fic: Seeing Double Part 5

Mar 25, 2011 00:38

Title: Seeing Double
Author: lovablelexie
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Lea/Rachel
Summary: Lea comes to visit Rachel in NYC for the night
WARNING: This chapter contains anal. More so than in part 3. If that bothers you, don't read.
Disclaimer: This is a total piece of fiction, I own nothing and no one involved
Word Count: 3,042/12,624 total
A/N: Our two favorite (or single favorite??) girls are back! Comments appreciated as always!

Six weeks went by with Lea and Rachel exchanging naughty text messages and the occasional steamy nighttime chat. It was getting to the point that Rachel was finding it difficult to sleep unless she touched herself to temporarily relieve the constant ache between her legs. She craved the touch of another person. She indulged in drunken make-out sessions during cast parties, but it wasn’t enough; however, she couldn’t make herself go further unless it was with Lea.

Rachel thought she might be falling for the brunette. She was surprised that was even possible. Sure the sex was phenomenal but that’s all they did. Lately they had been making small conversation either before or after they engaged in phone sex but did that mean they knew anything about each other?

Lea had informed Rachel that she would be able to make it to New York the following Saturday but she would have to fly back to L.A. Sunday afternoon. Rachel’s heart swelled when she heard that, Lea was traveling across the country to see her for one night. Again. The actress had done the same thing for Rachel’s opening night on Broadway. Rachel was grateful that Saturday was an off night for Spring Awakening, she had yet to miss a performance and she didn’t plan on ever missing one.

Saturday afternoon, Rachel went shopping for some accessories to use that night. She spent an inordinate amount of time at the adult novelty store, pondering over which toy to get. She took a gamble on her final decision, not knowing if she and Lea would use it but at least she would have it if the opportunity arose.

After Lea texted her saying that her plane had landed and she would get a taxi and be at her apartment shortly, Rachel fiddled around the apartment, not sure what to do. She had debated over what to wear ultimately deciding on a short black skirt and a white shirt with a plunging neckline. It was a throwback to her high school wardrobe but much sexier.

When her intercom buzzed, Rachel’s stomach fluttered with anticipation. She pressed the speaker button with trembling fingers, saying in what she hoped was a seductive voice, “Come on up.”

It felt like an eternity from the time she buzzed Lea in until she heard the knock on her fourth floor apartment door. She opened the door in a hurry, her eyes happily taking in the sight of Lea in her black boots, skintight jeans, and gray knitted sweater.

“Hi,” Rachel said sweetly, a wide smile on her face as her eyes sparkled. She stepped back from the door, allowing Lea to enter the apartment.

“Hi,” Lea said as well once the door was closed behind her.

“Would you like a drink? I have wine.”

“I’d love some,” Lea said with a smile. “I had a rough flight and a glass of wine sounds great.”

Rachel walked over to the kitchenette and poured two glasses of red wine. Lea came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist. Rachel felt the brunette’s warm lips on her neck and she leaned back into Lea, moaning softly.

Reaching over to the counter, Lea grabbed a glass and brought it to her lips, taking a sip. Rachel groaned at the loss of contact but Lea just smirked around the rim of the wine glass.

“Let’s not rush. We have all night.”

Both women took a seat on the couch in the living room, their legs pressed close together. Lea rested her free hand on Rachel’s knee, her fingertips tracing the smooth skin.

“I really have missed you,” Rachel said staring into Lea’s eyes.

Lea remained quiet but her hand began to move up Rachel’s leg to her thigh, leaving a trail of goose bumps in her wake.

“Have you actually missed me or just my touch?” the diva asked sardonically.

“Both,” Rachel said, letting out a small gasp when Lea’s hand disappeared under her skirt. “I like being with you, even if we aren’t touching each other.”

“But the touching sure is fun,” Lea responded. She set her wine glass on the table and leaned in to nibble on Rachel’s earlobe. She licked around the shell of the girl’s ear, feeling her shudder.

