dianna positioned herself on her knees in between Rachel’s thighs and took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of the girl’s arousal before diving in with her tongue. Rachel’s hips bucked, pushing her sex closer to Dianna’s mouth and her fists clenched around golden hair.

“God Rachel, you taste so good,” Dianna gasped before plunging her tongue back into the warm wet folds.

For a few moments, Lea just observed the scene in front of her. It was so sexy watching her two favorite girls but it also felt like an out-of-body experience; after all, Rachel resembled her so much it was as if she was watching herself with Dianna. Unconsciously her fingers trailed down her body and swiped along her slit. She moaned at her touch but it wasn’t enough.

Rachel’s head tossed back in pleasure while Dianna worked her magic looked so alluring and Lea wanted to be included, what kind of threesome would it be if she just watched? She joined the two women on the bed, straddling Rachel’s face. She lowered her hips until her dripping sex met the singer’s waiting tongue.

“Fuck,” Lea hissed. Rachel had gone right for her overly sensitive clit. She twirled her tongue around it, mimicking the exact motions she was feeling against her own bud from Dianna. Rachel felt like a transmitter; she would feel a jolt from Dianna’s tongue shoot through her body until her own mouth provided Lea with the same shock of pleasure.

The only sounds in the room for the next few minutes were soft moans and loud groans mixed with the slurping and lapping of tongues. Once again, Rachel felt a tightening low in her belly but this time she embraced it.

“Yes Dianna, I’m so close,” she cried against Lea’s pussy. She had a tight hold on the diva’s hips keeping her stationary against her mouth while Dianna’s tongue flicked her clit backward and forward.

“Yes, just like that. Don’t stop,” Rachel ordered. The repetitive action was exactly what the brunette needed. A surge of warmth spread throughout her body and her knees locked as rivulets of pleasure coursed through her entire being. She moaned loudly against Lea, the vibrations thrummed deliciously against her clit and Lea ground herself down on Rachel’s mouth to intensify the sensation.

When the brunette’s body began to twitch with aftershocks, Dianna pulled away and Lea reluctantly extracted herself from her perch. The blonde then pounced on the diva, the remnants of Rachel’s juices on each of their tongues mingling together. They gave the young woman time to recover while they kissed passionately.

Rachel’s heaving pants subsided and she watched Lea and Dianna with desire in her eyes. She had come apart under Dianna’s touch and now she wanted the blonde to scream her name. She whimpered with want.

Lea and Dianna broke away from their embrace. “Welcome back,” Dianna said with a smug grin on her face. “Are you ready for more?”

“I think the better question would be: are you ready for me?” Rachel asked, her tone somewhat haughty. She got up on her knees and lightly pushed Dianna’s shoulders, guiding her to lie down. Before she did anything she turned to Lea and asked, “Do you want to touch her with me?”

Lea gulped and nodded. Both brunettes ran their hands all over Dianna’s body, not leaving a single inch of skin untouched. The blonde sighed blissfully as four hands roamed her body making her react in brand new ways. While she was already worked up and turned on from everything that had happened prior, she really felt that if Rachel and Lea kept this up she could come from only their caresses.

“My sweet Di, always so sensitive,” Lea cooed as her fingers traced over a hard nipple.

The term of endearment did not go unnoticed by Rachel who was stroking Dianna’s pelvic bone. A spark of jealously flashed across her eyes and she reacted on instinct leaning over and kissing the diva with all the passion she had. And Rachel Berry had always been full of passion. Her fingers continued to dance across Dianna’s fair skin, moving to tease her clit before allowing one to slip inside.

“More,” Dianna demanded instantly. Her eyes were closed and Rachel took the opportunity to do some scheming. She glanced at Lea, her eyebrows rose in an unspoken request, and the brunette nodded in understanding.

“Holy shit!” Dianna’s eyes flew open; needing visual confirmation of what she was certain was happening between her legs. Sure enough, Rachel still had a finger inside of her but her request for more had been answered by Lea, who now also had a finger buried deep within her. She groaned and flung her head back against the pillow. She once again closed her eyes and let her body focus solely on the different fingers that were making her feel incredible.

Rachel and Lea soon found a matching rhythm and they fucked Dianna without any reservations. “Add another finger,” Lea told the singer. “Di loves being fucked hard with three fingers.” Rachel followed the brunette’s advice and felt the blonde’s walls stretch to make room for the addition.

