My Immune system is kicking my ass

Jun 22, 2007 14:37

I swear to God, I'm going to have to rip these damn tonsils out... I'm always getting freakin' sick.

Ever since the car accident of '04-'05 I haven't gone 4 months without haveing some sort of cold, flue, ear infection, or strep.

This week is an ear effection with a side of nasal congestion, YAY!

I feel like I'm caughing up my entire insides and my head is about to exsplode... what I want to know is.... who the hell got me sick?!!! >.< *under my breath* bastards.

In other news... Summer A is over... I have one makeup test on monday since I was out sick thursday...

My internship has been going well. I mean I haven't been there in like three weeks:

1st week: car problems
2nd week: school issues
3rd week: sick

I swear this month could not go more worng for me than it already has.

When they need me I run the show for Menopause, which I love doing, despite the fact that the actresses are a bunch of old bitter bitties, who don't have the decency to talk about me to my face. I'm sorry, but if you have a problem with how I run the show, tell me, and I'll fix it, otherwise can-it!

This summmer just really blows.

summer classes
Rascal dying
car acting up
stress from Theatre history
and now me being sick

What else could I possibly add to that list?
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