“God Rachel, you are like putty in my hands. I bet you are already wet and aching for me.”

To prove her point, her fingertips went inside Rachel’s panties and slid around her folds, collecting her juices. She pulled her fingers out and held them dangerously close to Rachel’s lips.

“Look how much you want me,” Lea said throatily. “I’ve hardly touched you and you’re drenched.”

She ran her wet fingers over Rachel’s full lips, watching the singer’s tongue peek out and draw the digits into her mouth sucking off her own juices, a quiet moan escaping her.

“Tell me what you want.” Lea’s eyelids were hooded, her pupils black with desire. Her fingers ran up and down the sleek tan skin of Rachel’s thighs. She loved the effect she had on the younger girl, watching a deep flush appear high on her cheekbones. She had a certain power over her and Lea craved that control and influence. It was a necessary ingredient in almost all of her relationships, both professional and private.

“Tell me Rachel. I want to hear you say it.”

Rachel closed her eyes. She inhaled deeply, letting the breath out slowly. Her eyes flickered open and locked on Lea’s. “I want you to fuck me. I need you.”

Fingertips still dancing along the singer’s thighs and moving upward at a tantalizingly slow pace, Lea’s response came out in a sultry tone. “How do you want me to fuck you? With my fingers or with my tongue?”

Rachel groaned at Lea’s words and tilted her head back, her neck supported by the back of the couch. “Can I have both?” she asked coyly.

“Yes,” Lea replied but quickly added, “but not in the same hole.”

Rachel gasped, her eyes wide with a deer caught in the headlights expression on her face.

“So what’s it going to be?” Lea asked devilishly. “Which do you want in your pussy and which in your ass?”

The options raced through Rachel’s mind and none of them sounded unpleasant. She ultimately decided on the more conventional choice, for the moment at least.

“I want your tongue in my pussy. And your fingers in my ass.”

“Mmm,” Lea moaned. She leaned in and captured Rachel’s lips in a deep kiss. Her tongue never hesitated, parting the girl’s plump lips and pressing against Rachel’s warm tongue. Their tongues dueled for dominance, hands slipping under shirts to touch bare skin.

In a flurry, tops and bras were left discarded on the floor. Rachel’s hands worked quickly at the button on Lea’s jeans, pulling the skin-tight denim down the diva’s legs as Lea kicked her boots off. Rachel groaned in appreciation when she saw that Lea had chosen to forgo wearing underwear.

“Fuck, Lea,” Rachel hissed, her stare locked on the brunette’s bare mound.

“I figured why bother? One less piece of clothing to litter your floor with.”

Lea’s eyes glinted mischievously as she slid off the couch, resting on her knees in front of Rachel. Rachel let out a squeak of surprise when Lea grasped the back of her thighs and pulled her close so that her bottom half was completely off the couch.

Lea ripped the tiny red thong off Rachel’s body and let the now destroyed material fall forgotten on the floor. She placed soft open-mouthed kisses on Rachel’s inner thighs, feeling her body quiver under her ministrations. She gradually moved her kisses upward getting closer and closer to Rachel’s aching center. Lea could smell the girl’s arousal and suddenly couldn’t wait to have those juices on her tongue.

Rachel gasped in delight when Lea’s tongue stroked her sex, her hands grasping onto the diva’s dark brown hair. She wrapped her legs around Lea’s body so that her heels came to rest in the middle of the other girl’s back.
Lea’s tongue moved lower nudging at Rachel’s entrance before pushing inside. She fucked Rachel’s pussy with her tongue feeling her walls tighten and release around her. In addition to her tongue, her nose was rubbing against Rachel’s clit giving the girl extra pleasure. As her tongue moved in and out, Lea brought her right hand down to her own dripping sex. She gathered her wetness on her fingers and ran her index finger along the crack of Rachel’s ass, pleased when the singer let out a mixture of a gasp and a moan.