It was a surreal experience for Dianna to feel something so familiar yet knowing that it was two separate people who were fingering her pussy so roughly, just the way she liked it. Even with her eyes closed, she noticed the slight difference between Lea and Rachel. Lea may have had only a single finger inside her but she took the lead role. She would curl or twist her finger and Rachel would follow suit with the two of hers. The copied motions were driving Dianna wild, it felt so good when Lea would do it the first time but when Rachel did it right after, it felt as if her body couldn’t take all the pleasure. She gave voice to her emotions with wails and moans and occasional utterances of “Fuck,” and “Yes.”

Lea whimpered at the sight and sounds of Dianna and ground her hips down on the mattress; trying to generate some much needed friction. Upon seeing this Rachel said, “Let me help you baby. I want to make both of you come.” She reached across Dianna’s thighs with her free hand and waited for Lea to shift her body so her fingers could reach between her legs. It was a slightly awkward position with her arms crossed in front of her but it was not uncomfortable and did not impede her ability to thrust into Dianna.

Rachel’s fingers stroked Lea’s firm bundle of nerves briefly until they ventured to their intended target and pushed inside. Having both women wrapped so warm and tightly around her was the single most erotic moment of Rachel’s life and since Lea had entered her life she had no shortage of erotic moments. She pumped her fingers with an intensity that up until this instant she didn’t even know she had, reveling in the sounds that both Lea and Dianna were making. The brunette’s moans were low and throaty while the blonde’s were high-pitched and squeaky. When they each moaned her name, one right after the other, Rachel felt drunk with power. She had both of them at her mercy and she knew it. She straddled Dianna’s left leg and ground her sex into the soft skin needing that connection.

“Fuck, I’m so close,” Dianna gasped out. Her head was tilted back, her golden locks lying haphazardly all over the black pillowcase. She began to thrash about, her hands finding Lea’s hair and tugging her close until their lips met in a deep kiss. Dianna’s hips bucked wildly against Rachel’s hand causing her clit to rub against the singer’s palm. “Oh Rachel, yes!” she wailed as her back arched and she pushed herself roughly down on Rachel’s fingers trying to enhance her orgasm. It worked. At the height of her pleasure when her eyes clamped shut she swore
she saw stars.

As Dianna came undone Rachel’s fingers reflexively pumped harder into Lea. She was hyperaware of the diva’s panting breaths and knew she was nearing her release as well. Being so familiar with Lea’s body, Rachel brushed her thumb over the small nub. Two up and down rubs followed by a tight circle and Lea was done for. She screamed in delight while her body trembled. In the midst of her orgasm her left arm shot off to the side as if searching for something. She found Rachel’s clit hard and peeking out of its hood while the brunette continued to grind against Dianna’s thigh. She rubbed the bud in fast circles until Rachel climaxed for the second time.

Panting with beads of sweat dotting her forehead, Rachel’s eyelids suddenly felt like lead weights and she struggled to keep them open. Lea lightly kissed the brunette’s brow and said, “Go ahead and rest baby.”

Rachel slumped off of Dianna’s thigh and closed her eyes the second her head hit the pillow. Within minutes her breathing had evened out and she was asleep.

Dianna smiled sheepishly at Lea and got off the bed, sifting through the piles of clothes on the floor looking for her own. She quickly got dressed while Lea threw on a tiny pair of shorts and a tank top. She followed Dianna out into the living room, quietly closing the bedroom door behind her.

“Thank you so much for coming over tonight,” Lea said before kissing Dianna’s lips gently. “I take it you enjoyed yourself?”

“Very much so,” the blonde replied. The smile that played across her lips, however, did not reach all the way to her eyes.

“Is something wrong?”

“She’s in love with you,” Dianna said plainly. “Didn’t you notice that whenever you paid special attention to me her eyes would flare with jealousy? You need to be careful, Lea, I think you are headed down a dangerous road with her. I’m not saying you can’t have fun with her but you need to tell her what the situation is before you break another heart.”

Lea sighed. She hated that Dianna was so perceptive and had pointed out the one aspect of her relationship with Rachel that she was trying to deny. She liked the young brunette, sure, but it had become noticeable to her lately that Rachel’s feelings for her were stronger than a friend with benefits relationship. She did not want to hurt her but she did not want to ruin what they had. So she said good bye to Dianna and went back to the bedroom, laying down and wrapping her arm around the sleeping singer.

Until Rachel voiced her feelings or asked her to reciprocate, Lea would continue to act as if nothing between them had changed.

acheleberry, nc17, glee

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