Jan 04, 2010 23:05
Pretty low key New Year's which was fine by me. Played some Dominion & Rock band up at Knox's with Wes, Gnome, Cordy & Gunn. We didn't even watch the ball drop as we were too busy rockin'. Unfortunately I was playing like poo for some reason, I think all the late nights finally caught up with me. Because I played like crap and I got drunk on 1 & 1/2 white Russians - and that's what eating food too.
Of course that did not stop us from staying up until past 3am!
I hung out with Knox on Friday (I'll get to that in a moment) and then I got dropped off by him at Cordy's on Saturday (making the rounds I was). The plan was to do some clothes shopping. It's been quite a while since I've really done any and I'm in the need of some big girl clothes and someone with the patience and skill to help me shop for them. Cordy of course is more than up to this task. I spend 6 hours power shopping with her, Gnome & Tara. I got a lot done but unbelievably I still need to get a few more things as I just wasn't up to it all - I was feeling a bit off.
That leads to the conversation when Knox dropped me off:
Knox: *referring to Cordy about me* Have fun shopping but be careful with her she's got a bum wheel.
Cordy: What happened to her?
Me: I hurt so much. He made me do things! Things I didn't like!
Cordy: *raising eyebrows* What?
Knox: *smirking* It wasn't anything she didn't want!
Cordy: *to me* Oh my god! What did he do to you!??!
Me: *scared* He made me EXERCISE! There were these evil things called lunges.....
Seriously though remember when I said I really need to start exercising more? Well I need some things I can do around the house so I figure who better to ask about such a thing than someone who actually goes pretty damn regularly to the gym for a routine? Unfortunately either I over did it that first day or I'm just that much out of shape because I am limping around like mad saying "ouch" under my breath. My left leg is SO SORE! Well my right is a little too, but compared to my left it's a piece of cake.
I did the routine again on Sunday and I'm still rather hurty and limping around. I'm hoping that by the end of the week it will hurt less (and my limping will be gone).
In general I've been feeling out of shape and spending 3 days in a row eating at my folks house last week did nothing to improve that. I still need to shop for jeans because that Saturday I still felt huge & bloaty and decided that maybe it's best if I wait a week or two before I buy any pants..
not being lazy,
rock band,