She pushed the younger girl’s thighs back so her knees were up near her chest and her feet were resting between Lea’s shoulder blades. This new angle allowed the brunette to sink her tongue further into Rachel and gave her better access to the tiny puckered opening that her fingers were dying to play with.

Rachel groaned and pressed her heels heavily into Lea’s shoulders when the actress’s finger applied pressure to her hole. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before but she was fairly certain she liked it. When the tip entered, she moaned loudly. Yes, she definitely liked it.

“God, Lea! More!” Rachel’s hands tugged at Lea’s hair. She had been desperate for Lea’s touch many times since whatever this relationship of theirs was began, but never so desperate as in this moment. She felt if Lea didn’t fill her completely she would spontaneously combust here and now, ceasing to exist.

Thankfully, Lea did not prolong the wait. Her finger slid deeper into the tight hole, the muscles stretching and pulling to the new, but not unwelcome, addition. Rachel let out short moan filled breaths as, centimeter by centimeter; Lea’s finger disappeared inside of her. When the digit was fully inserted, the singer exhaled deeply. Her entire body relaxed with that one breath.

“Do you like that?” Lea pulled her tongue away from Rachel’s sex only long enough to ask before diving back in.

“Yessss,” Rachel hissed as Lea began to pump her finger in and out of the tight hole, matching the rhythm of her tongue. “Fuck, it feels so good!”

Rachel gave herself over to the sensations running rampant through her body. She had never felt so full before, so flooded with bliss. Before, she had never even thought about any kind of double penetration but Lea had opened up her mind to all sorts of sexual activities.

“Oh fuck!” Rachel screamed after a particularly hard thrust of Lea’s finger. “Yes, Lea! Fuck me baby! Just like that!”

Lea kept her movements steady with Rachel moaning after every shove of the brunette’s finger and tongue. Suddenly, Lea twisted her finger in the tight hole and wrapped her mouth around Rachel’s hardened clit, sucking it lightly.

“Holy fuck! Lea!” The diva’s name turned into a wail as Rachel’s body shook with the force of her pleasure. She was in the throes of the best orgasm she had ever had by far; she could feel it coursing through her entire body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Even when the first wave of it was complete, her body continued to tremble with aftershocks.

“You okay there?” Lea asked smirking. She pulled away from Rachel and sat down on the coffee table, watching as the younger brunette lowered her shaky legs to the floor.

“Yes,” Rachel huffed. “That was so intense, I don’t think I can move.” After a moment’s pause she added, “Although I am a little saddened by the fact that we didn’t get to experience the toy I picked up today.”

At those words, Lea’s eyes glimmered with naughtiness. “What is it? Show me.” She sounded as giddy as a child at Christmas.

Rachel found that her legs actually did still work and she stood up, holding out her hand for Lea to take. Wordlessly she led the actress to her bedroom, with a minor pit stop to the bathroom so Lea could wash her hands, and opened up her bottom nightstand drawer. Without any sort of shyness she promptly pulled out a string of anal beads. They were pink and tiny and clearly for beginners but the sight of them in Rachel’s tiny hand took Lea’s breath away.

“My God, Rachel, you’re a kinky little thing aren’t you?” Lea’s voice had dropped an octave coming out low and raspy.

“Well I wasn’t quite expecting you to use your finger right in the middle of my living room. And while that was more than satisfactory I just thought I should be prepared for any sexual activities that may have occurred.”

Rachel leaned over, as if to put the beads back in the drawer but Lea stopped her by saying, “What are you doing?”

“Putting them away. They aren’t going to be used tonight anyway.”

“Like hell they aren’t,” Lea exclaimed. “Use them on me while you fuck me.”

Rachel stood stock still as she stared at Lea. When she had purchased the beads she had assumed Lea would use them on her. The thought of her using them on Lea had never crossed her mind and now that the diva had voiced the idea she felt herself getting turned on all over again.

“So what do you say?” Lea asked.

“Lie down.” Rachel was surprised at the gravelly tone of her voice but was pleased to see Lea’s eyes flicker in anticipation as she obeyed the command.

Rachel ran the fingers of her left hand seductively down Lea’s body while her other hand reached back into her bottom drawer and retrieved a small bottle of lubricant. She carefully applied the liquid to the beads, all the while her left hand continued to touch Lea in some way. When her hand reached the apex of the brunette’s thighs she was greeted by warm wetness.

“Don’t tease me Rachel,” Lea said determinedly but the singer could definitely hear pleading in her voice as well.

Nonetheless, Rachel played with Lea’s clit for a few moments, rolling it in wide circles. The diva groaned pleasurably but her eyes looked dark and mutinous. She did not like waiting for what she wanted and what Rachel was putting her through was pure sweet torture.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Lea felt the first bead at her back entrance. Rachel pushed it in slowly while her thumb continued to rub over the small bundle of nerves. The rest of the beads went in fairly easily with Lea moaning as each one crossed the threshold and entered her body.

Rachel watched entranced at what she was doing to Lea. The brunette seemed to be enjoying herself immensely and Rachel knew it wouldn’t take long to send her over the edge.

She persisted with her thumb movements on the tiny bud but brought her index and middle fingers to Lea’s wet opening. She pushed them in hurriedly, the exact opposite of how she had pushed in the beads.

“Oh my God!” Lea cried out. “This feels fucking amazing.”

Rachel moved her fingers furiously and couldn’t help but lean over and fuse her lips with Lea’s. She kissed the girl almost as frantically as she was fucking her; she was filled with a need to feel as much of Lea as possible and she was going to satisfy that need.

Breaking away from the frenzied kiss, Lea whispered into the singer’s ear; “Rachel, when I’m about to come pull the beads out.”

“O-okay,” Rachel mumbled. She focused on how Lea felt wrapped around her fingers, all tight and warm and wet, and how her lips felt against hers, soft and sensual.

Lea’s moans were becoming louder and more frequent and Rachel could feel her inner walls fluttering. Following an impulse, she tugged on the ring jutting out of Lea’s backside and was rewarded with a screech of approval from the actress’s lips.

“Fuckkk,” Lea wailed, her hands reaching for anything to grasp onto and found Rachel’s hips. Her own hips bucked of their own accord, matching the thrust of Rachel’s fingers. Her movements heightened the sensation of the beads inside her and she knew her release was very close.

“Rachel,” she panted, “Rachel…now!”

The brunette hooked her finger into the small ring and began to pull.

“Holy fucking shit! Yes Rachel! I’m coming!” Lea’s words turned into unintelligible screams of delight. She had a tight grip on the younger girl’s hips as her body trembled.

When she started to calm down she wrapped her arms around Rachel’s waist and pulled the singer into a warm embrace. Rachel rested her head on Lea’s chest, content to have the diva run her fingers through her hair.

“Your heart’s racing,” Rachel said softly, listening to the strong muscle beating beneath her ear.

Lea didn’t respond. She simply continued to play with Rachel’s silky brown tresses and focused on her breathing.

“Lea?” Rachel asked. She wasn’t sure why she was about to broach the subject now but she was so comfortable wrapped up in her arms that she figured now was as good a time as any. “What exactly are we?”

Lea sighed before responding. “Do we have to put a label on it? I think you’re great but we live such separate lives. Can’t we just be happy with what we have without trying to define it?”

Rachel was a little disappointed with the answer but it was what she expected. Lea was a free spirit and they did live on opposite sides of the country. It would be selfish of Rachel to try and tie her down. “No, I understand. I just thought I’d ask.”

“Sweetie, I don’t want anything to change between us. I love being with you and introducing you to new sexual experiences. In fact, I was going to wait to ask you this but…”

“What is it?” Rachel asked her curiosity piqued. She shoved all of her emotional feelings to the back of her mind, she was now solely focused on whatever sexual escapade Lea had up her sleeve.

“Well if you can ever make it out to L.A. I have this friend…”

nc17, glee

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